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Everything posted by annieca

  1. My goal is to have everything but recommendation letters done by the end of this month. Call me absolutely insane, but I have to give myself a deadline. And the December 15th one is just not cutting it for me. I hate writing SOPs so much that if I don't press myself for time (but then use the extra time to review if I need to) I won't do the best job I can. As a note for the length of the writing sample - I always want to include the bibliography if I can. (If it's over, totally understand leaving it out.) I research way more than I footnote. I've been told I over-footnote so I've cut back on that which means I don't cite sources as frequently. So, normally a paper of mine might only footnote 10 sources but I've read, understood and helped me come to my conclusion a number of sources that's 4 or 5 times that. I want to show I can research and I don't think my footnotes alone can prove that. And another question. I'm going to start volunteering at the National Library of Wales soon. However it's a trial thing - I volunteer for a month or two and then they tell me if they like me enough to let me keep volunteering. Do I put this on my CV regardless? Just not use a person as a reference?
  2. @Salexa - LOVE the attitude. We can't lose if we don't try right?
  3. I know I've asked this question before but I can't find where I've asked it/what the answer was. So I'll ask again. Writing sample - 20 page limit - does this include my bibliography? I've got a paper that is writing-sample worthy that's 20 pages but 24 if you include the bibliography. Is that acceptable? Or should I shorten it (or slightly shrink the font of the source list) to make it 20 pages complete? Spending this glorious day inside writing statements of purpose. Woohoo! And many thanks to helping with my idiotic questions.
  4. I'm just going to speak about the visa process, because that's what I know. The visa process is insanely easy if you understand British-English. Otherwise, it's a mirad of links upon links. But one that can be navigated! Tier 4 is for students. You'll need a letter/form from the University you're going to attend in the UK that shows the UK government that you have a purpose to be there. There's some stuff about proving you are also able to financially support yourself. I didn't have to fill this part out, but it was basically asking, "How much are your living expenses? How much do you make?" Now Tier 4 is probably not what you're going for if you are a working TA. Tier 4 General only allows 20 hours of work a week so that's something to consider. Hope that helps!
  5. I have heard amazing things about two other places - one is a field school in the UK. Not sure where at the moment - I'll have to do some more research on that one. As for the US, I've heard amazing things about the University of Illinois' program run through the Anthropology department. They are relatively close to a field school that offers summer classes and is certified by the Society of American Archeologists I believe. Hope that vague answer helped a little!
  6. I've got it on a sticky note on my desktop. Probably not the best idea, but certainly the easiest. Right now, instead of concentrating on the applications like I probably should (I just have SOPs left which is torture), I'm focusing on my volunteering application for the National Library of Wales. Then it's the SOPs.
  7. I think it really depends on your recommenders. And I know, that's not a helpful answer. But let me explain why. My advisor wants me to go to graduate school. He has said from the first semester I was in undergrad that he would write recommendation letters for me for just about anything I needed (including to be a Resident Assistant). He told me that I should apply where I want to go, where I could be happy, and most importantly I got funding and he would write recommendations for all of those. It will be close to 12 letters since I'm applying to dual degrees which are in two different colleges/schools. He has absolutely no problem with that. That's why I chose him as well as the other two recommenders because they WANT me to succeed and get into the grad school of my choice. I think that's important part of picking the right people. It's not just about a "strong" letter that says "Why yes, X is a great student." It's the kind of letter that says "You would be an idiot not to admit this person. And here's why..." Overall, they probably only have to write one letter (unless they are alum or have some connection with the university you're applying to) and just change the name of the university. As a side note to the GPA - GPA will get you admitted to the graduate school, it's everything else that will get you into the department and the school. What I've learned about ad comms is that they have people who look at things differently. For example, one is only impressed by a stellar SOP or writing sample, another wants numbers (GRE, GPA) and another wants experience. I hope this helps somewhat!
  8. I just moved to Wales to do my last year of undergrad abroad so I'm more stressed about the transition to Aber than I am about grad school applications. That being said... I am terrified of writing my SOPs. I had a professor tell me that I had a really, really good shot at getting funding if my SOP shows/tells about all of the experience I gained this summer at NMAH. So, yeah, no pressure there. My first applications are due December 15th. My writing sample (minus the one that needs to be 5-7 pages) is done and so is my CV. So my plan is to wait until I register for Aber classes and then schedule two hours a week to work on grad school apps. Because as unimportant as filling my address in is, it takes time. Hugs for all!
  9. It depends on the school I think. I know most schools it doesn't matter when you send it in as long as you're before the deadline (even by 1 minute I've heard). The benefit of doing your app early is that you aren't crunched for time at the very end. You could stagger them so that you can give each one the attention it deserves and not have little mistakes because you're pressed for time.
  10. For math I used Khan Academy which is online (and free!) - both the videos and the practice. There was stuff I didn't review (arcs, for example) but Khan Academy online goes through each little concept one at a time and you can choose what you want to practice instead of just going through huge topics you don't need to practice.
  11. Just finished the GRE. Unofficially its 157 Verbal, 150 Math. The first math was killer so I'm not too surprised about the score - just really disappointed. I guess I'll just have to wait and see percentiles.
  12. You had asked about practice GRE tests and I don't think anyone answered that one. So... my favorite books so far: Princeton Review's - Cracking the GRE book (the DVD is useless) - there's two practice tests in the book and four online with the access code in your book. That being said, PR's online test format is slightly different than the actual GRE (or at least, comparing it to PowerPrep) so it gives you a bit of a crutch in reminding you when you marked things. Kaplan - the book is useless in my opinion, for helping with the content. I tried one practice test and it definitely seemed harder than PR and PowerPrep though. Lastly, I also tried "GRE for Dummies" and it was too easy. I scored near perfect on those practice tests when I was missing twenty points on the PR, Kaplan and PowerPrep tests. Hope that helps!
