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Everything posted by vivaldi

  1. Of course not looooool why should they be ranked ? you can be a good researchers and not from a very known university !!! can't you ? In my lab, there are already 2 NSERC CGS from last year, and one FQRNT, and they're in Concordia which is not the top university in Canada if you compare it with U of T for example !
  2. When do you expect Vanier results to be published ?
  3. I believe the departments will have the results by tomorrow, or at most, next monday.
  4. Do you think that the graduate students offices have the results by now ?
  5. far away from being nervous, playing with my ps3, and from time to time I press start to pause and check what my dear collegues think about my manners lol
  6. How would I know that you don't know french ? is it written somewhere that people here don't know French ? I am here, eliasg is here, and we both know french. Is it a rule written somehwere ? If yes , I agree I did a mistake and I am sorry, if not, who's the one being impolite when requesting ?
  7. I found a kind of a description to our situation :-) http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/429140_382192338471592_322249131132580_1314651_1646916677_n.jpg
  8. I am fully bilingual ( trilingual even), he could simply ask for it politely. I simply felt that eliasg was more comfortable with French, that's all. Edit : PS : just to let you know guys, you can apply to NSERC in FRENCH. French is an official language of Canada.
  9. French is an official language of Canada if you do not know it. Be a good citizen. Thanks
  10. C'est quoi le travail communautaire/leadership que tu fais ?
  11. c'est cool :-) je pense que concordia paye 12 500$ de plus. si tu n'as pas encore choisi l'universite, a Alberta ou Ontario, on te paye le meme montant de la bourse comme supplement.
  12. Je pense que c'est l'universite meme qui te paye un supplement et non pas le prof. Je ne suis pas sur de l'information par contre.
  13. Oublies ca , tu vas vivre quand meme :-) tu dois avoir de l'argent de ton superviseur, donc n'essaye pas d'etre trop riche etre modestement riche c'est suffisant ;-)
  14. Yes, nothing received ! which means we'll know next week, or tomorrow from our departments.
  15. boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! 2. Research and development Harper also said in Davos that Canada has to change the way it invests in research and development. The government says Canada is one of the world's most generous with R&D funding, spending almost $12 billion a year, but the private sector isn't delivering results to match that investment. Minister of State for Science and Technology Gary Goodyear says the National Research Council, which now gets $700 million a year, could see major changes. A report last fall by business leader Tom Jenkins also said the complicated SRED tax credit system needs to be streamlined to make it easier to apply for funding.
  16. Hey guys look at this : http://fr-ca.actualites.yahoo.com/immigrants-les-frais-passent-406-%C3%A0-750-193158187.html The CSQ application moved from 406$ to 750$ !!! it's clear that they run out of money ! now it's the turn of immigrants to pay ! :-)
  17. instead of cutting the budget and reduce the number of awarded people, why don't they simply reduce the amount of CGS to be 30k for example !!!
  18. A paper of 7 pages, with 100 authors is significant for a reviewer to assign an award ? Sorry dude, but I am defintely convinced it's not the case. How can you evalute the contribution of each of these people ? I can't believe such papers can be a proof of the research potentional of someday, unless with a reference letter from an important author telling about the contribution of the referee. PS : we're not talking about nobel prizes here, we're talking about NSERC awards ;-)
  19. Can't you guess from the titles and the number of authors , position of authors for each candidate ? I think yes they do that at least, otherwise why would we write down our publications ? Still, that's not the single criteria !!!! I believe that one of the most critical criteria is the proposal and its impact on the science and canadian society or strategic canadian science fields.
  20. And look at this publication for example : http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~aessex/assets/stii/ScantegrityII.pdf 9 people for a paper of 13 pages !!! I don't know if this is normal !
  21. I think he used to have a PGS and it turned into a CGS ! Because I checked his cv before and it was mentioned that he had a PGS. Anyway, I ain't really impressed by his CV, cuz if you check his 2007 publications for example, it feels it all turn around Punchscan ( something I don't know , but it feels the same work for all the publications ). Some people might look really strong depending on the way they sell themselves. :-) In addition, I don't know if they take into consideration foreign students who came to Canada as international students and then turned into PR as a special case not comparable with the canadians that were born in Canada, cuz for someone who's born in Canada the environement is totally different to get involved in the society and have extra volunteering work and such things, at least that fast !!!!
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