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Everything posted by sweetnighter

  1. Just depends on how competitive the program is and how many people they put on their waitlist. Generally, less competitive programs have longer waitlists, because they know that the first offer and maybe even the 1st and 2nd alternate will decline. More competitive programs might only have a list of 1st alternates. You never know! In any case, same deal here; I'm on a few waitlists... hopefully one will come through.
  2. Depends on the field. In psych, interviews are pretty common. In other social sciences, they are a little less common. But I only know the social sciences...
  3. Social. I don't know.... maybe, but I'm not holding my breath. At best, a waitlist notification, but I'm not even sure they waitlist at UCD.
  4. ...I'm sorry, did you say something? I was busy refreshing my email.
  5. UC Davis is "making a decision" on my application. Saw on the results page that somebody else got the same email. Doesn't bode well.
  6. Not to be negative, but I'm on a number of waitlists, and have been told by all involved in one way or another that they're "looking to get funding for another student." I'm sure they mean well--really, I do--but I don't buy it. I honestly believe that many, if not most, programs would prefer to make offers to more people than they do, and that they would very much like to be accepting people who they've made to be first alternates on the waitlist instead. That said, if I'm on the waitlist, fine, I can handle that... but don't lead me on. You know? If I get in, great! If not, that's okay too. But don't give me false hope. Sorry if that all sounds despondent... its a tough process, and I just don't want to lie to myself, or see others do the same to themselves. That said, many waitlisters are made offers! I remain hopeful. But not too hopeful.
  7. When my future children and grandchildren ask me, "Sweetnighter, what was life in March of 2012 like?", this is what I will recall.
  8. There should be a twelve step group: Graduate Applicants Anonymous. God grant me the serenity to accept the rejections I cannot change, the courage to not compulsively check my email, and the wisdom to know the difference between being rejected and being waitlisted.
  9. Thanks for the feedback all. Yeah, well... fingers crossed. I only need one.
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