  13. How do you handle schools you attended but didn't earn a degree from? I took 6 classes at the local community college (four during high school, two for gen ed credits) and so I'll have to submit the transcripts regardless. However, I don't know how to put it on my CV, especially date wise. I have dates like "Summer 2008, Summer 2009, Fall 2010" etc. Then, my last year of undergrad I'm doing at an international school through an exchange. I'm hoping (praying actually) I don't have to send my transcripts from this school but again - how do I mention it in a CV?
  14. http://www.easyspirit.com/Dreamngo/53228314,default,pd.html?variantSizeClass=&variantColor=HONEYLE&cgid=52656243&prefn1=catalog-id&prefv1=easyspirit-catalog <-- those are the shoes in the honey leather color The sandals were my work shoes in DC where I walked at least half a mile a day and more on touring weekends when I would go back and forth to the metro. They're very, very broken in. Ouch for your feet previously. I give them a nice footrub in the past!
  15. I've been a lurker for the future when I eventually need to dress the part. So pardon me for a little thread hijack - I'm going on a pre-application campus visit to see a few POIs, meet with current grad students, etc. and I'm wondering what to wear. The two campuses I'm going to are *huge* so heels of any kind are out. It's also September in Indiana which means it's inevitably hot. I was thinking sandals, a skit and a nice top for the second one (my favorite school) and a nice sundress and sandals (with sweater for cold buildings) for the second. Should I be more dressed up? Less dressed up?
  16. I'm visiting IU and their Center in the middle of September to get a feel for the University, the Center and whether or not some of the professors there are really my "dream/drool-worthy" professors of interest, especially considering funding issues. The two years thing, I think, came from the secretary at the Center. I can't use my German but she said if I did SWSEEL I probably/might be able to pass the language requirement after the summer. But again, you're right that it depends on the students and professors.
  17. Oi to the vey! Took my last GRE practice test today. I took my last two using PowerPrep because I figured I might as well be using something as close to the real thing as possible. Good news - my Math score has, from the beginning, gone up 9 points. The bad - my Verbal is stuck between 151-154 range which isn't even close to where I thought I would be/where I need to be. I'm taking the test on the 6th so a week from yesterday. I'm tempted to just lay off all studying until then but I also don't want to waste time I could use to help my verbal since cut off for many of my schools for verbal is 154. Any ideas?
  18. The thing about going into a PhD program and then dropping out with an MA is that you will frequently lose your funding. For example - I know someone who went into a PhD poli sci program with every intention in her heart and her SOP to teach at the collegiate level. She wanted that PhD. After a year and a half with lots of students who were apathetic and didn't care about her passion, she dropped down to just a Masters. In essence the university said "You aren't worth the investment anymore. Find funding for your last year on your own." I think if you go into a PhD program with your heart set on teaching and then it changes, then that's one thing. But to go into a PhD program only to get a Master's because you want to switch programs? That sounds really iffy to me.
  19. @New England Nat - I'm applying to the joint degree between Chapel Hill and NC State. I'll change it to UNC to make you Tarheels and Wolf Pack happy.
  20. It really depends on the type of social science program. Honestly, I don't know enough about anthropology to know about the programs. But political science has some programs that are very "math" based using statistics and more "theory" based where you don't need math skills. But like I said, I don't know if anthropology is like this.
  21. I've started filling out my first application. I've got to email the university and ask them about the dual degree application. There isn't a separate one for dual degrees so it looks like I have to fill out the application twice - and pay the application fee twice. I'm starting to get emotionally drained from all of the preparations for graduate school. It's in part because I'm also getting ready to move abroad for my last year of undergrad abroad. Ugh. But... in good news - I talked with a former professor from one of my top schools and she said that I sound super competitive and that I am highly likely to be in the top 10-12 that receives funding. So, woohoo for that! I just have to make sure that my SOP shows all the experience that makes me competitive.
  22. My favorite university that I keep recommending to people is Indiana-Bloomington and their REEI (Russian and East European Institute) which has an *amazing* Slavic department. It's actually the best I've seen anywhere. They also have a summer institute program called SWSEEL that can give you (and correct me if I'm wrong) two years of language experience in a summer. I know they definitely offer Russian, Czech, Romanian and Hungarian.
  23. While yes, you might find one professor at almost any university for Russian history I would be careful to say Eastern European history professors abound. Indiana-Bloomington's Russian and East European Institute is US-renowned (if not world) for it's foreign language classes and it's professors in Eastern Europe/Russia. Since you already have a huge amount of languages under your belt, Indiana would also be a good bet because you would be eligible for FLAS grants for the languages you're a little iffier about.
  24. I would recommend Jaraush (sp?) but he's close to retiring and is a little more modern than that. I've been told before that the greatest German professors are all from around the same age and so are retiring all around the same time. I don't know how true this is but... something to investigate. Jaraush (sp?) and a few others of the greats are at UNC-Chapel Hill. They have an amazing Germanic Studies department so I'd take a gander over there first. Good luck!
  25. If I can afford it I'm definitely adopting a cat when I get settled at grad school. After a summer of living with both a dog and a cat, cats have won my heart over. I certainly don't want a kitten but not one as old as Frisky. Frisky was 19, going a little deaf and therefore had the loudest meows I've ever heard. They could be heard throughout the townhouse which was 3 stories!
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