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Fulbright 2011-2012


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I know someone asked this already but I don't think anyone answered so I'll attempt the question again:

Is it possible to request a change of city/school placement, for ETAs? Or are the placements pretty much a done, take it or leave it deal?

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I know someone asked this already but I don't think anyone answered so I'll attempt the question again:

Is it possible to request a change of city/school placement, for ETAs? Or are the placements pretty much a done, take it or leave it deal?

Pretty sure it's take it or leave it. They hold all the power and can, unfortunately, just replace you with someone else.

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I don't think so, at least not for my grant. The set amount of money is supposed to cover for the DC trip.

If this is true, I think it will depend from grant to grant. This is what it says about it in the additional info sent to China grantees:

By attending the U.S.Student Fulbright Orientation, you are indicating that you are accepting the U.S. Student Fulbright Award to China.If yousubsequently decline the award, you are required to repay the Fulbright Program,in full, for the orientation expenses that were paid on your behalf.

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Not looking forward to it at all. They don't have a deadline for these as well, do they?

Well, there apparently was a deadline for the Antrag auf Zulassung. But I think that's for student grantees since we need to be enrolled at our host institution. But for the terms and conditions thing, I think we need to get that in ASAP. It seems that we can start call STA travel for our plane tickets now since they have a list of our names. I'm assuming the terms and conditions is just the physical paperwork since we just simply emailed them saying "yes". Hmm, because it said we need to book our plane tickets before 31 May. And then there's that orientation form. And for the language course, I have this interesting test to take ...

Edited by crimsonengineer87
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Syria sent notification letters May 4. I received mine on May 7. A rejection. Good luck to those of you still waiting, esp. in the MENA!

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Syria sent notification letters May 4. I received mine on May 7. A rejection. Good luck to those of you still waiting, esp. in the MENA!

Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that, Nescafe. It was nice to tough out the wait with you. Good luck on your dissertation.

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info for the spreadsheet that i forgot to ever post!

name: JO

country: Sri Lanka (though eventually awarded ETA to India)

region: Central & South Asia

grant: ETA

interview: N

status: Alternate turned Accepted (to different country in region)

address: Current

notification: 4/29/2011 --- (alternate to accepted notification one week later)

postmark: 4/25/2011

method: small white envelope

academic status: undergrad

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I've got my fingers crossed for all of you too! :) I wonder if the other countries are getting their notifications too...my application was switched to Oman (wahoo!!!) BUT I'm leaving for Japan tomorrow for 2 weeks...so I'd really like Oman notifications to either get to me tomorrow, or be delayed at least another week (sorry CH). So exciting that the other ME countries are finally hearing!!

Good luck to you too!!! all my fingers are crossed....this is going to be a sloooooooow week :)

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Malaysia folks: Anybody up for contacting Jonathan Akeley 2 see if the day of reckoning is any closer?

Don't know what the hesitation is in calling him, but I just called and he said, "We're just waiting on the Malaysian government now. It could be tomorrow, it could be a month from now."

Wow. This process is ridiculous.

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I'll join a couchsurfing group! Great Idea.

I've seen some chatter on here about making a Facebook page for SE Asia, and I have a suggestion. Everyone (not just SE Asian Fulbrighters) should register at couchsurfing.com. It has really great resources for groups within particular countries, planning out future trips, finding people in your area, etc. I would say that if we start a group, it should be there simply because it's much more travel-oriented. For my fellow Taiwaners, I would recommend tealit.com and forumosa.com for resources concerning language exchange partners, Chinese tutors, local attractions, where to find what, cultural excursions, etc.

Just my two cents. Let me know what you think.

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Yeah, I was wondering the same thing about weekends. Does anyone know if we can travel on weekends? Do we have to let Fulbright know when we do that? and does it count towards our Two weeks?


I am down for this. I am wondering how limited my travel to other countries with be though. Fulbright said the program gives you 2 weeks in between semesters, however I really wanted to do weekend trips. I guess I will figure it out once I get over there. A group should definitely be made for SE Asia though. Who wants to volunteer to make it?

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