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Posts posted by philosophe

  1. On 4/22/2016 at 7:20 AM, hot.glass said:

    I never got an outcome from UConn. Is this normal? The application portal still says 'submitted' and everything is there. I solicited and didn't receive a response...

    that's weird. i'd recommend you call the department

  2. On 4/12/2016 at 2:16 PM, portmanteau said:

    Has anyone gotten any more info for Austin? I haven't heard a thing - I called and spoke to someone who did look at my application and she said I was basically just ... not rejected. So basically if tons of people decline and they need to pull from a slightly less qualified pool, there I am. I have one offer that I am on the verge of accepting but would like to at least hear back from Austin before I do that.

    I was in limbo but solicited and got a rejection. Although now it sounds like they're going into the limbo ppl, kicking myself for soliciting now! haha 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Dialectica said:

    Maybe you didn't mean to state this, but it sounds as though you are indicating that everyone has accepted their offers, leaving only one spot left for admissions. Is this what you are saying? If so, then it seems a lot has changed within the last 24 hours or less.

    That's definitely not the case. I think he means he's the most likely to automatically give up his offer if he gets off the WL, whereas others (as you know) would consider the two and then decide.

  4. 10 minutes ago, AnonymousMonad said:

    I'm wondering, is this sort of offer common as time is running out? I'm holding on to just one of my offers while I am wait listed at two schools, both of which I'd prefer to the school where I have an offer—all other things (i.e. funding) being roughly equal. But all other things (i.e. funding) being equal, I'd prefer one of those schools at which I'm wait listed over the other... but I'm not sure what I'd do if I got this sort of offer from the school I prefer less.

    so, all things being roughly equal:

    1st choice (waitlisted), 2nd choice (waitlisted), 3rd choice (offer)

    What to do if I get a "here is an offer if you're in the position to accept" from 2nd choice before hearing anything from 1st choice? ? Here's to hoping that doesn't happen. 

    Though at the end of the day it's important to bear in mind that I'd be glad to go to any of the three places.

    This happened to me... I politely said I was very interested but I'd have to wait until the end of the day on April 15th. I got a real offer (as opposed to the cart before the horse kind) from that school the next day regardless, which I sat on until a different, preferred school came through. The APA rules say that they can't make you respond before then, stand up for yourself! You can't be bullied into accepting an offer earlier in order to make that offer come about. If they want you, they should give you an offer and wait for your response like everyone else. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, metapsychic said:

    Just out of curiosity, what made you prefer Indiana over Arizona? I had considered both those schools and I remember the placement record of the latter standing out to me. Is it mostly about AOI? 

    Placement is much better at Arizona, but a few things made the difference for me: The grad students there have a very heavy workload. They teach 3 sections for all years except for one fellowship semester, up to 75 students (grading for them as well). All that while they're supposed to be doing their own work. That seems like way too much for me, I value my time. Second, the main person I want to work with is considering an offer elsewhere, and as late as yesterday told me he wasn't sure if he was staying or leaving. That leaves only one person in my area of interest, and that's putting a lot of eggs in one basket. Third, they've been jerking me around a lot, (initially guaranteeing one fellowship semester, then saying that will only be the case if I accepted asap) and that seems disrespectful and like a potential red flag. I also am not a fan of the desert climate. Hope that helps to clarify! 

  6. 8 minutes ago, AnotherKantFan said:

    Cool :) Though I recommend setting up a ranking of these 5 places in your mind, because once it comes to choosing you won't have much time :)

    I do have a rank in my mind, but the idea of getting off more than 1 WL sounds like wishful thinking rn. I'll believe it when I see the choice arise :P

  7. 1 hour ago, AnotherKantFan said:

    I feel you. Half of the bloody year... What's your #1 choice? :) UCSB would be awesome too, in any case, right?

    Yeah, I'd probably take any of my WL schools. UCSB would be fine, but I'd prefer to go somewhere with a better placement record. 

  8. Huge ball of anxiety today. I can't get any work done because I'm constantly checking my email. It's pretty crazy to think that I submitted these apps in November and here we are on April 8th and I'm still waiting, possibly for a negative result. Something tells me this might be the longest week of my life. I can't wait for it to be over.

