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What are my chances of getting accepted?

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I know these posts asking for reassurance can be quite annoying, but I've been majorly stressing imagining myself getting denied from all of the schools I apply to. I have a tendency to really doubt myself so I often need a little nudge of positivity. I'm applying this fall to the University of Oregon, University of Montana, Minnesota State University, University of Minnesota - Duluth, Idaho State University, and CU Boulder. I've used ASHA's EdFind to look at stats, but I always fear that those aren't reliable because I'll see different stats on the school's official websites. 

I have a 3.81 major GPA, 3.76 overall. I took a diagnostic GRE practice test yesterday and got 150Q and 150V, not great, but I'm taking my real test in the end of September so I have a pretty intense study plan for the 2.5 months (ish) until then, which I'm hoping will bring my scores up. I'm also taking an online GRE prep course through my university and the instructor, who also grades officially for the GRE, read mine from my practice test and gave me a 5. In terms of experience, I've worked at a retirement home and at a summer camp (the jobs weren't SLP related but still experience working with populations I might treat later on) and I currently work at a speech therapy clinic as the administrative lead. 

I was really hoping to get some research and volunteer hours in this summer but obviously with COVID most of those aren't happening. I've started my personal statement and plan on editing and refining it up until I apply. I have 2 professors and 2 SLPs from my job that I am confident could write me strong letters of rec. As I type this out it feels silly to even be asking because I know I'll be just fine in the end, but I can't help but doubt myself because I know how many amazing, hardworking aspiring SLPs are out there who will be applying at the same time as me. 

So, do the schools I'm applying to seem like they're in my wheelhouse? Am I doing okay?

Edited by hopefulslp345
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I really don't know much about those scores but your GPA is great! I think you'll be fine so much depends on the applicant pool that year since what gets you in one year might not get you in the next. But I've noticed people with your GPA usually do get into at least one program if not more!

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Your GPA is great! And as long as your GRE score is 300 or higher you're good to go! If you're asked any questions regarding experience talk about your experience in the summer camp and working in the retirement home! Any experience that is unique is good! Coming from a second year, it took me two cycles to get in! I got rejected alot and waitlisted at a few! Don't be discouraged if the first go round is awesome! Just improve and keep trying! 

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