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Posts posted by TripWillis

  1. One of my letter writers is 4 days late on a December 1st deadline. I registered her in early September and she's known about this since August. I am livid.

    I mean, if she ends up being a total flake, what do I do? Do I make her pay me the application fee, or what? What about applications after that?

  2. Off topic question: what is another phrase for "not need"? Example: It allows for the child to recognize that he or she is a seperate entity, but does not allow for the child to not need their mother for guidance and influence. Please help. I'm having a mildly retarded moment.

    "rebuke the necessity of" ???

  3. I think when you're dealing with multiple works by one author, you don't actually need to list the last name if it's already clarified within the paragraph. So, some of your citations could just have a blurb phrase or signal term like ("Age of Discretion" 45) to signal which Bouvoir you'd be citing from. I am working with 4 or 5 essays from an author in addition to his novel, and for some of the essays, I cite them by signal phrases that show which text I'm citing.

  4. Whachyoo talkin' about Willis?

    I know for a fact that a person who may be on one of my ad-comms hates the paper I submitted.

    Too late. I hope he's not involved in admissions.

    Plus, I have absolutely no backup plan if this doesn't work out, and I'm becoming extremely pessimistic about the entire thing. I actually wish I could withdraw all my apps and get a refund at this point. I need to start figuring out what shitty jobs my M.A. in English can nab me and I need to start a job search now, so that when I graduate in May I can repay my enormous goddamn student loan debt doing something other than waiting tables or begging for change on a street corner.

    If only I had a time machine so I could go back and scream at my 18 year old self and tell him, "YOU ARE MAKING AND ARE GOING TO MAKE SO MANY GIGANTIC MISTAKES. STOP IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT GO TO COLLEGE YET."

    But, here I am. It's desperation hour. I need some booze. It's only December 1st.

  5. Haha, I'm exactly the opposite. I was in a library for about an hour today and that was all I could take. I can't handle too much quiet!

    My habits have changed a lot as of late. Through undergrad, I needed complete silence to study. Then, senior year, I got really into ambient music while I was studying.

    Over the last year, I started to really like listening to small combo jazz while I studied. Now? Sometimes I will listen to straight up rock music while I read. It's weird. The older I get, the more noise I need to concentrate.

    That being said, I usually try to get out of the house to study, whether at the library or a cafe, because I need to be away from internet and computer influences. As is evidenced by my regular posting status here, I have a severe problem. I need an intervention. When I'm on the internet, I feel like I'm walking on sunshine! Just let me walk on the sunshine a little longer...

    Oh, and this: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html

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