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Hi all,

I've applied to several school psychology doctoral programs for Fall 2008: Teacher's College, Temple, Penn State, Albany, Lehigh, Rutgers, Hofstra, CUNY, Fordam, Pace, & St. John's. I also applied to a specialist level program (Rider) and a MA + certification program (Fairleigh Dickinson). Has anyone else here applied to any school psych programs and, if so, have you heard anything yet?

Waiting is so hard!

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I have a friend who's gotten interviews at Missouri (they make their admissions decisions today, I guess) and Indiana so far. I think she's still waiting to hear from three or four more schools. No rejections yet. She's applying at Ed.S/masters programs of some kind.

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  • 4 weeks later...
school_psych_hopeful: have you heard from any of your programs yet?

One rejection: lehigh

Ten interviews: pace, st. john's, fordham, penn state, temple, rutgers, suny-albany, hofstra, cuny & rider

Have yet to hear from Teachers College (although I think they have done their invites already) and FDU (their deadline is March 15 so I probably won't hear from them for awhile).

I have gone on three interviews and I think they went really, so we'll see :D

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I was rejected from Lehigh (PhD) as well.

I have some interviews coming up. Can you give me any tips on what to expect?

Every school is different (one school I interviewed at did group interviews, another had me interview with two prof's at the same time, and the third one had me interview with two professors separately), but in general you'll be asked about your background, your research interests, why that specific school/field/degree, etc. Also, schools usually provide time for you to talk or interview with students currently in the program, so be prepared for that. Finally, don't forget to ask questions.

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It's really stressful, I know. Do you know of any sources that provide a ranking of school psychology programs? I know that with Ph.D. programs it's mostly about the "fit", but I am looking for something that's objective or concrete in order to compare programs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think most decisions have been received by now... has anyone decided which program they will choose? I am trying to decide right now between getting a Ph.D. and a Psy.D. at two programs I like. I think this is the hardest decision I've ever had to make....

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I agree, the Psy.D is a very limiting option. I'd only consider that if you REALLY hate research and want to be considered more or less of a glorified M.A. level counselor - there's nothing wrong with that if that's what you want, but then why do the Psy.D to begin with?

That said, I know someone who completed the Psy.D through William and Mary and the Va. Consortium and seems happy with his career choices. I guess it really depends on the person - for me it is certainly not an option. My final destination is a PhD in Counseling Psych or bust!

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I like the Psy.D. over a MA or Specialist degree because it allows me the option of having a private practice on the side. My ultimate goal is to work in a school setting one day, and the Ph.D. and Psy.D. seem equally equipped to get me there.

I also do not want to be in school for the rest of my life (I am going straight from undergrad). At the Psy.D. program I am considering, if I stick to a certain schedule, then I will be able to graduate in four years. However, at the Ph.D. program I am considering, the average number of years it has taken people to graduate is 8 or 9. I think I prefer the school that is more committed to get its students out and done within a reasonable amount of time.

The prestige of the Ph.D. is something that I can't ignore, though I am still not sure if it is worth all those years... In my field, I am not sure if employers will even know or understand the difference. I think it may only become an issue if I decide I want to teach at the university level... that is unlikely for me, but still, is there any hope for people with the Psy.D. as an adjunct?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all! I applied to 8 programs for Summer/Fall 2008: Rochester Institute of Technology (MA), Lehigh (Ph.D), UMass Amherst (Ph.D), Kansas Univ. (Ph.D), USC Columbia (Ph.D), Georgia State (MA/Ph.D), Kent State (M.Ed./Ph.D), and UGA (Ph.D).

I was accepted to RIT, wait-listed at GSU (just heard back yesterday that they're full), and still haven't heard from Kent State or UGA. I don't expect to hear from Kent State until July because I sent my app. in for the June deadline, but has anyone heard from UGA? I had heard that they take a while for decisions, but this is pretty late.

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I applied to the M.A. in counseling at UGA and have not heard a word, except that I called them on 4/15 and the secretary said, "No action has been taken as they are still going through the piles and hope to call ppl for interviews by next week."

I already made my choice and accepted elsewhere, but I'm sorry WTF is THAT all about? Of ALL my schools (I applied only to M.A. programs, will do PhD next) UGA had BY FAR the earliest deadline, and has been BY far the latest one with any word - which still has not happened yet. I basically loathe this school now. It is just not acceptable to take 4+ months to go through apps - especially then those 4+ months takes you well past 4/15. Inexcusable, IMO.

What REALLY burns me even further is the fact that they were one of my safeties anyway - glad I wasted my time.

Have you been checking the tracking screen? Mine hasn't been updated since 2/26 and I couldn't even tell what that update was. BTW, I know of at least one other person who has heard nothing back from UGA - and have seen no acceptances from any psych related field at UGA poster as yet (though I could have just missed it).

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I absolutely agree with you. I can't believe it takes them this long to go through apps. I even called them yesterday to make sure they had a complete file for me because I figured that was the only reason I wouldn't have heard from them.

I have been checking the update screen. It showed that it was updated yesterday but, like you, I have no idea what that update was. I'm beginning to think they're doing this to me for fun.

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  • 4 years later...

How can I know if I am qualified to apply for a PhD program in school psychology? An impressive curriculum vitae, or a high GRE score? Can anyone please tell me what is the most important thing when applying for the PhD program?? Thanks very much.

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