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Everything posted by JeremiahParadise

  1. Sure hope so! Thanks again for all your insight -- good luck this fall!! You will kick ass.
  2. Rejected from Brandeis' waitlist -- that's it for 2013, folks. See you this fall. Congrats again to everyone who made it this year -- you'll do great! 2014ers, you'll be hearing from me soon!
  3. Hi, folks -- just checking in to let you know I'm still on the waitlist at Brandeis. Does anyone know anything about their processes? I'm not sure I have a great chance at the moment as, according to their admin, they've already sent out the first round of waitlist acceptances. Woof. Well, she didn't reject me haha so I guess I am still in the running. Anyone planning to turn them down? Please?
  4. Hey, thanks! It's SO late in the game that I really don't have much hope, but I would be THRILLED if things panned out. Here's hoping it at least does for one of us! Good luck!
  5. So, uhhh -- hey, everyone. I just found out today that I was wait-listed at Brandeis. If some one of you is planning to turn them down, please do so as soon as possible... please Congrats, all, on your wonderful acceptances/decisions!
  6. Thanks, guys -- 6 more haven't officially rejected me. Unfortunately, a few of those (UMass, Penn St, Brandeis, Irvine) have already started notifying, and I've gotten nothing. Disappointing, I tell you. Tough to look ahead but it sort of helps with the dejection. Woof. Thanks for the support, though -- I really do appreciate it.
  7. Out at Michigan State. Looking bleak, folks. Already planning next year's materials. HATE that I cannot just walk away from this.
  8. Hey, all -- just wondering: should one assume rejection if s/he hasn't yet received any word from Amherst?
  9. KeelyMK said hers was a call for a special fellowship nomination, so I'm guessing this second one is probably something similar. Well, hoping. Otherwise, I'm running out of options, too.
  10. Hey there. Sorry to hear about NW. I had a similar pep talk with myself after Wisconsin rejected me. Not totally over it, though. Struggling to find that positive feeling without hearing a peep from UMass and CUNY. REALLY hoping for a waitlist from one of them. I keep telling myself that it only takes one acceptance, but I am having trouble thinking even one will accept me if 9 other (and very similar) programs won't. Really scary times, friends
  11. Congrats! I am really hoping to hear some good news from CUNY as it's easily my #1 choice. Do you feel comfortable sharing what your field is? In any case, congratulations again -- amazing program!
  12. Me too! Really hoping they open the floodgates this week -- today was such a tease! I especially hope they make it rain on me and the other GradCafe Grad Center hopefuls. GC-squareds. Yup. That's where I am right now. Yeuuuuup.
  13. Just started Teju Cole's Open City. Any opinions to offer, folks? I've not read too much about it. I liked Cole's "small fates" on the Twitter, etc, so I decided to give this novel a shot.
  14. Thanks for bumping this. No word on my end. Hope someone can shed some light! That said, I'm not sure we'll hear anything today with Nemo coming through. Woof.
  15. UMass interviewees, step forward and claim thy congrats. Everyone else, what do you think -- have all requests been sent?
  16. Two days, two rejections -- here's hoping that I rise on the third. Otherwise, well, I don't know. Getting really, really down this week.
  17. Can anyone claim that UMass teaching interview notice?
  18. Spoke too soon -- rejected from Austin. Email from Wayne Lesser. Really disappointed. Ugh.
  19. Man, today has been dead! I was led to believe that the whole eastern seaboard would have reported by now. Someone needs to be held accountable! But seriously... where are all the notifications? This shit is bananas.
  20. In the humanities? Wild stuff. Are you able to share where those people were hoping to go?
  21. I hadn't heard anything from them until I checked their website this morning. I know someone on here didn't have her site updated (which could mean waitlist, perhaps?), but most of us found out the bad news that way. Woof. Here's hoping you're in the same boat as her!
  22. So, waiting for other notifications after receiving a rejection is pretty brutal, huh? Ugh.
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