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  1. The list is great. But I'm going to say it again, the list creator should use the edit button and separate out the Ohio line into: The Ohio State University (OSU) Ohio University (OU) The way the list reads saying "state and university" is really pretty confusing to those not familiar with these two rival schools that kind of dislike each other because of the shared similarity of their names. The "THE" in the "The Ohio State University" name was added to emphasize that they are the original university of Ohio and not the "pretender." The are very different school. OSU is the largest university in the nation and tends to have lots more money (partly because of football) to fund students with. It is a "city" university. OU is much smaller and located in a small town where OU students are 1/2 of the whole population. A very different experience suited to different students needs and desires. Also on the VCU line. While 70% funding might be achieved by some it likely is not the norm. I was accepted to VCU but with zero funding. The line should likely read 0-70% funding. It is a great school and I believe it should be considered by all prospective MFA students but it is not the same as schools where all accepted MFA's get some or total funding. You may also consider adding Utah State University to the list. The funding levels are tight to non-existant, but the tuition costs are among the lowest in the nation and may be much cheaper than a high priced school with a less than 100% tuition award. It is considered one of the best buys in the US.
  2. RISD for sure. I would not hesitate.
  3. It is good to remember that a good, even great, education can be obtained from hundreds of schools. Most of your education is really on your own shoulders anyway. The professors are only a guide. You have to make the work. That can be done anywhere. And most schools have professors that went to very good schools. I've seen low ranked schools with professors having MFA's from Columbia and Yale. Certainly they will bring the teaching style from those elite schools to the program they are working in. I really really wanted to go to VCU and I was accepted there. However, without funding, I felt that it was not in my overall best interest. I'm very happy with my choice. If you get so wrapped up in going to only one school, then you may be depressed to go to a school that may turn out to be a better choice for you anyway. Try to remember that if a school does not pick you, then it wasn't the right school for you (at least for this year). Getting in anywhere is an accomplishment these days as applicants submitting to round 3 or 4 will tell you.
  4. I'll bet your "awesome funding" offers from SUNY and Univ. of Iowa are looking better and better to ya.
  5. I just officially accepted at OSU and I just declined Rutgers and Tyler. Hopefully that will provide some good news for those in photo.
  6. I just officially accepted at OSU and I just declined Rutgers and Tyler. Hopefully that will provide some good news for those in photo.
  7. You included Ohio, but you should perhaps say Ohio State University (OSU) and also include Ohio University (OU) as they are different schools. I received full tuition waivers and very nice stipends from both. You also missed Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC). Another school with full waiver and very nice stipend. Also, Tulane provides full funding for its MFA I understand. It is also possible to get full funding plus stipend from Temple/Tyler. It is somewhat unusual for this to happen for first year MFA's, but I am personally aware that it occasionally does.
  8. The academic world (and the art world) is a relatively small place. Starting your professional career by suing an school over an accident sounds like a spectacularly bad idea.
  9. I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend anyone or to imply that I think it is only worth borrowing for RISD and Yale. For myself, I don't think borrowing for a program ranked in the 15 to 50+ range makes a lot of sense because there are many programs in that range that provide a good deal of money. Of course you have to apply for them and they are still very competitive. For a really top drawer program then borrowing may be worth it for the doors that it opens. BUT... it is an awful lot of money for a degree that may not translate into meaningful employment. But my situation is very different being that I'm a lot older than 99% of you. I just recommend that people think carefully about those big loans that may dog you for many decades. It is just a very long term car payment. As long as your eyes are open to the cost and financial sacrifice, then go for it. I've worked for decades in industries that I had no passion for. Following your dreams is a really good idea if you want happiness in your life. Happiness is better than an unfullfilling and stressful high paying corporate job any day. If you have to take out big loans for that happiness then go for it. Nobody really needs a new car. A fine education, even if you have to borrow for it, is much better than a new car and the monthly payment is about the same.
  10. If you are young and can stomach a 25-year car-payment-sized student loan payment, and get into a top 3 through 5 program then perhaps big loans are not terribly bad. But I'm not sure it makes much sense to borrow $80K-$100K for a lower ranked program or for those closer to say age 30 or more. That big student loan payment may make qualifying for a home loan really difficult unless you are sure your present or future spouse is always going to bring in good money. What happens when kids come along and your spouse isn't working and you've still got that those student loan payments, plus a car payment or two, plus a mortgage, plus credit card debts, etc? I guess there is always food stamps so you won't starve. Oh... but I forgot that you are going to make it big in the art world... never mind... borrow it all. There is around 20 or so programs that are low cost or no cost. If I got into Yale or RISD then perhaps I'd borrow for the privilege, but I'm thrilled that I'm going to be paid to study and make art for three years. I found out that besides the best medical/dental/vision insurance coverage I've ever seen, OSU also has retirement pension plan that TA's qualify for. I can have 10% of my stipend but into it and OSU adds 14%. I can roll it into another plan if I don't stay in Ohio after graduation. Other state schools may have similar benefits that small private schools cannot match. It's something to consider verses being crippled with debt.
  11. ASU will likely be the best deal. Private schools have a hard time competing with state schools when it comes to giving out money. Also, your other two schools are located in uber expensive cost-of-living areas. Don't forget to check out rents on Craigslist for all the cities you've been accepted to or you may be kicking yourself later (unless you are going school-owned housing then of course get the info from them).
  12. You are missing a lot of programs that typically provide lots of funding for those who don't want heavy debt when done. You may want a separate section for bargin schools. Fully funded or low cost programs (depending upon getting a TA or scholarship) include: Ohio State University - 3 yr - photo class size = 6 Ohio University at Athens Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Rutgers Cornell Stanford WashU University of Notre Dame - 3 yr Florida State University UNC Chapel Hill University of Michigan UC Berkley USC UNLV From your list, programs with low cost potential that I know about include: UCLA Tulane University of Arizona Arizona State VCU
  13. I find it kind of amazing that some schools really do not have their act together. I've had interviewers tell me that they are going to recommend me for acceptance and then I hear nothing from the school for many weeks. I've been accepted to some schools only to have them go silent regarding TA positions and funding telling me that they will get around to it when then can. One school accepted me via letter but not a single person has called to say hi - no interview, no congrats, no personal contact at all. It is like these schools think they are the only one you applied to. Contrast the above with a school that was the first to admit me - weeks before any other school. I got a call from the dept. chair stating that he loved the work and hope that I choose his school. A few days letter I get a letter of acceptance with full details on TA position and funding. A few days after that I get another letter congratulating me, from the graduate office. Two weeks later more information about accepting the offer and other concerns. I've had a full ride plus stipend offer from this school for about a month and yet other schools still have had little to no contact. Guess which behaviors foster warm feelings about a school? Guess which behaviors cause me to think some schools really don't care that much about the students or the program?
  14. Good luck for next time. Sounds like you have a good plan.
  15. Utah State University. Yale is talked about because it is an Ivy League school, a traditional university with a worldwide reputation and has been number 1 or near the top in a number of specialties for a long time. RISD, being an art and design school, is relatively unknown outside of the art world.
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