@reterik I'm choosing between MA and PhD programs too. While I've still only heard back from 2 of 6 schools (1 of each), I'm leaning towards the PhD program because I can't guaranteed that when I applied again in 1-2 years I'd get in anywhere again. If I consider all other things between the programs to be equal (and in the end they balance out that way), I think that's probably the smartest choice for me.
@reterik General rule of thumb seems to be that masters students tend to find out a bit later than PhD. I applied to a mix of MA, MA/PhD, and PhD programs (I have my undergrad degree but nothing beyond that), so I'm in pretty much the same boat you are. I think it's more common for masters stuff to go out in early to mid March and PhD stuff to go out in February (but I've never done this before and am just basing it off of what I've gotten from results pages of years past).
You can do what seemed to work for me-- complain obnoxiously to a friend who's already in grad school about how you haven't heard anything back and then get a message from a school in your inbox an hour later. I firmly believe this is the only reason I got a response.
"Seriously? She wants to be funded for doing research on the sorts of things everyone else does on their free time? She's just trying to see what she can get away with."
Keep in mind too that not everyone posts their results, either this year or in years past. So it's entirely possible that acceptances could still go out later than what shows up on the result survey.
@Iamhere Congrats to you too! I didn't apply to Penn though, just Annenberg (well, not just Annenberg, but it's the only one I've heard anything from so far).
Just because I know people will ask when they see it on the results page, I was the one who got accepted at USC Annenberg. I'm kind of in shock at the moment, tbqh, but I guess if you have any questions you can PM me? Sorry, I don't really know the etiquette about this stuff, as this is my first application season and this was the first school I heard back from.