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Everything posted by ekant

  1. You're convoluted logic completely holds up. I caved and emailed UOregon on Saturday asking about a timeline. I'm assuming the administrative assistant was off yesterday for President's Day, thus not replying to inquiries. Fingers crossed. Hoping. Waiting.
  2. I just called the office. The Graduate Administrative Assistant said that they're still working on it and that it'll be probably until late next week (or early March) to hear back. They're one of my tops as well, great fit for my interests, but I'm not sure if I could stand another 6 years in upstate New York. I've done my undergraduate work for four years now in upstate New York. If this is the only place I get in, though, I'd be more than happy.
  3. I really, really, really hope so. I'm super antsy about UOregon. It is by far and above my top choice. Give us some words, Oregon!
  4. Agreed! That'd be wonderful.
  5. I feel both of you completely. I didn't do as well as other did on the GRE's (I'm a bad standardized test taker), but I worked very very very hard on my SOP, writing sample, CV and the rest of the application. And I think my rec letters were good too. I'm hoping I didn't get canned for GRE scores. I thought Graduate Schools, especially in English, would be able to overlook such a silly exam. If I go 0/12, rejections across the board, then I don't know what I'll do. I'm pulling for all of us. We definitely deserve something positive.
  6. I'm part of the 0-fer class. I'll take one acceptance. Just one. Any one. 0/6 is really putting a dampener on my already shaky confidence. I'm at the halfway mark... maybe the latter half will be some type of non-rejection?
  7. Anyone hear anything from Rochester yet? I'm anxiously waiting to hear back now. I hear the program is great.
  8. Thanks ya'll. Good luck to you too. I hope everything works out for everyone in the long run.
  9. Despite it being Presdient's Day, I heard back four rejections today. Long February, but damn fucking short February 20th if you ask me. 0/6 now.
  10. Just checked. Went from "In Review" to "Decision." Rejected. 0/6 now. Not looking good for me. So glad I worked so hard and busted my ass for four years to get rejected from all these schools.
  11. Rejected. Batting 0/5 now. Not looking up. I feel you for you, fellow rejectees!
  12. Oh no! Bummer! I put the whole university name in my SOP as to avoid confusion. I'm really antsy to hear back from UOregon. Good luck!!!
  13. Me too, me too.
  14. No decision for me yet either..... Oy vey, as my Jewish mother would say.
  15. Thank you, Germaine! I really hope I can get in to one. Just one, please.
  16. Rejected . This was one of my top choices. Huge bummer. Now batting 0/4
  17. Big fan of The Smiths... Morrissey himself, not so much.
  18. This. Thank you. I completely agree.
  19. You're welcome, Rupert. Right? That's an insane acceptance rate... That's nearly 3%. My application at Ohio State is still "in review" also... I'm getting nervous about that one as well. I heard they have sent out some acceptances, but I also see that they sent out a bunch of rejections too. Thus, I'm kind of sort of weirdly content with "in review."
  20. Rupert, I'm assuming so. I e-mailed them and asked about when we might hear decisions and this was Dr. Thrailkill's response: Like I said, very kind and understanding e-mail. Still a bit of a bummer, though.
  21. Rejected. E-mailed the director of Graduate Studies. Really nice e-mail, though. I'm not too surprised.
  22. TripWillis, I can sympathize. I'm doing the same thing.
  23. Ahhhh, well, congrats on the wait list! That's better than a rejection by far and above. Hopefully some people decline their offers of acceptance so that you can be accepted! I'm still waiting to hear back... Meep. I e-mailed her a few days ago, hoping to expect a similar e-mail back.
  24. Right?! The information is shaky.
  25. Germaine123, Ahhhhh, Good luck! I'm really not sure what to think... who knows at this point? I still have a ton that I'm waiting on, but a lot of them have sent out their acceptances already (or at least that's what this forum has been indicating), so I'm a bit uneasy. It is not over until it's over, though! Good luck!
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