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Should I tell my wait-listed school that my paper was accepted for conference presentation?


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Hello friends!

So, my last hope is all on this one school that I'm unofficially waitlisted. They didn't use the word "wait-list", but rather, a personalized letter that says my file is on-hold while their top picks visit the campus. As of two days ago, that was still the status.

In the mean time, about two weeks ago I found out that my paper was accepted for presentation at a regional conference in my field. This is kind of a big deal for me, because I have not yet any formal training in this field-- The degree I'm working on is a remotely related but different subfield of music.

I'm very tempted to send my wait-list school an email that says 1)I would really love an opportunity to study there, which I would and 2) Oh,by the way, I have some good news.

Is that a Kosher thing to do? I felt like it could do me some good, but I am not sure. I wouldn't want the ad comm to be irritated and put my file on the bottom of the pile.

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Follow your heart. But I'll probably let them know of my updated credentials if I were in your shoes. Good luck!

definitely yes. it can't hurt can it? You can simply just forward it to the secretary for the ad comm saying this is new info...idk, word it well...

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Yes! YoshiMoshi is correct you should let them know about your updated credentials. Your email should me worded in this vein. In this level of education it is as equally as you can do for them as they can do for you.

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I'd say definitely let them know! It could help if they really pay attention. Maybe be careful about directing your message to the right person. Congratulations. :)

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I've been thinking the same thing actually. I have an abstract pending approval for inclusion at a professional meeting (as well as presentation and poster) and for an undergrad that's not bad. I say let them know. Once my abstract is accepted I will likely notify the program that has waitlisted me as well as the program I have not yet heard from (if I haven't heard from them yet *finger crossed for an admit*).

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By all means you should let them know both things.

1) would keep you on the waitlist.

2) would not give you an acceptance (since they are already out), but would get you higher up in the waitlist and hopefully an admit (when people turn down their offers)

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