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I am wanting to email a thank you to my interviewers at a school following the interview I had yesterday, as I know this is good, but I am wondering if it will come off as strange if I essentially had to search for their e-mails? The people who interviewed me stated their names in the interview but I had to remember their names and search for their emails on the school's website in order to email them. Should I hold off or would it still be good to send it? I appreciate any opinions! Thanks. 

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Personally, I would hold off...unless I had an ongoing e-mail conversation with a POI or interviewer, I wouldn't hunt them down unless I had a specific, burning question. If you said "thank you" in the interview, that should be good :)  Best of luck!

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I would not say that it is strange at all. It shows that you actually care and went out of your way to thank them. 
I have sent hand written thank you notes to everyone that has interviews me or even just met with me to answer questions and i had to REALLY search for their mailing addresses, but I know it came off really well and they were very appreciated. 

Make yourself stand out in a good way!

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