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Everything posted by Datatape

  1. Thanks, guys. I'm trying not to get too excited about it, because I remember Tennessee had an absolutely enormous waitlist last year, but it's kind of hard not to. Sort of like getting a promise of a big present on Christmas but you don't know if it's actually going to be there or not.
  2. Tennessee sent out their waitlists this morning along with an invitation to call if we had questions. I called the graduate secretary, Leanne, to see if she could tell me how many students were on the waitlist and she told me that she did not actually have the physical waitlist yet, she was just given the list of students to notify. She told me that she should know in about a week where everybody stands on the waitlist.
  3. Arggggh! Why am I out of upvotes? Have this:
  4. And an ostrich-drawn cart to take you across the campus.
  5. I just got the baby in the king cake. This has to be a sign of more good things to come. And it's certainly a better sign than last year, when my fellow tutors and I got the leftovers of the king cake in the Writing Center and was told the baby was still to be found, then we couldn't find the baby and went a little crazy and started stabbing the king cake with knives and screaming "Where's the baby? Where's the baby?! WHERE'S THE BAAAAAABYYYYYYYYY?!" We didn't have many students come in to get their papers looked at that day. :/
  6. A baker's dozen is thirteen. It goes back to the time when rolls and such were sold by weight, and bakers who were selling smaller rolls, which weighed less, could be penalized. Rather than risk it, they would throw in a complimentary thirteenth roll in with the dozen ordered so the weight would be enough to avoid a fine.
  7. 1. Fit/faculty match 2. Program ranking/reputation/placement rate 3. Funding 4. Ambiance 5. Location 6. Department culture/size
  8. I'm pretty sure those were all rhet/comp and not lit, though, weren't they?
  9. Click on your name in the upper-right corner and you'll go to your profile page. Click on "Edit My Profile," then "Signature" and change it to whatever you fancy.
  10. It's odd, isn't it? It feels like there have been eighty billion gajillion entries on the results board and yet there are so many people who didn't hear anything this week. :/
  11. Quite frankly, if that's the reason they reject you, that's not somewhere you want to go anyway.
  12. Can anyone confirm that either rejections or acceptances have gone out for Tennessee? There's two rejections and one acceptance, but I can't recall seeing anybody say on the forums that they've been either rejected or accepted.
  13. Bear in mind that it's still relatively early in the season. Last year, I didn't hear from ANY schools until, I think, February 20 or so. Don't assume that silence is necessarily bad - it may just mean that they got more applications than last year and they have to work their way through them yet.
  14. I have been to Lincoln and it's probably one of the better places to live if you are going to live in Nebraska. It feels like a mid-sized Midwest city: pleasant and safe, if rather unexciting. I can't speak to the creative writing Ph.D. as I was applying to Nebraska's English Ph.D. (just got the rejection about an hour ago) and don't know too much about it. With that said, any Ph.D. program is going to keep you busy and require you to be structured and self-disciplined, so I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't have time to write, particularly if creative writing is going to be the focus of your coursework.
  15. Is anyone able to confirm the Tennessee rejection?
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