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Everything posted by sansao

  1. I'm with you on that (my decision is due by the 15th). I'm going to send emails to follow up with everyone today, and I plan on making a decision on Wednesday at the latest. Then, there shall be peace, and my computer and phone will prolly think I broke up with them.
  2. I've been getting a lot of the, "Don't go to school X, the cost of living is way too high" comments from family lately. I appreciate the concern, but I'm anticipating poverty wherever I end up going, so it's not that much of an issue.
  3. in love
  4. I haven't started a PhD program yet, but my experience has been that this can happen to anyone doing anything over an extended period of time. I agree thoroughly with Elise's post above: especially that you need to give yourself a little time to relax. It sounds like you're doing good things in your program, and you're way ahead of the game (I'm 35 and just starting). So I'm sure if you do change careers in the future, you'll be able to excel at whatever you do. I recommend you take a few weeks off as soon as you can. Go on vacation, go to the beach or go camping or something.
  5. That's actually a really good idea. I'd consider (if possible) waterproofing it even if it's not leather... especially if you're planning on keeping a laptop in it. Also, one lesson I learned the hard way, is to keep a drain for fluids in it (small opening or something). It sucks when your bottled beverage (or in my case, first juice, and another year, sunblock) opens and soaks everything you own. It's also a lot easier to clean afterwards if you can flush through it.
  6. Seven, a little high for my field, but after four rejections last year, I was not taking chances. This year was much, much better.
  7. charmed life
  8. Thanks. To top it off, I got my fourth acceptance when I checked my status today. Talk about late surprises. I feel like I won the lottery today... Two admits in a row. Choosing in less than two weeks is apparently my new source of stress. It's a much kinder stress. I hope you made out ok.
  9. 4 flights, 5 interviews, 4600 miles, and I am accepted. I'm exhausted, it's unofficial, and I don't know all the funding details, but I'm really excited for this one. No more tension for a bit.
  10. wish granted
  11. Robot Invasion
  12. Definitely ask. It wouldn't be worth the headache if something went wrong.
  13. You're also potentially holding up another student's progress. Please don't.
  14. I'm at the airport getting ready to fly out for my long-awaited final interview as I type this. Talk about tense and anxious... I have acceptances in the bag, so to speak, so one would think this would have a calming effect. Apparently not.
  15. Congrats! I thought maybe it was just taking them a little longer to get the money together. Happy for you that they did!
  16. You could maybe go to the Graduate College administration first, and start there. It might make less waves to start with, and maybe one of their admin people could find out for you while maintaining your anonymity. Good luck!
  17. I am so unbelievably old. Ugh.
  18. Congratulations! I bet that's a huge relief for you. I wonder if schools restrain admissions related emails on April 1st. I doubt it, but it's an entertaining thought, that we're both that desperate and that paranoid.
  19. Rock Lobster
  20. Fountain head
  21. Yeah, there's usually some type of disclaimer allowing them to pull funding if all their money goes away. But I suspect as long as you don't blow it, if they committed to funding you, they've probably looked at five years down the line. My feeling is that it's more likely that these cuts will affect applicants down the line.
  22. It makes me glad to be admitted and funded for now. I'll borrow if I have to in order to finish, but that doesn't help future cohorts that are denied admission based on less money. If the current political climate is any indicator, this is just going to get worse.
  23. I'm almost more interested in who all read my app. Only faculty? Other grads? After rereading some of my application materials for interviews, I kind of hope they burn them after you accept.
  24. I don't think they're too worried about that. They funded you after all, right? I'm glad it's almost April too. I can't wait to accept and start prepping for the move. I didn't move for my undergrad, so this is going to be a new experience for sure.
  25. Magic Square
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