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Everything posted by semicolon2013

  1. I'd like to know the same thing as cheeks about Brown. Congrats to everyone that's in though!
  2. Can someone explain the methodology of the NRC rankings to me? I read their FAQs but statistics goes over my head. Which rankings do you think are more trustworthy, US news or NRC? What are each of them really measuring?
  3. Today, a few hours ago. I was not aware they did that either.
  4. Waitilisted at Emory, which is bizarre because I did not get an interview there. Anyone else?
  5. I'm wondering about UVa as well. It's maddening! I don't want to get my hopes up.
  6. Jocko--did you talk to them recently? How did you know they would be notifying everyone in the next day or so?
  7. I was invited to the visit weekend and will do my best to be there (I work abroad in France so it's a bit complicated for me). I just emailed the DGS with some questions a few minutes ago. Even a waitlist at Berkeley significantly raised my spirits. I hope we both make it in!
  8. I just for waitlisted at Berkeley! I'm just wondering about waitlist etiquette. Should I reply to the email I got? Is it ok to ask where I am on the list? Anyone else get waitlisted? Ahh. So happy I'm not rejected, but preparing for a new kind of waiting torture...
  9. Has anyone heard from Stanford? There are two acceptances on the results board, but the application website specifically states that applications will be in review in January and February and decisions will come out in by late Feb. Did they make decisions extra fast? Or did they only notify some accepted applicants so far? Anyone know?
  10. I'm sorry MariElizabeth. I'm just going crazy now because it looks like Minnesota and Berkeley are already notifying. This whole thing sucks.
  11. Has anyone been accepted? I saw a rejection on the results board, but no acceptances!
  12. I want to hear from Minnesota. And Stanford. Someone please make this be over.
  13. I just got my rejection too. Tiny sliver of hope is dead . I did get a funded MA offer from Delaware as well today though, which brightens my day!
  14. I would assume that's good news for you--my status at Minnesota has not changed, and I believe they notify acceptances on Feb. 1.
  15. I saw that too, and obsessing alongside you! I wish they would just send out rejections already so I can give up on Duke. It sucks knowing you're most likely rejected but having no closure.
  16. where did you see a rejection? I didn't get any emails from them either, and don't see a rejection on the results board.
  17. I have implicit rejections at two places (Emory and Duke) and am terrified I won't get in anywhere. The worst thing is, I have no idea what to do differently if I have to reapply. My "numbers" are pretty strong (3.8 undergrad 168V, 670 subject). I was happy with my SOP and writing sample but now I am questioning everything. Maybe one of my recommendations wasn't as strong as I thought? Maybe my SOP was too narrow or I didn't assess fit very well? Ahhh. I'm going crazy trying to figure out what went wrong, and it's not even February! Sorry for the rant.
  18. Looks like the acceptance is to the English PhD. Ahh! That means English has already made their decisions?!
  19. The anxiety has officially hit hardcore. I was ok until I found out I didn't get an interview at Emory, and now I'm pretty sure it's all downhill from here. Goodbye rest of my life, I will now occupy myself exclusively with checking the results board and my email. And eating pastries, but only because I live in France.
  20. There's a Buffalo acceptance on the results board--has anyone else heard from them? My status on the website still says "Not Reviewed." Is this a bad sign?
  21. I believe it was on one of the extra worksheets, like the GPA sheet maybe.
  22. Do you know someone whose status says something different? I think we'll hear soon--the app asked for a phone number where we can be reached "around Feb. 1." So some people, at least, will be getting phone calls, and we'll probably see on the results board if we are not among those lucky few.
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