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Astrology And Psychology


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For the last 3 months during this lockdown I have been trying to figure about if there's any relationship between Astrology and psychology , like are they kind of inter related to each other. Because psychology kind of makes me consious and aware all the time if i am doing right or wrong . Also at the same time does going to an astrologer and knowing what is your future upcomings kind of helpful or not, because it is bothering me for a long time as in my mind it has created that space now. 

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Astrology in the very archetypal horoscope sense does have Jungian roots (you can look more into psychological astrology) but I'm going to be honest with you. Astrology is a pseudoscience while psychology is a science backed by empirical evidence. That's not to attack on astrology itself but it's generally frowned upon in an academic environment. I would caution you against taking psychology and astrology as an end all definitive analysis and prediction. Even the most 'perfect' psychologist isn't always aware of whether what they're doing is right or wrong. And astrology isn't a predictor of futures. It's fun and I too enjoy zodiac signs and tarot cards but at the end of the day life the world is far more complex than we can ever come close to understanding even with research or the stars. I know this may not be the answer you're looking for but I hope it helps!

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Your question reminds me to this recent article https://elemental.medium.com/astrology-tarot-and-the-struggle-to-make-sense-of-a-pandemic-8d4f9ccbf165 

I can only say, in psychology, we don't predict someone's future. We predict things coming through many variables, but that's all through statistics, and it's not even answering the whole thing, only parts of it. It's a totally different approach in nature. However, I am not aware how Astrology works either. 

I guess the pandemic is really making people uncomfortable about the uncertainty. I myself begin to accept that the certainty is going to be uncertain :)

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No.  However, it could be true according to the pragmatic truth criterion. William James (who wrote the most popular psychology textbook ever) was very interested in the psychic studies of his day, to the absolute ire of the scientific community. Point being, if it works then it's true. If believing in astrology works to provide comfort, then it is a truth to that person (a relative truth). It's a little similar to what he meant when he wrote about the "moral holiday."


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  • 3 months later...

They are. If you're interested in it, I recommend the book "Marriage of Heaven and Earth: The Philosophy of Astrology".  The author draws a lot of parallels to things taught by Carl Jung to the philosophy behind astrology. One thing I'd caution, and it's my personal view, but I don't think astrology has much to do with predicting the future. It's more so about understanding/exploring the dynamics of the present. In general, I don't think anyone is good at prediction (I'm an economist - we suck at prediction, pollsters suck at prediction, psychics, etc. etc.)  


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