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Everything posted by sansao

  1. Forest Rangers
  2. Congratulations, that's fantastic!
  3. Rock Salt
  4. I would have applied to Scripps or Woods Hole instead of a certain other school. That was a waste, and I knew it from the beginning, but I was too nervous and insecure about my application. That was stupid, and I've been regretting that one application since February. :/
  5. Despite all the interviews, and even the one acceptance (which is conditional on finding an advisor willing to fund me), all seven of the schools I applied to are up in the air. That's kinda bothering me today. I am supposed to fly out for an interview for one school, so I'm hopeful at this point. ...but... I was really hoping to be able to relax a little over spring break, and not have to wonder if I would get in anywhere at all. It's unlikely that will happen now, and that kinda sucks.
  6. New Year
  7. Ocean Water
  8. Table Tennis
  9. I hope so too. Good luck.
  10. That is exactly what I would advise you to do. Until you are required to make a decision, wait a while so you can think on it, sleep on it, let it sink in, etc. They give you time to consider, use it.
  11. Fallen Dictator
  12. Don't give up, they could be calling just a few people at a time. It happens, and doesn't appear to be that uncommon.
  13. Program is calling me Monday. I'm absolutely terrible on the phone, but I couldn't really say, "how about we talk via email, and you pretend you don't have a meat cleaver ready for my academic career." Plus it's early in the morning, when I'm partially retarded, so this is going to be interesting, haha. I also can't say, "how about we all wear blindfolds once I get there..." as much as I would like exactly that to occur. Anxiety sucks.
  14. broken link
  15. It's March, I can't decide if it feels like that's still really early or really late. I could see it taking until April to issue a decision and still give prospects a fair amount of time to weigh offers. But still, it's going to be April in a month... yikes. I have a second phone interview with a poi on Monday morning, and I have a general idea of what's going on with two other schools, but I'm still really in the dark about the other 4 to which I applied. I still have yet to get an acceptance that isn't contingent on me locating funding. I'm glad Spring Break is coming up, but with this being the second application season and all the stress of the last year, I'm extremely ready to be done with ambiguity in regards to my academic future.
  16. Time Zone
  17. My self-confidence has been seriously damaged by this experience. It's not gone, but it'll be a while before I'm comfortable describing myself as a scientist, or geologist, or person who can add 1+1 correctly, lol.
  18. Just heard back from a school I interviewed with back in January. They're still interested, and I'll be hearing from another professor in the department soon. Exciting!
  19. Rescue Mission
  20. Pears, your comments fill me with delight, lol.
  21. Safe Harbor
  22. Group desk-ball!
  23. I would fire everyone, move to another country, and laugh into the night.
  24. cue entrance
  25. Congratulations. It must be very encouraging to get that kind of validation at this point. Way to go!
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