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Everything posted by Jbarks

  1. It looks like it was for Rhetoric and Comp, so they're probably notifying by discipline. Before this process, i never speculated so much on anything. CONGRATS to the admit!
  2. There has only been one, so maybe an internal applicant. That could happen, right? I'm not freaking out. I'm not freaking out.
  3. Noooo... I really thought I had another week before this one. If I don't get accepted, I would at least prefer a wait list. A full out rejection from Rochester would hurt terribly.
  4. So I can finally start posting on this thread. I was accepted to UNCG this afternoon. I'm waiting to hear about funding, but it looks positive for a TAship. I was also nominated for a university fellowship. If funding works out, I would be super happy to go here. However, Rochester, Auburn, and GWU are still my top choices. But, hey, my anxiety level has decreased somewhat in the past few hours. Yay!
  5. Usually, someone comes forward at this point to receive their congrats...hmmm...I'm curious about numbers, etc.
  6. Congrats, Readwritenap! Hopefully some sort of funding will come through for us. Crystalleem-- I'm late medieval with an interest in temporality, medievalisms, and plague accounts
  7. Thanks! I almost did my MA there and some days I regret not doing so, even though I'm happy I entered the program I did. Hopefully, the funding situation works out. Good luck to you guys!
  8. Thanks, Bdon. That makes me feel better. Also, I just received my first acceptance from UNCG! I've been recommended for a TAship and nominated for a fellowship, so, if the funding works out, I have at least one option.
  9. I just received an email from Michelle Dowd. I've been accepted to UNCG!! I've been feeling really blah, so this helps a lot. No word on funding yet. But I was recommended to the Dean of GSAS for a TAship and also nominated for their Excellence Fellowship. I can breathe a little easier now. Good luck everyone!
  10. If I don't get accepted anywhere, this will be my last time. I didn't really apply to any "over-ambitious" programs. I only applied to ones that I thought would be a great fit, and I worked my ass off to fix all of the flaws from the first time around. I know people get accepted on the third try, but really? Twice is enough for me.
  11. Me,too, Tinoply. I'm feeling pretty despondent right now.
  12. Not me either nor will it be.
  13. I'm thinking they may have received a lot of applications, and things are backed up. The one or two times I emailed the admin asst she always seemed a little frazzled. Who knows? I just don't want another rejection.
  14. Thanks, fedup. Sorry to hear that. Good luck with your other nine. Even if it is good news from UNCG, however, their funding situation is pretty crappy. Crystal-- It looks like we're applying to several of the same programs. What is your area of interest? I'm a medievalist-- 14th-15th centuries.
  15. I saw a UNCG rejection go up. No acceptances yet. I wonder if this means they'll start notifying soon. Eek! I can't take two rejections in one day!
  16. Thanks, wreckofthehope! I still have a lot of schools that have yet to notify, so I shall try to remain positive.
  17. Yeah, I thought the same thing; it's better than 3 or 5%. It makes it more unfortunate when rejected with an 8% acceptance rate...even thought it's still tough.
  18. Received my first official rejection from WUSTL this morning. I kind of expected it, since they sent out acceptances the first of February. However, I held out hope for a wait list. "Over a hundred applicants, 8-10 spots." Blah, blah. I have a feeling this is indicative to how the rest of my responses will turn out.
  19. The temporal relationship between the Middle Ages and popular culture as viewed through the framework of Freudian deferred action. FAIL.
  20. For serious! I checked my online application like a billion times yesterday (yay hyperbole!) hoping for a status change. Of course, I alternated with email. I really need some positive news; I'm in a very dark place currently.
  21. Same here. I go to work; I go home. Sometimes I'll go to a movie or the the theatre. Some days are better than others, but, on the bad days, I even try to avoid my roommates, which is difficult when you have two and live in a confined space. When I don't get accepted anywhere, i can't imagine how I'm going to be-- either maniacal or comatose.
  22. Yes, that I am. I would be thrilled with UCONN. However, Rochester is my top. I have a strong interest in medievalism and the temporal movement between the Middle Ages and representations in popular culture. It's a little unorthodox, but quite fun! What areas are you interested in, Isidore?
  23. Another reason I didn't apply. I wavered for awhile, mainly because I'd like to live in Boston. Overall, however, I made a good life decision.
  24. Deebee-- I'm not sure your field, but NYU is a great program; I did my MA there. Plus, the funding package is pretty stellar, even though you do have to survive in NY. I would say Congrats!
  25. Yeah, that's pretty true. I almost applied to BU, but then a friend warned me of this. They usually like to take people straight out of undergrad. Sometimes they'll admit one MA, but I think that's rare. Very strange. Good luck BU people!
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