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  1. looks decent to me, but it totally depends on the school I think. Also, your other parts of the application would probably matter in deciding how much emphasis to put on GRE scores. A very generalized observation is: applicants put in a lot more time and effort on GREs when they should really focus on research/recommendation letters/essays etc. Some departments at MIT don't even need GRE.
  2. Looks fine to me, may be someone else can give you some more suggestions.
  3. Now I feel like your advisor can explain your bad semester, and the fact that you could have done better. But be sure to ask around for more opinions. -------- I had to pay app fee twice (some schools allow multiple apps for the same fee, MIT is not one of them). I applied to MIT aero and ME because MIT was my dream school, and MIT ME has very strong research in my subfield compared to MIT aero. I didn't get into MIT aero anyway even though I was an aero undergrad.
  4. I would say make it a bit shorter; I wouldn't explain why XYZ university is my first choice. Include the earliest deadline for recommendation letter! I think "I will send you a draft of my statement of purpose, copies of my transcripts, my resume and any other materials you think would help you in the evaluation process." is somewhat unnecessary. You may want to include instead that you are outside of the USA, and couldn't meet in person.
  5. In my humble opinion, if you got stellar grades overall, go for number 1. Your academic advisor can put your grades into perspective, and talk about how hard it is to score as high as you have. This will ensure your grades are well-earned, and your institution just doesn't give away A's (some schools do). Since you have two letters coming from research professors, it would be a good balance to have one letter justifying your curricular achievements. If not, then one of your supervisors for your TAship would be nice. If my understanding is correct, you are not just a 'grader', but a 'TA' who holds recitations and/or office hours etc. It will help if TAship is one of your potential funding source for grad school. I am not very optimistic about the third option you mentioned. Sorry to be blatant- but working hard and still getting B+ (as you mentioned) may not be looked upon very favorably by the reviewers. Best of luck!
  6. Powerprep is amazingly accurate, in the old format, I scored 1630 (800Q + 630V) on powerprep, and ended up getting 1650 (800Q + 650V) in the read thing. To me, it appears, if you can keep your nerve under pressure, your real GRE will be somewhat higher than powerprep. If you have a tendency to break down, then you will score lower (real GRE puts on a lot of stress on you compared to a mock test on powerprep, and in my case, the officials at the test center made me feel like they are sending us to a prison). Anyway, good luck!
  7. Another question: how many professors did you email? I emailed two, and none has replied back yet. What type of subject line did you use? I was using "Research opportunities for accepted SM student". I have one meeting with a prof but I am not very interested in his research to be honest. So I am contemplating on emailing 2-3 more. Do you mind sharing your focus area? I am into mechanics. If you prefer not to post publicly, you can pm me. Thanks!
  8. If you are still around, I thought you may help me a bit. I am in the process of meeting some professors during open day. Is it possible for you to give me the format of your email that you sent? Also, how long did it take for the professor to get back to you? I was advised by the administration to directly email one professor who could not meet me due to schedule conflict. I emailed him Wednesday night, and it is Friday morning. So I am slightly concerned. My email, in short, was basically something like this (6 sentences in total): I am admitted masters (MechE fall) student and was advised to contact you directly since [schedule conflict]. I am interested in your research on [XYZ]. I was hoping my extensive coursework in YZ, and research experience in PQR may suit the needs of a research position in your group. I would be grateful if you could let me know how to proceed about getting a research position under your supervision. Attached is my resume. Thank you for your time and consideration...
  9. rejected by caltech. now this is what you call a double blow
  10. There is only one lab called TELAMS at MIT Aero that does materials and structures research. Now, if you look at their website, you can see it has not been updated for ages, and the number of publications is quite low. You probably know that with Boeing 787 and the whole carbon fiber and composites business, structures and materials is a hot topic right now. But there is no reflection of this on TELAMS' work. A professor at my school told me this who is quite well-known in this field (and was affiliated with TELAMS previously). However, there is this NECST thing at MIT aero which may be promising. But I don't have much idea about it. I am also international student with an undergrad degree from a top public university. It is true that citizenship matters since fundings are often times restricted. On to of that, there is this ITAR regulation. There is no doubt my view is biased against MIT aero-astro since I have been rejected I really wish good luck to you! After all, it is MIT and it is rocket science.
  11. That's the spirit I think there is still chance for you guys. It appears to me that your research area could be a factor. My research was in structures, and MIT has only lab (and it is not doing well) in this field. As another person on the survey pointed out, may be they sent all the acceptances to MIT kids. A random fact, the male:female ratio in applicant pool is 3:1, but the ratio in admitted pool is 1:1. You do the math.
  12. I hear you mate. I totally don't think it was any reflection of your abilities whatsoever. I am joining MIT MechE, but I don't know how the heck I got rejected by MIT aero and got into MIT Mechanical. I have been wanting to go MIT since I was in 6th grade. I applied to MIT as a freshman, as a transfer applicant, and as an MSRP candidate. Each time I got rejected. At the end I somehow managed, in some odd way... but MIT aero rejection just hurts.
  13. It shows regular screen. Good luck to you!
  14. rejected! I knew it.
  15. 4 waitlists... Hopefully today will arrive my rejection. Then this day will come again only once every 4 years.
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