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  1. Awesome! Congratulations! Maybe I will see you there
  2. Hi: Maybe you should contact SFSU and find out what is going on. I am already getting interviews for internships. Eileen Levy signed my letter. She is the Director. You could also call the department @ 415-338-1003 (if you don't already have it). Good luck.
  3. Welcome to Northern CA. I am happy you chose SJSU. They have an excellent program. My niece is an undergrad junior- psch major @ SJSU. You will love it in San Francisco. It is a beautiful city and the weather more pleasant than LAs Good luck. Oh and I think they have a stipend of $18500 for mental health that you can apply for in the 2nd year, but you are bonded to work for public mental health agencies for a year after you graduate. SFSU has the same, so I assume it applies to all CSUs.
  4. Thanks! Yes, via the SFSU portal. Just got it today
  5. Ok. I got a satisfactory response from SFSU. Good luck to the rest of you
  6. Hi: Nothing....my status remains "pending decision". SFSU did not require GRE. Even though your GPA helps, they weigh other factors as well. They also said in the instructions that 3.00 GPA is the minimum but it does not guarantee admission. I am sorry you got a negative response, but glad you have other alternatives. Good luck.
  7. Awww.... so sorry to hear that but good luck on your other endeavors Thank you for the info.
  8. I hear you. So sorry. I wish you all the very best. I live in Northern CA. So, if I am getting a letter, it should be soon
  9. Anyone receive anything from SFSU in the mail yet? Inspired by Lisbeth, I tried a different approach this time and asked the nice lady who answered the phone if there was any way I could find out if I was accepted into the MSW program or not. She gave me her well-rehearsed spiel again, except,this time with the new line that the admissions review committee were in the process of rounding up their reviews and will be sending out letters in the US Mail. She did say that they have been "periodically, sending out letters" but did not mention when they started doing that. I certainly hope this program is worth the nail-biting wait!
  10. Yeah, I hear you Lisbeth and I am sorry. Too bad these guys don't care. Just as they don't care that when they decide your financial award they base it on gross salary and not net.......by the time you pay for the bills and everything else you hardly have anything left to save even. It sucks, big time. I certainly hope we hear soon.....in the next few days.
  11. I hear you. Many of us are in the same boat......waiting, rather impatiently, I might add
  12. Ok. Thanks. Will come down from my soapbox now
  13. Strange, I was at that same information session. But, when I called to inquire about the status of my application, the person who answered the phone told me that they were only admitting 25 successful applicants, however, she did not mention whether it was sum total or per concentration. There are only two concentrations they are offering this academic year; child welfare and IFG. They are not offering SAC. That said, it would be great though, if they admit 75 applicants as the probability of us getting in increases tremendously
  14. I got a strange letter from CSUEB in the mail today informing me that my application is incomplete and that in order for them to render a decision I needed to submit current transcripts. Strange, because I did apply via CSU Mentor, but, not to the department because I did not satisfy the prerequisite of "Human Anatomy".....tired of doing GED courses and don't intend to do anymore at grad. school. I guess they still see me as a potential candidate given SJSU outright declined my application for incomplete info......they wanted Fall transcripts, but I guess they did not get it in time. Maybe, too, unlike SJSU, CSUEB appreciates that I have a current 3.9 GPA and extensive volunteer experience. Who knows! Will call on Monday and find out.
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