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MFA - Studio Art? Anyone else out there?


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Has anyone else noticed how much easier it is to decide where other people ought to go? I mean, I have opinions about what I would do with acceptances that other people have had, but I can't decide between the schools where I actually have acceptances! Just kind of ironic!

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oh, thank goodness. for the past week i've been scouring the internet for a blog, a forum, anything related to an MFA in studio art / fine art, but to no avail. it's funny how difficult that information is to come by. i was recently accepted into the parsons fine art mfa program. does anyone know of online resources (outside of this and petersons) regarding that program in particular, or about getting an mfa from parsons, or an mfa in general?

thanks very much for your time! good luck / congratulations to all of you. :)

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Hey Everyone,

I have been accepted into two programs but I really want to attend SVA for photo were I am waitlisted, if you know you arent going to go please let them know soon. Otherwise I will accept another program when I'd love to attend SVA. Thanks! 8)

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oh, thank goodness. for the past week i've been scouring the internet for a blog, a forum, anything related to an MFA in studio art / fine art, but to no avail. it's funny how difficult that information is to come by. i was recently accepted into the parsons fine art mfa program. does anyone know of online resources (outside of this and petersons) regarding that program in particular, or about getting an mfa from parsons, or an mfa in general?

thanks very much for your time! good luck / congratulations to all of you. :)

You can surf the core77 forum. It is primarily for Industrial Design but they do talk about schools for other branches too. Use the search function. :)


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Hi everyone! I know that I'm joining the conversation a little late, but I wanted to let you all know how happy I am to have found this forum - and how great it is to find other people that are dealing with all of the same issues that I'm dealing with while playing the Grad School Application game.

So far, I've received one rejection (SMFA), one wait-list that turned into an acceptance with funding (Boston University's CFA), and have yet to hear from either RISD or Mass Art. FYI, I'm applying to the Graphic Design MFA program.

In other news, I'm looking to find a little more information on BU's Graphic Design Dept. Specifically, I'm wondering about their reputation - but really, any information that you all may have would be appreciated.

Good luck, and I look forward to hearing back from you all :)

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Hey. You should hear from RISD soon. They sent out the results about 3 days back. I emailed them and they gave me this information. They also gave me information of my rejection. :P

All the best! Right now I am deciding between CCA, CalArts, Art Center and MICA. Any advice will be welcome. :)

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Hey Pointedears,

Sorry to hear that about RISD. I'm pretty sure that I'm in the same boat, but I just can't seem to quash that tiny little spark of optimism that lights up every time I think about getting into their program.

Ah well, I suppose that's what rejection letters are for. Or, in other words, I guess that I'll believe it when I finally see it. Maybe the post lady will bring good news tomorrow morning...

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Hi All,

I am a painting mfa applicant.

Still waiting to hear from SAIC (Had interview) & RISD. Got to waiting list at MICA.

Besides that - lots of rejects (Yale, bard, calarts, vcu, tyler, columbia, hunter).


The good news is that i got Accepted to CCA and SFAI. which one should i choose? both are not funding anything, and my only criteria right now is their websites.... :roll:



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For those who are in the middle of deciding where to go, the new US News rankings for fine art programs (and sub-programs) have just been released and are available on line. I'm not saying this is a big thing to consider, but I did see lots of changes and if you're teetering towards or away from one program or another, you may want to check it out. Here's the link to the photo programs. http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandr ... hotography

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I'm also waiting to hear from MassArt. A friend who went to the photo MFA program heard she got an interview at "the end of March" the year she applied. It is now no longer the end of March, and some panic is setting in.

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no sfai or cca in painting ranking of usnews. should i be concerned?

Not at all. These rankings are based on a LOT of things including stuff like campus, housing etc. which to me atleast don't matter as much as the academics and the faculty. Their judging parameters might be very different from yours. Like portafoy said, they aren't supposed to be taken as the only way to judge any school. Plus hey, they change every year(and sometimes drastically too).

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Heard from my last school: SVA...a surprise acceptance!

Anyone know firsthand about it? I looked at the graduate fine arts faculty and none of them are figure painters. I'm starting to wonder why they accepted me--I'm a figure painter.

Whatever--it's nice to get another acceptance. My husband teases me "You're 3 out of 9 good!" It's funny how we really start thinking that way--that these rejections/acceptances mean something about our art.

Congrats and Good luck for funding to everyone!

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Not at all. These rankings are based on a LOT of things including stuff like campus, housing etc. which to me atleast don't matter as much as the academics and the faculty. Their judging parameters might be very different from yours. Like portafoy said, they aren't supposed to be taken as the only way to judge any school. Plus hey, they change every year(and sometimes drastically too).

actually you can read the methodology for the rankings here...

http://www.usnews.com/articles/educatio ... ology.html

"The specialty fine arts rankings are based solely on ratings by educators at peer schools. Art school deans and other top art school academics, two per school, were asked to nominate up to 10 programs note for their excellence in each specialty. Those receiving the most nominations are listed."

it also said that of the 220 institutions surveyed they only got a 39% response rate (not too great IMHO).

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This is frustrating....need to vent.

Just got accepted into the University of New Orleans last week, but no funding - potential for future funding. Just today got called for an interview for Kent State University, but there will be no funding there for the first year. Got a no a long time ago from the University of Arizona and I am still waiting on one more, the University of Oregon.

Already met the faculty at the University of New Orleans, got a really good vibe and they are excited about the work I am doing, quote "the committee was unanimous about the decision to accept you and (we) are sorry that there isn't any assistantships spots in your concentration right now." However, I will be granted in state tuition, which is cheap in Louisiana, and I still may get some scholarships and regular grants from the graduate school and financial aid. I had kept telling myself that I wouldn't go to grad school unless I got an assistantship and all was paid for, but I really feel that there are true mentors for me there.... errr. All this waiting and worry about money is driving me crazy! Any advice?

:shock: :?:

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Has anyone heard of RISD yet? SAIC (after the interview)? they are my last hope.

meanwhile got accepted to mfa painting at CCA and SFAI. Does anyone know the difference betwen these two schools?

btw, stomachcramps, congratulations on SVA. I have a friend there (who is also figurative painter) and she is really enjoying it.

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