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Everything posted by beet-nik

  1. Way northern CA! What part? I went to Humboldt State in Arcata, CA for my undergrad, so northern California holds a special place in my heart And good luck on your trip!! I leave for Maine (from Québec City) in mid-August, so I've already done the majority of the drive.
  2. I have no need for second-language proficiency in my specific MA program, but I already know that my interest in Canadian and Québécois lit will ultimately lead me to one of two options for my PhD apps: A. An English program in Canada, or B. A comp lit program in America. The wider the net I cast, the more likely I am to get an acceptance is what I'm hoping (don't we all)! Anyways -- I'm currently in Québec for a summer immersion program on a Foreign Language and Area Studies fellowship provided by the Canadian-American Center at my University. I guess knowing about the requirements a bit early for PhD programs helped me secure funding that will essentially pay for me to become fluent in the language I needed...I'd recommend it to anyone on here who is applying for MA programs for sure! The requirements of my fellowship do extend my time-to-degree though, as I am required to take one French and one Canadian Studies course each semester along with my (whopping) one English course to work toward my degree. Luckily, I'm in a pretty flexible program and I will still get my MA in three years. Wow, sorry for being long-winded everyone.
  3. Bumping this. I'm doing club crew and possibly rugby as well. I can't function without something active in my life.
  4. I haven't yet, but it's on my list of books to find (and read) this summer. Such a long reading list, but I'm looking forward to it! Oh, don't feel bad! I am beyond excited that I'm getting closer to living my dream, so moving closer to the Canadian border is definitely a necessary step Glad you'll be (only!) 10 hours away though...that's shorter than my current drive from home and I'm in the same state!
  5. Definitely with you there! As I will be 1/3 of the way across the country in just over five weeks, my S.O. just had the "but you don't have to leave me" breakdown. We're planning on giving distance a shot, and I'm beyond excited to move (getting more excited every day!), but I keep quiet about it as there are also a lot of things I'll miss about my small coastal town nestled in the heart of the redwoods. On the academic front, I'm currently in the process of applying for a FLAS (Foreign Language and Area Studies) fellowship at UMaine, so if I get it I'll be reading a lot of Canadian lit and enrolling in a French IV class this semester. Otherwise, it'll be more Franco-American lit and theory! Either way, keeping myself busy while spending the first two months of summer in the mountains of Colorado
  6. I'm in the same situation (except not guaranteed a PhD spot, though I do expect to end up in a funded program somewhere...) and will definitely be keeping my eye out for advice on this thread as well!
  7. In case anyone hasn't mentioned it, I'm considering using Amtrak Express...it's $49 for the first 100 lbs. of 3'x3'x3' boxes (less than 50 lbs. a piece)!
  8. Ah, we will! And coincidentally, I was born in Arizona...it'll be hot when you get there, but you get used to it pretty quickly Good luck to you on your journey as well!
  9. Feels nice to say that it's finally official -- will be attending the University of Maine next year! Now just to minimize my belongings enough to fit in my rather compact car and move it all across the country.
  10. I'm in the same boat (except for the other schools...I'm just waiting on funding). I am supposed to know by Thursday (tomorrow) afternoon, but I'm starting to doubt that haha.
  11. CabinFever - thank you! I applied for English Lit as well and was rejected about a week ago. (But it's okay...I got into my first and backup schools!) So if you haven't heard, I'd assume you're waitlisted or on your way to acceptance, considering I saw some acceptances on the board already.
  12. I received an acceptance from UMaine and while I will find out about my funding situation (I applied for a TAship) next week, I've decided that I will go either way as the program is a perfect fit. It also helps that I will only be 8k in debt after my undergrad...I could still pay an MA off even if I end up with a not-so-stellar job in the future.
  13. To all of you -- if you're only accepted to one school (that is an extremely good fit) and aren't that worried about fitting in too much, is it worth the money to visit before you make your official confirmation of attending and/or move? (Granted, all of this depends on if they give me funding or not...)
  14. Hahaha yeah I definitely don't expect sea and lighthouses everywhere. That all sounds great -- thank you for all of the recommendations! All perfect for me since those are the type of places I hang out. And I was also considering living in Bangor...is it hard to get to campus by 6 a.m. during the winter? Or do they plow the roads before then?
  15. I haven't visited yet, but in all honesty, I'm not too worried about the rural area aspect of the school. I currently attend a small state university that is surrounded by redwoods and is six hours from the nearest city (pick one, SF or Portland). Orono and my current town are about the same size and they also seem extremely similar in that they both have that "outdoorsy" feel. All in all, having a number of cities within the same driving distance (Portland, Boston, Quebec City) doesn't seem too bad. Also, UMaine has the best fit for me in terms of my interest in Franco-American Studies. Any places you recommend visiting? I may make a trip out there in May if I receive a TAship.
  16. Who posted the other acceptance to UMaine? It'd be great to hear from you
  17. Depends on the funding, but I'm still anxiously awaiting FAU results too! Though a Maine TAship and full tuition remission would go a lot farther than 80% tuition remission and a lesser stipend in a more expensive city like Boca :/
  18. AHHHHHHHHH GOT INTO MAINE!! asdfhdjskhfj Can hardly contain my excitement. Will find out about TAship in the next two weeks though, so I can't get my hopes up too high until I get that notice. But it feels nice to be accepted at my first choice
  19. I was told I'll be hearing via snail mail in the next few weeks. Good luck!
  20. Humboldt County brews...just reppin' Northern CA!
  21. I'm the same as yellow.wallpaper! But I know what 7:00 in the morning looks like. Actually, more like 5:00. (And this is why none of you should decide to pick up sports in your last year of undergraduate study.)
  22. That's been my biggest worry for like a month now and I haven't even heard back from any schools yet!
  23. Classic freakout! Love to see this!
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