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Everything posted by yumpeh12

  1. ME!! Great choice! I am very excited for the fall. Find the group on facebook!
  2. Looking for a native Spanish speaking roommate!
  3. Sure PM me. By the way, that information is untrue. IEP grads themselves told me that they are actually NOT equipped for those jobs. Now alumni from Kennedy, yes they are. From what I understand Harvard name might get you an interview- but you don't have the skills for the job, you won't get it-simple as that (one in policy and for a job such as the World Bank- you might try and focus your 9 month schedule in such a way to better prepare you, but then you would not have any room for "education" electives. Also, career services explained those that even want a chance at getting a job overseas (anywhere) need to do an internship which is something you'd do after you graduate and thus many you are no longer qualified for many because you are no longer a "current graduate student" and you are no longer enrolled so your loans can't help sustain you. Penn on the other hand does an excellent job of placing you in overseas agencies to get you that experience. Also, Penn there is about 30 in the cohort...HGSE there is about 60-70- and according to the open house meeting none from last year are working at World Bank or larger named agencies- at least that she could think of. I feel the ones that want strong policy and are able to visit (thus see past the "name" part because obvioulsy that is something I thought over) tend to go to other programs. I can tell you those that came from the open house at Penn said how much better their program and open house was. Find the group on facebook and ask them. But remember a name is a name...and I had a current HGSE IEP student tell me "Yes I don't have many of the skills I will need for jobs, I am just hoping the name will do it for me." Coming from a school of education, it is not what we should be encouraging. If you have more specific questions, please PM me. Also, I'd say if you want a job at say World Bank look it up online and see the qualfications and skills needed- match that up to HGSE and Penn's programs. But I will say for those who know they don't want to do policy and just want a masters finished quickly and to just to work with international students locally or teach (and doesnt come in with much experience) perhaps this is the program for you.
  4. I can't speak for the higher ed department- I just know the class I visited was very low skill level (and they are 3 weeks off of graduation) and no faculty met with us.
  5. sooo disapointed in HGSE
  6. great! i just requested to join! thank you!
  7. Couldnt find the group
  8. I also got that vibe and I got it from HGSE- financial aid office was helpful but so far the program assistant has been very unhelpful.
  9. I agree. I feel lucky to have options but I honestly am torn on which program to pick as I feel they both have strengths and weaknesses for me. :/
  10. I will be there March 31- April 4th!
  11. I am considering it. I will be at the open house.
  12. So who will be at the Open House April 1-2??
  13. Hey! Fellow IEP applicant here! I hope you get into Peabody because it seems they would be perfect for your needs. Other than that, I vote HGSE.
  14. Thanks so much! That would be great. I have been in contact with one student- but the more inside information I get the better! Did you apply to Peabody as well?
  15. Thank you!
  16. I was accepted to GWU, UPenn (with small scholarship offer), Harvard (aid pending) and Vanderbilt (scholarship offer and likely assistantship offer later). After doing some thinking on my preferences, my needs as far as resources and costs (and UPenn was not helpful in helping with visit/travel costs unlike the others) I have decided to just go and visit only Harvard and Vanderbilt. So looks like it is going to be between these two. I am starting to do my pro and cons lists and I think the visits will really be able to help me in my final decision.
  17. I do not. Has anyone heard anything regarding financial aid etc.?
  18. Vanderbilts scholarship awards have been sent out! Be on the lookout.
  19. Congratulations to all those who have heard from their programs and good luck to those still waiting! I figured we can use this space to ask questions, get feed back, make contacts etc. for those in our program of study!! Any word yet on when we will find out financial aid information? Anyone going to Penn GSE's or HGSE's open house events?
  20. It could be because of the small cohort size- since they only accept 10 Americans and 10 International- perhaps they are waiting for those of us that have been notificed to either accept or deny the offer. I suppose they could just send out a "waitlist" but who knows. I found out in early/mid January as well as others I know too for the IEPM program. I bet now that the HGSE notifications have come out applicants will start making decisions and they can then notify you. Just a guess though! Good luck and hang in there!!
  21. Congrats!!! I was accepted into IEP at HGSE.
  22. Thank you! Congrats to you as well! I am sure you will make a waitlisted student very happy! Yeah I feel like the money decisions/visits will help make it easier!
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