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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New England
  • Interests
    19th & 20th Century American, Literature & Culture of the South, Gender Theory
  • Program
    English Lit

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  1. From what I can tell, Loyola still hasn't notified from wait list or for rejection. Not that everyone hasn't already figured out their situations for next year. To me, this is just insane. Final decision week was April 15th, and to not notify your rejections by then? I cannot comprehened such poor communication on behalf of a renowned institution. Anyone else heard anything?
  2. Waiting to hear as well, I was pretty sure that on their website they mentioned that they notify by March 1st... maybe that person emailed the department?
  3. super impersonal rejection O.o
  4. http://www.testudo.umd.edu/admissions/ some other admissions info site, you have to enter your ID number which can be found under contact information in ASF
  5. checked testudo and my rejection is on there, not updated on ASF or via email yet. yaaay.
  6. I don't know if anyone watches The Big Bang Theory, but with every (rejection) email I just imagine Sheldon popping up and saying BAZINGA
  7. FAFSA, baby, FAFSA.
  8. Hoping this is one instance where my post-bachelor green-ness works out in my favor...
  9. 0/3 (about to be 0/4...) and collectively mourning with ya'll. Your own undergraduate school not wanting you is a pretty big blow... Just keep trying to tell myself that a year off won't be the worst thing in the entire world. PMA, guys!
  10. At this point i'm hoping for Penn State, I knew Brown was a reach. Still holding out for BU, though... I hope Jason Segel warms your grad-school dejected heart
  11. same three rejections, sigh
  12. Just got the email directing me to my rejection. It was expected, at least the email was nicer than UMass' two sentences...
  13. Now thinking this is an implicit rejection for me...
  14. "no decision" here, no news is good news?
  15. the town! I don't know anything about Amherst College. I like UMass a lot and the city of Amherst, but many graduate students choose to live in Northampton and commute (~20 minutes, unless you get stuck on the bridge). Amherst has that really great "larger" town feel, with not many chain restaurants or shopping malls, but a lot of great local food/commerce/shops/markets with the option to travel to a larger city like boston (~90 minutes) if desired. Oh and Megabus now runs to NYC for usually less than 20 bucks.
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