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Everything posted by ekant

  1. Official for me too. Bahhhhhhhhhh.
  2. It's so difficult to wait. I've been rejected from 8 PhD programs now. Of the 3 remaining PhD programs I'm waiting to hear from, 2 of them are my top choices, though. Must get one acceptance. Must. One.
  3. There are 4 acceptances up on the board. I got an e-mail today from the DGS (regarding the status of decisions): "I apologize for the delay in my response to your question. Application decisions should go out via email from the UCSC Graduate Division sometime next week. Best, Emily" If a visiting weekend is March 5th, they've definitely notified all their admits by now. Assuming another rejection, then.
  4. My world will end if I don't get into at least one school. I mean, okay, it probably won't end, but I've been rejected from 7 already, so it just seems like it can't get much worse, and whatever is much worse seems like it must be the end of the world. Okay, that made little to no sense. Too many hours spent in class today.
  5. Trying not to freak out. When I called them on Tuesday they said that we definitely would not hear back until the end of next week (at the earliest).
  6. Second this. I really want Rochester and Oregon. Just one. I need an acceptance. Rochester is a great program/fit for me. My writing sample was on Blake... Morris Eaves is a professor at Rochester and he's a leading scholar (as far as I'm concerned) on Blake. It'd be wonderful to get into this program... it's small and it's a great school.
  7. I would love to know who claims this....
  8. Rawera, I also have the time/lack of a future to re-apply. I just had a really long conversation with one of my professors. He said that it would be a good idea to move to a city with a lot of colleges (that have English graduate programs) and to audit classes/take classes as a non-matriculated student while working some job that can pay the bills. After a year of this, he said, then take GRE's over again, re-apply, and see what happens. This seems like it will be my plan if I don't get into the schools that I'm waiting to hear back from.
  9. I feel all of you people. Let's just start our own graduate program. You're all accepted. Literature, Philosophy, Creative Writing PhD. Done.
  10. I have really high grades, but my GRE scores are low. I have a feeling that it unfortunately played a large part in my rejections thus far.
  11. Got an e-mail response. Rejected. 0/7.
  12. Me too... waiting and waiting and waiting. I e-mailed them, but they didn't answer.
  13. Still haven't heard from them... implicit rejection?
  14. LOL @ answer from Mr. Stamm. I like this guy. Concise. No bullshit: "Early March, we hope— Michael"
  15. People haven't been annoyed (or unannoyed), they just haven't been responding. I respect it, though, because I'm sure they get a thousand e-mails a day about this stuff. My professor went to UOregon for her PhD and she told me today to not e-mail the admin. assistants or any professors at this point; it might be best to leave them alone haha.
  16. I'm not from Western New York (I'm from about 25 minutes outside of NYC), but I've been in Oneonta, NY (the boonies in central NY) for about 4 years now. I'm ready to get out.
  17. Lol, they didn't e-mail me back. I have a feeling their administrative assistant isn't a fan of me. I've e-mailed a few times in the past but haven't gotten many responses.
  18. Hey! That acceptance is for comp. lit... Ohhhh... You got me REALLY nervous... You're doing comp. lit! I'm doing just English... I got scared. No English up on the board yet thank god.
  19. My heart literally just stopped as my phone started ringing, the call being from a number in Oregon. It was a credit card solicitation company. Oy vey.
  20. Too true. I haven't heard back from any of the West Coast schools I applied to.
  21. You're welcome! I was nervous about that too, but I bit the bullet haha.
  22. I'm going to PM you.
  23. This. I completely feel the same way. I applied to not enough safety schools (obviously) and set my goals too high. I'm embarrassed because, for the past four years of school, I've prided myself on getting near perfect grades, working very hard, and being intelligent. I feel silly that I even thought this way (and that I could even get in to any of these schools). Fuck.
  24. Mine doesn't either. I had class yesterday, but the administrative offices were closed I think.
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