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Abiogenic Gas

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Everything posted by Abiogenic Gas

  1. I'm in the same boat with you two. I hate seeing that empty space for awards and honors on my applications.
  2. Ordering additional score reports online doesn't work for me either. I get a message telling me to read the following error message...except there's no error message displayed. I believe ETS had just implemented the online score ordering last year around this time but it seemed to have problems then too. Ah well, I guess it's the phone ordering again.
  3. I think I'd like to get in on this blogging if that's okay.
  4. Four for sure, but probably six to eight. I still don't quite have the final list yet. I'm behind on everything this time around.
  5. This has been on my things to do list for the past few years but November is always a busy month for me. This year, I'm trying to finish up my thesis (again...). I think I'll give this a try but I probably won't get far.
  6. Got a reject from Berkeley but I don't care. geoengineer, I think I might be going to BU too (assuming it's Boston University)! May I ask who your advisor would be? It was the only school I got into (besides the one I'm at right now) and my other option is to start working. I haven't decided yet but have until Friday.
  7. So today's the 15th...Anyone hear from Berkeley?
  8. I emailed MIT regarding the waitlist and I received a reply telling me the slot was filled and I wouldn't be accepted.
  9. I received a waitlist email from MIT on 03/17. I'm so friggin' pumped about that. Reject from Scripps also this week. What's up with Berkeley? Has anyone heard anything?
  10. 0. klew12 1. first 2. nine 3. four 4. list was way too top-heavy, poor UGPA (math/physics grades for sure), SoP needed cleaning up 5. possibly or the year after 6. retake math courses and take physics GRE 7. either: take the six figure job offer and buy myself a benz, or do PhD at my current university en route to poor job prospects in academia
  11. Something that many people did, myself included, was to drive and park near campus where there's a UT shuttle stop. For example, I think in north campus there's a stop around 33rd/34th and Speedway. So many people drive in and park their cars along the side streets and hop on the shuttle when it comes by. You could also just walk to campus from that location too since it's not too far from the ECE building.
  12. good luck, mebosket! I got some good news too because BU wants me to come out and visit. I got a "no" from Princeton this morning but who cares.
  13. Got a rejection email from a professor at Brown. In addition, I haven't heard anything from BU and they made their selections two weeks ago (with one posting on the results page). I think that I'm going to get shut out this year. On the positive side, my advisor at my current school (I'm currently a master's student) has (continually) expressed her desire for me to stay where I am and do a PhD with her.
  14. Should a miracle happen that I get in somewhere, then I would pull off another miracle and do whatever it takes to finish by May. I would also be out of miracles for the next decade (at least). Seriously though, I think I'm on track to defend my thesis near the last last day of April. I gave myself plenty of wiggle room in my original timeline because I knew it would come to this. My original plan was to finish in March so I could use those last two months to celebrate my future as a PhD student somewhere.
  15. I'm fairly certain I know the reason for my rejections, but I'd like to get some feedback on how I can make up for it on future applications (if possible).
  16. In progress and was feverishly trying to finish before May, then I realized that I'm going to be rejected from everywhere and lost all motivation.
  17. This happened to me too a couple days ago! I got a call from a Boston area code (where three of my schools are) and it was a telemarketer. Needless to say, I did not purchase anything.
  18. My backup plan is to either: 1. Start working at a job I'm not real stoked about 2. Retake some key undergrad classes which I did poorly in and then re-apply next year or the year after 3. Stay at my current university for a PhD (which I'm currently attending for my masters) 4. Or some combination of the three I'd really like to buy a new car though.
  19. Last Monday, my advisor wanted to see some figures of my research by tomorrow morning so of course I waited until a few hours ago to start. Luckily, I already had one made and the rest are just variations of the first one. I'm really not looking forward to getting back to writing.
  20. Got a rejection email from University of Washington. That didn't surprise me though.
  21. I received a rejection letter in the mail postmarked Feb. 5th from Stanford. I must have been a really poor candidate to have gone straight to postal rejection.
  22. Haven't heard back from any schools yet though I did have an interview/level of interest phone call last week from a prof at BU. What I wonder is that there are certainly less people that apply for graduate school in the Earth Sciences compared to the other sciences, but is that a good thing for probability of admission?
  23. My parents are supportive of my PhD aspirations (I think), but having a six figure job lined up (which is my last resort or plan B depending on how I feel when I'm holding those nine rejection letters) doesn't help things. Neither of my parents went to college so they don't quite understand why I want to get a PhD. I don't think either has ever said those three letters before. They're still holding out hope that I'll change my mind between now and graduation. When I call them at home, my dad does ask now if I've heard any "news," and my mom just ignores the fact that I'm applying. It's all in good fun though, and they'll support whatever decision I make.
  24. I started off well by only checking the results page and forums once a day. At some point in the last week I've started to check twice a day then every ten minutes. My other option is to write my thesis so I'm here.
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