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Everything posted by Dr.EJM

  1. As we all wait for an updated word on your acceptances, I'll give you all an update on my avoidance. I stopped avoiding and wrote my midterm papers. (one is done, the other is at 80% but I still have a few days) Fingers crossed the next update is good news from one of you and not me rambling about how I wrote something!
  2. I'm probably happier that you all are here! it has been a lonely place for us DSW's
  3. The single biggest thing I can say is to enjoy the journey. Don't stress too much about GPA, it can be hard to separate that stress from how much you have learned and how well you have done. Try not to over prioritize little nitpicked things that take away from your overall experience. Your peers are probably going to be the best reference regarding professors. If it's feeling like a lot, taking classes over the summer can be a great way to destress the following year. Take a deep breath and look at yourself and figure out how much you are up for, because generally we are up for more than we will give credit when we are doubting things. Remember you applied for a reason and the school has deemed you worthy! Congratulations!
  4. Congratulations! You probably didn't miss out on much for not getting into negotiations, and if you want I am not aware of anything saying that you won't be able to ask about a better package now anyhow.
  5. Going on the idea that Tufts is your first choice I 100% agree. and congratulations @ajak568!
  6. I think when 2020 started they had their largest cohort at something near 60 students (max capacity). that number has gone down drastically over time though. I think we have lost 1/3 or more.
  7. That's the same thing I thought I wanted, its been strange to be in a somewhat larger cohort where there are probably still people I have yet to meet. bonus to it though, I'm not stuck with someone for the next number of years where I have some friends in PhD programs who don't like 3 people in their program and there are only 7. ?
  8. yeah it is! now if only my homework was done.. or I was at least doing it instead of being on here. so much more exciting to be chatting in the slowest moving conversation then doing lit reviews and creating presentations. especially when you all start getting in!
  9. love the name! SWagain is how I'm feeling ?
  10. sounds wise, but I'll keep going with you're going to get in until you tell me I need to stop ✌️?
  11. You did a much better job looking at programs than I did. I looked at maybe 5 but only ever focused on UPenn, NYU and USC. Probably won't have changed anything anyhow, but every time I read someone is looking at a program I didn't look into I wonder for a minute if I should have. ?
  12. Hi Goobah! welcome to the thread, we can avoid homework together until the others join us I'm excited to see how the DSW plays out long term too. I feel like we are all going to be ahead of the game when people start catching up. I do hope it is not a saturated market down the road though. although if most programs are 10ish people I guess that would have a hard time happening.
  13. I didn't come into my program thinking I would focus too much of my work on stigma, but it's so impossible to have a good change in someones life or build a solid program without it being a key component of it. Glad you're working on it! Do you already have your angle on addressing stigma? Let us know how your interview goes!! We are cheering for you!
  14. This is one of the ongoing conversations that is in need of action but everyone I have talked to says it is riddled with complications. I have a friend who is big on SW unionization, I'll see if I can find some of the work they have pulled together and if they will let me share it here. On the very front end of clinical tracked social workers unionization would be hugely beneficial for recent grads who get stuck in fee-for-service jobs with no benefits and are taxed as self employed with few write offs. In my mind it only grows from there.
  15. oh! how cool, if you did I missed it. do we do the whole fight on ✌️ thing here? How did you like it? I appreciate the strong candidate concept! I'm guessing the very small cohort UPenn's DSW has makes it something that they interview everyone so you two strong candidates here are rocking it!
  16. YEAH!!! Well done and congratulations!! ? Thats fantastic to hear!
  17. Congratulations! That is fantastic to hear. I unfortunately do not have any info to share on the interview process as I somehow didn't have one. I'm sure you will do well though! And what a fantastic school! Keep us posted!!!
  18. what is the date you are supposed to hear back by?
  19. Just USC. I was going to add Penn and NYU the following year if I didn't get in
  20. If you see this or not, I hope you are still at it and have good news coming to you soon!
  21. Hey! the thread made a second page!
  22. I'll bet the chatter starts just after we are all done with our programs and as we log on to celebrate our graduations the first wave of big DSW threads will be springing up! We will be the old sage's of the DSWGradCafe world and will think back to when we were young and excited to start into the final educational chapters of our lives (unless anyone wants even more education), smile at them and be bitter that we didn't have all the community they will have when we started! It's good. I don't know my favorite really, I have liked Leading Public Discourse a lot. I've been doing and trying to avoid my homework and all the papers for my Data class. Although it is a really good class, it's just not my thing.
  23. Quick, someone distract me! I have homework that I otherwise have to do..
  24. Congratulations on getting in! I don't have any specific input for you on the difference between the programs, however looking back, good financial options make life going forward all the better. So unless there is a BIG pull to UPenn (I totally get that as a possibility) I would look at what the impact will be on you post graduation. Not that there sounds like a bad option between the two of them!! Just my 2cents. Best! Congrats again!
  25. Please keep the updates coming! I have heard the same thing, that there is a big increase, also that a lot of people are applying more heavily to local public universities so maybe that will help you out a bit. I know USC's DSW cohort was the biggest they ever had to start fall 2020. I do have class year round. I'm missing summer already and there is still snow on the ground.
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