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Everything posted by amblingnymph

  1. Hello again everyone! For those of you who are also in PhD programs right now, how are things going? Me, I'm currently struggling to finish up the last few projects (papers, research designs, etc.) before winter break. This first semester has surely been an eye-opening experience. I can actually feel my brain working like mad. Ain't that somethin'? I've never read so much in my life. Thank goodness my cohort and professors are pretty cool. I really feel like I made the right choice in picking this school.
  2. You too, grantman and splinter! Here's to all of us getting our things packed, ordering books at a cheap rate for our upcoming semester, and being nervous/excited about classes!
  3. Kicking back and reading stuff for fun over here! How about you?
  4. Thanks for the post! I laughed at this: "Grad Cafe is depressing because it exposes a dismal truth: Going to graduate school is no longer a way of opting out of the endless search for a better job, the best job, any job."
  5. Thanks for the advice!
  6. I just checked my Rutgers status for fun, and saw that they admitted me. What. (Where's the money offer? Why now? Why did you do this to me when I am pretty much set on FIU?!)
  7. Happy Birthday, and congrats!!
  8. Hey! Nope, I applied for the PhD in American Politics.
  9. Got accepted to Boston University, no funding.
  10. Yep, I just sent in my acceptance forms for FIU! The choice had much to do with the fact that they offered me a Presidential Fellowship. Added benefit - moving to a state that is warm year-round.
  11. Well, here's news - got a rejection from Brown.
  12. Adornopolisci2012: Most likely to run a snarky, popular blog on politics.
  13. "Perhaps then you should pursue a career in politics." "I'm too socially awkward. I'd rather be a Professor of Politics." Story of my life.
  14. Just declined two funded offers - UDel and SUNY. I hated the sinking feeling I got when they wrote back saying they're disappointed...meep! Hope it goes to someone on here!
  15. I think this lack of chatter is perhaps due to the sheer absurdity of what is going on...
  16. Got my rejection from American University. Down to the last few...
  17. Finally got my rejection email from Columbia! About time...
  18. At this point, this is how I'm feeling: “But our funding package is so much bigger…”
  19. For anyone who applied to Rutgers or American, I called both to see when they'd be sending out acceptances. Both said this weekend or later.
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