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    Speech Pathology

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  1. Hi guys, Congrats to everyone! I didn't think April would ever come and now we can finally breathe again. Woohoo! Spacescoe, Anjelika and bippitybop; I look forward to meeting you all if you decide to go to Western! Let me know if you need any information about London/the department/where to live if you are unfamilar with it...I am currently here and happy to help (I know moving is stressful, I did it across the country a week after I was married last year!). I agree, the waitlists change so much--many individuals who were accepted applied to a number of universities and can only go to one school! Hang in there! Bippitybop: That's a tough decision, both of the programs have such positive attributes. I've heard great things about each! I can only truly speak for UWO's. I think I would compare some of the classes (UWO posts everything on their website, including format of the 2 years--the syllabus, etc), where your interests lie, the cost of living-and what you can get around university/bus lines (It ranges, but I think the cost is quite reasonable! My friend is sharing an apartment for 400-450$ each; i think it's roughly 1000sq ft?.. my living's a bit more since I wanted to live in a townhome), transportation (bus passes are included in tuition costs, but parking can be challenging), flights/train rides back home, if possible come down for a tour; the department here is so helpful and really are committed to their students and the success of the profession where-ever we decide to pursue our education. I think everything will help you with making a well-informed decision. I hope this helps, Please PM me, or send me a message if you or anyone else has a specific question or need more details! I should mention, UWO changed their program from a 3 year to a 2 year (we will be the 2nd class to go through in the new 2year program), but I hear they have done a great job with this change. If you have anatomy in your background it will be very helpful--I think this was one of the complaints from this years class. In fact, I think the department changed that in their prereq's now. Again Congrats Everyone!!!
  2. Thanks raspberry peach, it was very exciting to be accepted; however it's been a bit of a rough ride these last few months with changing programs and waiting. I know this is not a lot of help for the programs outside of Ontario; but the previous statistics for UWO and UofT are posted here: http://www.ouac.on.ca/statistics/orpas-application-statistics/ SLP000123; I hear Dal's very difficult to get into due to the limited number of seats and it only has a couple spots open to out-of-province students, so it's quite the accomplishment to get on the waitlist--seriously! I hope you get into the program you want this year. Do you guys know if they take into consideration if you were waitlisted last year? I know we have to check it off on the application form, so my fingers are crossed that it helps! What is your first choice in schools (everyone)? who knows maybe we'll end up in the class
  3. I hear the UofA has a very solid program and I have heard a lot of positive feedback about it. I don't think there are any restrictions for being out of province...I think I've only read that about Dal's program? I really hope you get in and we will be reading your post about where to live in Edmonton very soon (hopefully only a few more days if it's March 14th or 15th)! It sounds like we in the same situation but reversed, if that even makes sense; I applied to the Ontario schools and moved from Alberta last year--Beautiful here by the way; just am a bit apprehensive of this bagged milk! This year, I only applied to 2 universities because of prereq's and restrictions with my husband's work. I feel like the 2nd time around is so much more stressful! At least I don't remember the first time being so nerve-racking! Best Luck!
  4. Hi sirk88, I am too waiting for word on the SLP programs. Where are you from/Where did you apply? I know for UWO the results will come via email and a phone call on April 2nd (or sometimes a day or two early for the email/response via student centre) and I assume UofT is the same because the process is through ORPAS. I know this because I was accepted into Audiology last year. It is very nerve-racking to wait...YET AGAIN! but this forum helps to pass time. As for UofA, a friend got in last year and I think she had to wait a little longer then I did. I'm not sure about Dal, UBC or McGill Does anyone else know about these programs? Hope this helps!
  5. It's wonderful to gain all of this information about the city and the uni. I'm moving from Alberta and am not really sure what to expect in London. Thanks for the advice on "Richmond Row" definitely going to avoid that area!!! I've heard that everything east of Adelaide can be a bit skeezy--is this accurate or are there areas in there that are pretty decent? I've had little luck with the apartment/townhouse hunt as well. Found one that I really liked and was reasonably priced (about 5 minutes west of the university too) but 7 other people beat me to it--an HOUR after it was posted. Grrrrrrrrrr....I'm crossing my fingers that this is not the way the market typically is.
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