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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Okay freaking out a lil about the medical exams... I don't have a primary care physician - I almost never get sick so I just haven't needed one, that and I have no insurance... so anyways I have no idea who to call or where to go :( Any suggestions? What are other people doing if you're in my shoes? just walking into the hosipital lobby and saying, gee, who can fill though out for me?

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The problem may be because people are accessing the spreadsheet with their cell phones and trying to edit from them. I've had issues in the past because of that.

Crimson I'm with you. I'm starting to think it not an accident that the spreadsheet keeps getting messed up. Last year's group didn't have such drastic issues with their list. How can someone "accidently" erase the whole name column and re-arrange notification statuses? They've got nothing better to do I guess

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Well its officially a rejection for me for the Korea ETA. Gotta say it hurts a little because I really thought I'd get it or would at least be an alternate. I'm an honors double major from a great school, studied abroad for a year in France, speak French and Vietnamese fluently and took a year of Korean and i tutor Korean students at the ELS center near my school. During my campus interview, they told me I had the best personal statement of all the applicants from my school. Oh yeah and I want to work for the Foreign Service and already passed the written exam. Oh well it is what is it. Sorry, I know this sounds whiny but indulge me a little to vent. I know everyone here has amazing qualifications otherwise they wouldn't be finalists. I just wish there was room for all of us. :[ Alright....its off to ponder other bright options. Congratulations to the rest of you!

Crimson feel free to update me!

Small envelope - April 12


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Just found out that I got the full grant to Spain! Skipped my last class to check the mail and it turned out to be a great move. I'm in Texas for those still waiting for letters to Spain. Looking forward to meeting people in Madrid in a few months!

Best of luck to everyone else!!

Congrats. I got mine, too! full grant for Barcelona. Unbelievable relief after 7 1/2 months of waiting. See you in Madrid.

Does anyone know, btw, if Fulbright helps expedite FBI background checks? Spanish consulate requires it for a visa and it can take 2 months going the normal route.

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I'm right there with you. I emailed Jon Akeley about Taiwan ETAs but haven't gotten a response either. I'm sure he's really bogged down with emails right now but it would be nice to have some idea of when notifications are going out so that I can stop having palpitations for no reason everytime I check my mail. I'll let you know if he responds.

Little Bird,

Keep your fingers crossed that we will find out this week! Where are you located? I am in Phoenix so I am afraid it is going to take a long time to get here...

-Special K

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I applied for the Taiwan ETA too! I'm in Atlanta, hopefully we'll get them this week. I'll let you know if I get any updates.

Little Bird,

Keep your fingers crossed that we will find out this week! Where are you located? I am in Phoenix so I am afraid it is going to take a long time to get here...

-Special K

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That's a great idea and all, but I don't really have a back up plan, so I'll be sitting around anyway wondering what I did wrong, reapplying and waiting for another year...

I completely agree with Skyfire, it's not fair to yourself. Every time you post a question that no one on this board could possibly answer you're just making yourself suffer more than necessary. If you're an alternate, chances are you did absolutely nothing "wrong" and were good enough of an applicant to receive a Fulbright. Think about it. You became a finalist, an achievement which should in itself be an honor and probably beat out 90% of all the other Indonesia ETA applicants by being named an alternate.

I understand it's probably really frustrating to have been so close and in the end not being accepted outright, but you shouldn't be blaming yourself or wondering what you did wrong. I would take Skyfire's words of wisdom and take it as a rejection and be pleasantly surprised if you get it. There are so many other great opportunities that you could take advantage of, especially if you had the credentials to get this far in the application process.

I'm not sure whether you just really wanted a Fulbright or just really wanted to go to Indonesia, but either way you should realize that getting a Fulbright is not the be all end all. Many people who are extremely happy in life never got a Fulbright. If that's not the case, and you just really wanted to go to Indonesia to teach English, I'm sure there are many other programs you could go through, or just even do it independently if you're motivated enough and if finances permit.

P.S. I have no back-up plan either, so it's not like I don't understand where your anxiety is coming from. But I think a serious change of perspective on being named an alternate could do you some good. :)

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Okay freaking out a lil about the medical exams... I don't have a primary care physician - I almost never get sick so I just haven't needed one, that and I have no insurance... so anyways I have no idea who to call or where to go :( Any suggestions? What are other people doing if you're in my shoes? just walking into the hosipital lobby and saying, gee, who can fill though out for me?

