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Everything posted by apotheosis

  1. After spending so much time on graduate school applications in the fall now I feel so burnt out. I've written very little so far, and everything is so slow going. I just can't seem to get myself to put words down onto the page, even though I have a lot of notes and quotes amassed already. Maybe it's the stress of waiting--I don't know... For those who have a BA or MA thesis behind you, what kinds of things did you do to get yourself to continue at the hardest parts?
  2. I gave each of my three rec writers a nice handwritten card and a scarf to brave the winter chill.
  3. Although I don't play the Sims (anymore), this image still perfectly captures my Sim-like life. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6270254336/hC9D76DFA/ Which brings me to the fact that I'm just eating take out and snacks all the time nowadays! Jelly doughnuts ftw.
  4. Ah I love Didion too! I just finished "Blue Nights" and am now re-reading Virginia Woolf's "The Waves"--probably my favorite pieces by these two authors.
  5. Dreamt of jumping up on the table during my thesis seminar and doing this dance. I guess I should be thankful to my brain for converting all that reading on orientalism to glamorous Europop?
  6. Try Elena Shtromberg at Utah. Not exactly the hottest place to be, but she's producing great work no doubt about that.
  7. After talking to two POIs and several professors at my college, they said that really the only score the adcoms care about is the verbal. Quant and AW only comes in for university fellowships. This might be, of course, university specific, but it goes to show that AW as many have said is far from the most important criteria.
  8. Contemporary, and yes, it was a personalized email directly from my POI. So it might be possible that not all faculty members have sent out invites yet...
  9. I just heard back from the department I applied to about an interview. I've already taken an internship elsewhere so I'll have to turn then down. But just FYI for people applying next year, do keep in mind how absurdly late the Guggenheim makes their decisions!
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