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Everything posted by deebee

  1. in the other direction, NYU's faculty seems to be on the rise (or so they say). they've increased their faculty significantly over the past few years, poaching Peter Nicholls (from Sussex), Lisa Gitelman (from Harvard), Thomas Augst (from University of Minnesota) among a few others.
  2. no i'm sorry! i'm being the worst!
  3. more like 12.5% confidence in admission
  5. happy birthday
  6. oh then by all means, play on! i was trying to give you a heads-up. another friend of mine went to ox and loved their approach, i just made an inference from some of your other applications that seemed to be more theory-heavy schools (hopkins, brown, nyu). did you apply straight to the phd at ox, or mlitt->phd? i might be able to offer some advice having just come out of that system, should you need any.
  7. grimwig, i'm not sure what your research interests are, but if you're literary-theoretically-inclined at all i'd caution you to stay away from ox. a member of my cohort at cambridge that had done his ugrad at ox had a hard time getting up to speed because many ox professors still considers authorial intention to be a key element of literary study, whereas it has been all but discarded at a lot of other schools. edit - columbia and brown also have european campuses (columbia's campus in paris is supposed to be spectacular)
  8. (furiously changes research interests to building a hart crane-inspired house)
  9. don't look now - P's off to the races
  10. i'm just waiting for a voicemail of a brahmin accent laughing.
  11. thanks Jbarks (it's American Modernism, which seems like a pretty passé focus). and i'm sorry Stately Plump - i realize i'm being awful.
  12. i would gladly trade you NYU for UCLA, but at the same time, my girlfriend has been giving me hourly reminders of how ridiculous i'm being.
  13. a lot of this right now. started off with an acceptance building me up, followed by five very unexpected rejections, now thinking of maybe just sticking to business management consulting.
  14. Oh my goodness congrats!!! By phone?
  15. confidence is at an
  16. the worst is having your mom call you all excited because a letter showed up from X University and you've already received your rejection online. ffffffffff
  17. wahhhhhhhhh
  18. I went to cambridge for my master's and I didn't find out until march 20th
  20. i suppose you might take this with a grain of salt, since CUNY's funding package pretty much talked me out of applying to them at all, but give a serious thought to the quality of your work while at either program. if you're teaching a 3/3 load, it's hard to imagine that you'll be writing with the same sustained care and effort as you would if you had the security of assured funding. as well, my impression is that NYU's reputation is a bit better than CUNY's in the "periodic" areas of the discipline, whereas CUNY is stronger in critical theory and theoretical subsets (marxist, queer, eco, etc.)
  21. yes and yes. i came from a small (although rigorous) canadian university, and during my fourth year i applied to three american phd programs and a master's in the uk. unsurprisingly - more likely due to lousy 1st & 2nd year grades than anything else - the us schools rejected me. the uk school took me on and i found that i flourished in the grad school setting, not to mention collected references from some well-respected thinkers and got two publications and two conference papers under my belt. i also had a chance to really immerse myself in my field of interest, get a better idea of the sort of thinker i want to be/am and put together a really solid statement of purpose (none of this "i've always loved books since as soon as i could read and so i want to..." stuff). now, in the calls i've had from the us schools i applied to this time around, the director generally says something about my "focus" that i wouldn't have been able to demonstrate without my master's year. i should say - i was fortunate enough to find a master's program exclusively in my focus area, so i didn't have to take any courses outside of my period of choice.
  22. the open house goes into the 5th (observing the class structure and facilities in operation)
  23. hi everyone! i've been trolling the boards for awhile and that first nyu call was mine. the english department's grad chair said that successful applicants weren't going to be notified by the graduate board for another couple of weeks, but that since i'm international she wanted to reach out and help me plan my visit down to the school and to get my fiancee's visa application started.
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