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About meankney

  • Birthday 11/01/1987

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  • Application Season
    Not Applicable
  • Program
    Igneous petrology & high-T geochemistry

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  1. Defended my PhD in December--officially on the job market, now!

  2. My qualifying exam is in a week. I have officially entered extreme freak-out mode.

    1. Bumblebee


      Good luck! I have my oral defense on Friday and I know what it feels. As my brother says: justice, not luck!

  3. It is super frustrating that there is little to no information available online beyond reading the IRS documents, which are incredibly confusing for me. In addition, my school states that they are unable to provide any tax information to students (a liability thing, maybe?). Thanks for the additional info, juilletmercredi. I've been setting aside $500 a month (20%) of my fellowship per month, as well, so it's comforting to know that someone else thinks that this amount will likely cover both state and federal taxes when the time comes.
  4. Hi all, I was notified that I received an NSF fellowship in April of this year (after I filed my taxes) and did not start receiving my fellowship money until July. I know that I will have to pay taxes on my fellowship, but I am totally mixed up about estimated taxes. I've looked at a lot of the IRS publications online, but I'm still confused! I've heard from several sources that the IRS will let you get away with not paying estimated taxes for your first year (in this case, the 2011 tax year), but that starting April 15, 2012, I will have to start making estimated tax payments. Is this true? Can anyone who's further along in their NSF fellowship shed some light on this for me? Also, how much total did you end up paying in taxes on your fellowship (state and federal)? Are there estimated tax payments for your state, too? Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't want to end up not saving enough/paying a bunch of penalties for being so clueless!
  5. There are many elements that they consider when they review applications. I would say that GPA is the least of them. The most important things are involvement in research and the strength of your proposal/statements. You should definitely still apply!
  6. Master of Science: Check. Ph.D.: Here we go!

  7. Defending my Master's thesis in about 10 minutes. So nervous and can't wait to get this over with!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cliopatra


      yes yes how did it go? :)

    3. Neuronista


      hope it went well!

    4. meankney


      It went really well! Got my thesis turned in a few days after and now I'm officially a Master of Science!

  8. THESIS.

    1. Zouzax


      oooh the dreaded word

  9. I'm curious about this, too. Can anyone use this or did you have to say something about it on your application? What can it be used for?
  10. I keep coming back too for the same reason.
  11. I'm a second year grad student and got an award with VG/VG, E/E, and VG/VG. I thought my reviews were helpful overall in terms of what gave me a VG vs. an E. For example, one mentioned that I didn't have enough presentations/publications to be at the same level as other second year grad students, which is something I expected them to mention.
  12. I thought I might be rejected, too, because I have yet to publish and I'm in my second year of grad school.
  13. For everyone in this situation: I had the same result last year, and this year I got a fellowship. Don't give up and don't forget the pages and pages of posts here that speak to how arbitrary this process can be. I would say the thing that helped me improve the most was attending an NSF workshop at my school about applying for the GRFP. They gave out packets with examples of winning essays and had a lot of great advice.
  14. Great news two days in a row! I can hardly believe it, but I got an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

  15. I GOT IT! Last year: zilch; this year: FELLOWSHIP! Saw my official acceptance letter when I logged in. Cannot believe it!
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