I was in your shoes! I have insurance (not sure if you do) which made things easier. I discovered the website ZocDoc, where I was able to find an appointment for later this week and book it OVER THE INTERNET! This is the future, and it is magical.

I also live in NYC, which meant there were a gazillion doctors to choose from, so not sure what luck you'd have in your part of the US-- but it's worth a try at least!

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lulu13 and berlino, I'm glad neither of you got rejected!

Erica, beginning of June?! I thought I was being "flexible" by not allowing myself to expect notification until May lol.

I hope all the MENAers on this board get accepted and that we can meet in DC! I feel like we all share a special bond, suffering together for months and months on this damn message board that I so *badly* want to stop looking at, but can't lol.

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I applied for the Taiwan ETA too! I'm in Atlanta, hopefully we'll get them this week. I'll let you know if I get any updates.

I'm up in Connecticut... I feel like I'll be among the first to hear and send out word to the rest of us waiting to hear on Taiwan...

On another note, what're y'all's language backgrounds like? Did y'all apply for the language enhancement award?

Here's to more waiting...

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I'm up in Connecticut... I feel like I'll be among the first to hear and send out word to the rest of us waiting to hear on Taiwan...

On another note, what're y'all's language backgrounds like? Did y'all apply for the language enhancement award?

Here's to more waiting...

I have 0 Mandarin background. I speak moderate German but I have been out of school for two years. I am finishing up my two year commitment with Teach For America here in Phoenix (If anybody has any questions about that on the forum please let me know. I saw some people struggling with decisions on whether they should do one or the other).

I did apply for the CLEP program in Taiwan. I wonder how many ETAs they will take. It seems like it is geared more towards Full Fulbright participants.

What about other Taiwan applicants? What are your language backgrounds?

-Special K

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I completely agree with Skyfire, it's not fair to yourself. Every time you post a question that no one on this board could possibly answer you're just making yourself suffer more than necessary. If you're an alternate, chances are you did absolutely nothing "wrong" and were good enough of an applicant to receive a Fulbright. Think about it. You became a finalist, an achievement which should in itself be an honor and probably beat out 90% of all the other Indonesia ETA applicants by being named an alternate.

I understand it's probably really frustrating to have been so close and in the end not being accepted outright, but you shouldn't be blaming yourself or wondering what you did wrong. I would take Skyfire's words of wisdom and take it as a rejection and be pleasantly surprised if you get it. There are so many other great opportunities that you could take advantage of, especially if you had the credentials to get this far in the application process.

I'm not sure whether you just really wanted a Fulbright or just really wanted to go to Indonesia, but either way you should realize that getting a Fulbright is not the be all end all. Many people who are extremely happy in life never got a Fulbright. If that's not the case, and you just really wanted to go to Indonesia to teach English, I'm sure there are many other programs you could go through, or just even do it independently if you're motivated enough and if finances permit.

P.S. I have no back-up plan either, so it's not like I don't understand where your anxiety is coming from. But I think a serious change of perspective on being named an alternate could do you some good. :)

I've been without a job for a few years. I applied to another opportunity to teach and was rejected by that. AmeriCorps did not yield anything either. So, I have a very serious reason to wonder what I am doing wrong and why I cannot have opportunities to do something amazing. I'm starting to wonder if it would be helpful if I obtained another degree, or is that not useful for applying to programs such as AmeriCorps, Fulbright, Teach for America, etc?

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Crimson I'm with you. I'm starting to think it not an accident that the spreadsheet keeps getting messed up. Last year's group didn't have such drastic issues with their list. How can someone "accidently" erase the whole name column and re-arrange notification statuses? They've got nothing better to do I guess

I know! But I've gotten some good emails for support for the system we're doing now and I'm getting some help to go through the emails we'll get as more and more finalists receive word. If anything, the main goal is to have country, date of notification, and status. That'll help so much for next year's applicants!

The problem may be because people are accessing the spreadsheet with their cell phones and trying to edit from them. I've had issues in the past because of that.

Hmm, that's good point! Never thought about that.

Well its officially a rejection for me for the Korea ETA. Gotta say it hurts a little because I really thought I'd get it or would at least be an alternate. I'm an honors double major from a great school, studied abroad for a year in France, speak French and Vietnamese fluently and took a year of Korean and i tutor Korean students at the ELS center near my school. During my campus interview, they told me I had the best personal statement of all the applicants from my school. Oh yeah and I want to work for the Foreign Service and already passed the written exam. Oh well it is what is it. Sorry, I know this sounds whiny but indulge me a little to vent. I know everyone here has amazing qualifications otherwise they wouldn't be finalists. I just wish there was room for all of us. :[ Alright....its off to ponder other bright options. Congratulations to the rest of you!

