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  1. Just notified CUNY (sociocultural) that I will be accepting an offer elsewhere - was a tough choice, to say the least. I hope that helps folks on the waitlist, and best of luck!
  2. I would totally contact the admissions chair and ask for clarity. I have been in communication with them over the last couple of weeks and I was also notified via email of having made the second cut but without an offer to attend any colloquia. That said, I was interviewed and they did ask me at some point along the way if I was still interested in the program - I think this is to avoid investing energy/time/etc. in students who already know that they are definitely going somewhere else. I have had candid conversations with faculty there, and they were fully aware that I had two other (very attractive) offers when they decided to offer me admission - was officially notified this morning. If CUNY is your top choice, tell them and start getting comfortable having frank discussions with them - you definitely won't hurt your chances by seeking clarity around a process that they readily admit is painful and sometime confusing so that you can mutually invest the next 7-9 years in each other. And, they know full well that if you're a strong enough candidate to make a second cut with them that you are likely to have multiple offers. I hope that helps, and feel free to ask more questions of me too! Good luck!
  3. Yep, just bummed that I have to sit with this until tomorrow, no immediate relief to be had.
  4. Yep, came in the same email and said: "You will also need the following pin ( (password already established) )." which is super confusing. I've never created a password for Columbia. And now I've been temporarily blocked from trying to log in various ways incorrectly in the last 30 minutes. sigh.
  5. I got an email earlier today with "Admission Status Update" as the subject from Mailman (sociomedical + sociology) along with instructions to follow a link, but I've had no success actually getting past the log in screen - all a bit confusing seeing as I only ever had a SOPHAS log in and there is no place to create a new account. Was your experience similar? completely different!? I suspect I was rejected as well, seeing as they come in batches, but I need to read this for myself asap.
  6. Also wanted to mention that I have an MPH and that this is my 1st cycle in anth but 2nd overall, as last year I applied to 2 public health programs and was rejected from both. I got some really good insight from someone on the ad com for one of the programs that rejected me and was told what some have already said here - lots of great candidates and theyre making best guesses, so its never personal. Plus, there are so many political dynamics on ad coms that influence outcomes and that are beyond our control.
  7. I can't speak to the process/criteria on the linguistics side, but so far the most encouraging feedback I have received from sociocultural faculty (1a/3i/0r/3?) concerns my statement and proposed project. To that end, I proposed a single project, with more detail than I initially believed I needed to provide, that spoke to something that I both have intimate familiarity with and that I was able to argue would benefit from ethnographic study and is currently politically and socially salient. I workshopped that statement for months and sent it to as many people as would read it for feedback, including faculty members at a few different programs - I wasn't shy about cold-emailing folks to chat and then requesting they take a look at what I had written, bc the worst that could happen is they would say no and you can imagine the best case scenario. Otherwise, I provided a solid writing sample, had what I would describe as only "pretty decent" GRE scores (not great or even super good), and am a co-author on a single peer-reviewed article published in a professional public health journal. Also, I know my rec letters (3) were very helpful. I worked closely with each recommender to ensure that they cited specific examples of my work and experiences to support the flowery superlatives that is common across promising application packets and to make certain that it was clear that they knew me and understood my potential well. Hope that is helpful, although I acknowledge that the exact same application packet may well have resulted in 6 rejections for me in a different year. For better/worse, luck seems to play more than a small role with these things. So, best of luck!
  8. Hi all, I can claim one SC admit for Berkeley (I believe there are 2 now on the results page). And the 12 from the list sounds about right, as I was told they intend to yield a cohort of 8-10.
  9. Hey thanks and best of luck to you!
  10. I can claim one of the two interviews posted on the results page, and it was a personal email asking to schedule a 20 min. skype conversation with two faculty members.
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