    Since there's no nail biting or vomiting emoji this will have to do :blink: 

  9. 55 minutes ago, Jonathan13 said:

    Ya, looking over their website it seems like UCLA offers very little in metaphysics and epistemology, and is becoming less and less strong in mind and cognitive science (because as you said Burge is getting super old ... and you just can't be that available / responsive when you're that old and your juggling talks, research, and students). These sorts of considerations should be taken seriously given that places where we might get jobs in the future want us to have a very solid grasp of contemporary M&E. Really, schools in that ranking area (10-20 ish maybe) should not be compared to one another based only on rank, but based on more specific details like some of those you mentioned. (Also, I have a friend in the area and she says going practically anywhere in LA requires you to sit in a bus for 1 hour if not longer.)

    apparently they've been trying to hire for epistemology for quite some time, but no results

  10. 17 minutes ago, Scroop said:


    This is me lol. I did not anticipate this level of anxiety. I had never been one to constantly check email, but now I freak out too over every single notification. I'm waitlisted at two schools (including my top choice [major anxiety there]), have gotten into 3 (none with funding though), and am still waiting to hear back from another. There's such a variety of emails that could come my way. 9 more days!!! ?

    we'll make it through!

  11. 3 minutes ago, dgswaim said:

    I removed myself from all but one of my stable of wait lists. I can't imagine what it'd be like to be waiting on four at this stage in the game. My hat's off to you!

    It'll all be over in 9 days!  (But who's counting?) :blink::wacko:

  12. Just now, hot.glass said:

    It's all over for me, folks. I've declined offers from Syracuse and Rochester. This is the weirdest mix of emotions I have ever felt.

    Congrats on finishing this process! May I ask -- have you taken yourself off the WL at UMass?

  13. Just now, Bodwiser said:

    @philisophe, thanks ! 

    Of course I am not going to join university A just to save face... I get your point ;)

    If I were you I'd take care of it ASAP though, someone might be on the WL and love to take your place. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Bodwiser said:

    Hi Friends, now mine is a tricky situation.

    I was confused between universities A and B. After much consideration, I chose A over B and accepted A formally on their website but I have not paid the security money yet (to reserve my seat). However between the today and the time I made the acceptance of A, much information (read compelling reasons) have come to light which make me want to go for B now ! (Yes, this time I am sure ^_^)

    I am pretty sure that though I had said 'yes' to university A, they would not have reserved my seat just going by my mail confirmation (that is the whole point of the security deposit right :)). But still, I am kind of embarrassed now to go back to them to renege on my affirmation.

    Can someone suggest a way out of this please !




    If university B is the right choice for you, politely back out via email from A. It's not worth going to the wrong university because you're a bit embarrassed. You have to do what's best for you! It's before the deadline, they'll understand. 

  15. 26 minutes ago, Davidspring said:

    Is it always the case that if someone declines an offer then some other student will be admitted off the waitlist?  I was told that I was one of the first on ND's waitlist, but I still haven't got a spot even if two students in my line have turned down their offers.  They just initially admitted more students than the number of students they can have in the incoming class.  Moreover, since Harvard's visiting days are from April 11 through 14, a few top students will decide very late and this will create a log jam for many programs.

    Here I want to encourage our people, who are not waitlisted in clearly better programs, to decide by April 14 so that our waitlisters can have a good chance of being admitted before the deadline.  Thank you very much for your efforts.

    It's not always the case that it's a one to one ratio of decline for WL offer. For instance, a school might make 10 initial offers and hope for 5-6 spots to be filled. In that case, they would likely only begin to take from the WL once 5 initial offers have been declined. That being said, every bit helps! Stay in touch with the DGS, they may be forthcoming about how many initial students have declined / likelihood of offer, etc. 

  16. On 4/1/2016 at 11:36 AM, FettuccineAlfrege said:

    So... It's really emotionally and mentally draining to spend so much time and energy agonizing over a couple of offers when the possibility of getting off the waitlist into a way better program (where I would definitely go) is looming uncertainly over my head. Bah. 

    Word. Try to rank all of the schools in your head so you can make a quick decision once the clock runs out. I also highly recommend letting your WL school know that you will have to accept an offer on April 15th. (This way they won't think they might be able to give you an offer on the 17th). It also might help to tell them that they're your number 1 choice and that you would definitely accept. It might make the difference for them and bump you to the top, if you're not already there, since they know its not a gamble. They want things to be predictable and to fill their slots as soon as possible, once april 15 rolls around. 

  17. 7 hours ago, Schwarzwald said:


    Do we have to decided by April 15 in the sense that at 11:59AM April 14, financial offers are no longer guaranteed, or are we to decide by April 15 in the sense that on April 16th, all offers will be susceptible to retraction?

    Contact your school(s) to determine the exact deal, but I asked for UCSB and they said I'd have to commit via the online portal by 11:59 pm April 15th. They said that waiting until midnight or later (IE April 16) would potentially put my funding in jeopardy. I hope this helps!

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