Crimson feel free to update me!

Small envelope - April 12


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! You did make it to the final round though. Are you looking to grad school? And I will update this ... even though I am reluctant to ...

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Is there a way we can make it to where all of the changes have to be approved by the admin(s)?

Or would that be too much trouble? I would be willing to offer up some time to look over changes and make sure they aren't bogus.

Thanks. I sent you a message or email or something through this forum. I already have another person helping. When you get a chance, email me and I'll explain our plan of action! Thanks!

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I've been without a job for a few years. I applied to another opportunity to teach and was rejected by that. AmeriCorps did not yield anything either. So, I have a very serious reason to wonder what I am doing wrong and why I cannot have opportunities to do something amazing. I'm starting to wonder if it would be helpful if I obtained another degree, or is that not useful for applying to programs such as AmeriCorps, Fulbright, Teach for America, etc?

I wouldn't go and get another degree for the sole objective of getting into one of these types of programs. Their acceptance process is hit or miss. There's no strict formula that will guarantee someone's acceptance, no matter how much crap they may have on their resume.

A degree requires a lot of time and money. Imagine you did all that and the person who reviews your next application doesn't even notice, or care, or if they do care imagine they think you're overqualified. I would not recommend you go get another degree just because you "might" increase your chances of getting accepted next time. That's a good way to guarantee some form of depression, haha. Unless you wanted to get into a specific field and study something practical that will definitely lead to a job (i.e. engineering), it's not worth it. What about Peace Corps?

EDIT: By the way, if you can afford another degree, why can't you afford to go abroad yourself and "do something amazing" ? I know a lot of people who have done that with no assistance from a program and they're doing great.

Edited by jazzz
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Hey everyone, whenever you email the spreadsheet email your information, be sure to include all of the relevant stuff--like what address it was sent to (current or permanent), the notification date, the postmark date, the notification method, etc. Also, if you want any other information on the spreadsheet (e.g., email address), please be sure to make a note of this, otherwise it will not be listed.

Thanks! Congratulations to all those who have found out already, and good luck to those who haven't!

Edited by jg33
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I'm in North Carolina, so I'll probably hear fairly early too.

As for my Mandarin, I took a beginning class at my University and then an intensive course when i studied abroad for a semester in Beijing. But Chinese is a tough language, so I'd still consider myself a beginner. I did apply for the critical language enhancement award. Does anyone know if the notification for that program gets sent out with award notifications?

I have 0 Mandarin background. I speak moderate German but I have been out of school for two years. I am finishing up my two year commitment with Teach For America here in Phoenix (If anybody has any questions about that on the forum please let me know. I saw some people struggling with decisions on whether they should do one or the other).

I did apply for the CLEP program in Taiwan. I wonder how many ETAs they will take. It seems like it is geared more towards Full Fulbright participants.

What about other Taiwan applicants? What are your language backgrounds?

-Special K

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I know! But I've gotten some good emails for support for the system we're doing now and I'm getting some help to go through the emails we'll get as more and more finalists receive word. If anything, the main goal is to have country, date of notification, and status. That'll help so much for next year's applicants!

Hmm, that's good point! Never thought about that.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! You did make it to the final round though. Are you looking to grad school? And I will update this ... even though I am reluctant to ...

That's true. I am still proud that I made it this far so I'm going to take that aspect in stride. As disappointed as I am about not getting to go to Korea, I have a few options that I'd like to pursue. I'm applying for grad school next fall :] If I decide to apply again, I think I will apply for the Full grant.

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lulu13 and berlino, I'm glad neither of you got rejected!

Erica, beginning of June?! I thought I was being "flexible" by not allowing myself to expect notification until May lol.

I hope all the MENAers on this board get accepted and that we can meet in DC! I feel like we all share a special bond, suffering together for months and months on this damn message board that I so *badly* want to stop looking at, but can't lol.

Just wanted to let the MENAers know about Jermaine's update on Egypt: this year's FB'ers have resumed their grant, systems are for next year, and he hopes to get the final responses within the month but they might not come in until May.

Way better news than I had hoped! I was afraid maybe we wouldn't know until after the elections in September. I don't think the other Egypt applicants are around the board anymore but thought this might give hope to the others, especially since places like Morocco for instance have been much more stable, so I don't think we need to worry about waiting into the summer to find out. At least, I hope not.

Fingers crossed for everyone...

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