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Everything posted by TripWillis

  1. Also, they used to only fund like half their students. That's why the attrition rate/time to degree was so out of whack.
  2. This is actually no longer true. Funding teaching at CUNY has changed and is now better than most programs, save maybe the Ivys, Rutgers, and a few others.
  3. In all seriousness, I'll just echo everyone else's sentiments. CUNY is about as competitive a program as you'll find. They have tremendous resources across departments, a consortium with area schools, and it's in New York. The support package is also very good. If it's a good fit for you, you should go. If not, then you might consider reapplying. If you're concerned about prestige, I wouldn't be.
  4. Reapply and "aim higher."
  5. I grew a mustache. I think it worked. Otherwise I look like I'm 14.
  6. Whoever you are, you are destroying it this year. Jeez.
  7. Some program really needs your wit. I know I appreciate it.
  8. Congrats to both of you! Georgetown's MA has an excellent reputation and its even better if you can get funding. (obvi, I think you'll get into UNC, so hold out)
  9. Yes, it is disappointing. I agree with you there.
  10. I agree with you that this thread is terrible, but also with twoespressos that youtube comments or, for instance, the reddit jailbait forum would be far worse.
  11. Seriously. +1'ed you to makeup for whoever downed you. I can't even believe it. Not to say there isn't a meaningful conversation to be had about "fat studies," but daaaaamn this is lame. The absolutism regarding the value of body studies and whether or not it is a sub-discipline or a discipline or a field or an object of focus or blah blah blah blah blah in this thread is excruciating. Let's stop being glib about what other people are doing in earnest. It doesn't become us. If you want to have these conversations, have them in non-internetspeak, please.
  12. Hang in there, finalists!
  13. If y'all don't get in, you should call your DGS' and give them this exact speech.
  14. Nope :-\ Also, withdoubt88 -- I should scale back what I said, or rephrase it. Everyone will be funded going forth eventually. I'm not necessarily sure that it will be true of this year. I know that they are really trying. Oh, and English has no interviews, so I couldn't tell ya.
  15. You will not be starting a fight with me. TNG is easily the best iteration. Still, ST II, ST IV, and the reboot are all good in my book.
  16. I am also a Taurus who loves Star Trek. IS IT KHAN????
  17. Seeing all the 26-30s reppin' is making me feel better about the fact I'll be 30 in a year and three months. Sometimes I look at my freshfaced cohort-mates and go, "Goddamn I wish I had the energy to stay at school until 9 and work on the weekends and then go get wasted." But, on the other hand, none of them know what 7:00 in the morning looks like.
  18. If anyone has questions, PM me.
  19. Am I detecting a little salt in your tone? I'm not saying schools won't notify today, just far fewer than usual. Although I agree with you that pomo is dead.
  20. I think we should dispense with that myth (perpetuated by the Semenza book) that academics don't/can't take days off. It's not that academics don't take days off, it's that they have nightmare schedules. I sometimes work from 8:30-8:00, but I work long hours so I can get Saturday and Sunday off. Otherwise, I'd never see my boyfriend.
  21. I'm just going on experience. Faculty and staff tend not to answer or operate e-mail on holidays or weekends. I'm willing to bet there will be posts tomorrow, but fewer than usual, for sure.
  22. Smells like desperation in here. I understand. Yes, most schools are closed tomorrow and, thus, the faculty will be off.
  23. I'm not surprised. I think ad-comms are looking a lot more for potential and writing and research skill. You can go to conferences without having those qualities. Oh, and almost no one has publications before starting a Ph.D.
  24. I blame those violent TV shows and video games for this disrespectful behavior. Kids these days...
  25. Yeah, oof. I'm sorry, guys, but gradcafe 2013 crew is a complete shitshow. Some of you are cool. I hope your cohorts are cool.
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