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Everything posted by Datatape

  1. "Hey, shouldn't you be hearing back from some of these schools soon?"
  2. I'm out of upvotes for the day, so I will have to come upvote this tomorrow. In the meantime:
  3. MI born and bred, here. So, yeah. Hail to the victors.
  4. That's not a bad position to be in for Delaware. From what appears to be the case, students that get through the M.A. are usually promoted from within into the Ph.D. program and their M.A.s are generally funded. Good luck!
  5. Also, if you don't have anything posted, that's probably a good sign. Mine was available as soon as I signed into ApplyYourself, a link that said "A decision on your application is available" or something along those lines.
  6. Yeah, I have a letter on there informing me I've been rejected. Would've been a great fit, but they really, really favor their own MAs. Oh, well. One down, twelve to go.
  7. Can anyone confirm the Kansas email rejection that's up on the results page?
  8. Two sections of introductory composition. I realized halfway through building my syllabi that I kept all of my outlines that I made for my classes last semester and can easily adapt them to fit what I'm doing this term.
  9. I have a page on Academia.edu and it alerts me if anybody clicks on my page from a Google search and what the Google search term was.
  10. Youguysyouguysyouguys. There was totally a spike in somebody searching for me today. And I do not have the most common name in the world. It was "[First name] [last name]", "[First name] [last name] [school I teach at]" and "[First name] [last name] [hometown, which is not where my school is located]". YOU GUYS.
  11. Probably should clarify: I'm also applying to Delaware and while I knew they favored internal applicants, I had no idea it was by that much.
  12. Oof. That's rough. Still, stiff upper lip and all that, pip pip.
  13. I don't think there's a jury in the world that would vote to convict.
  14. Well, as we all know, George R.R. Martin is a master of surprise.
  15. Rachel Carson's The Sea Around Us. Phenomenal book, highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in ecocriticism or environmental literature.
  16. Welcome and congrats, Keely! What are your research interests, if you don't mind me asking?
  17. Ooh! No, raspberry coulis. YES. Now I know what to do if they ever have me teach an intro to American poetry class.
  18. I actually did a major seminar paper on Plath for a poetics class. Because I am a dork, I cooked food every time I had to lead class in my Master's program and I made a ton of food based on the three poems I concentrated on: mushroom flatbread for "Mushrooms," sacrilicious (cheese and sausage on challah bread) pressed sandwiches for "Daddy" and worms in dirt for "Lady Lazarus."
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