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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Hi all, first-time commenter here. I'm a finalist for the UK and I applied for the Fulbright-York University Award. I'm unclear on what the final round looks like for people such as me who did not apply for one of the 14 "open grants" to the UK. I suppose I am only competing against people who applied specifically for study at York? It sounds like this is much less competitive than the open grants, am I correct?

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Hey guys, I'm a little bit confused about what it means to make it past the first round. Is the NSC considered to be the more rigorous of the two, or can we expect a similar or higher level or scrutiny from the host country review?

I ask because for my country, the Fulbright website said that it prefers if applicants do not affiliate with universities in X or Y city and (I believe as a general rule) if applicants have not already lived in the host country for over six months. My research will not take place in X/Y city, but my university affiliation is in one of those cities and I have previously lived in the country for over six months. Fulbright said it would need serious justification for why projects need to be in X or Y city and I tried to provide that in my application. So now that I'm past the first round, is it possible to be eliminated on those grounds?

I'm not sure if anyone can answer these questions, and I guess it doesn't matter in the long run, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. I am not sure if any other countries have preferences like that.

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Hi all, first-time commenter here. I'm a finalist for the UK and I applied for the Fulbright-York University Award. I'm unclear on what the final round looks like for people such as me who did not apply for one of the 14 "open grants" to the UK. I suppose I am only competing against people who applied specifically for study at York? It sounds like this is much less competitive than the open grants, am I correct?

I'm not sure about the york program, but I applied for the MBA program in Spain, which is specific and different from the open grant program, and I am only competing with other people who have applied for the MBA program. so like for my program there are only three spots available, and there are probably 5-6 finalists, so I have a 50-50 chance. Where as for the open grant program there are many more spaces, but probably many more finalists as well. I think it still calculates to abotu a 50-50 chnace though since they have the whole 1.5-2x rule for finalists. I hope this helps!

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Hey all, I was notified that I am a ETA finalist for Ecuador. Has anyone seen past release dates for Ecuador's winners? What about contacting the Fulbright committee in DC, are they helpful in disseminating information about competitions?

Kudos to all finalists!

Hey TravelExpress,

Congratulations! The person I know who got an Ecuador ETA last year had a pretty bad time with release dates. It sounded like some notifications came late. However, they are there now and having a great time. I don't know about Ecuador-specific information, but I contacted our Western Hemisphere rep during the application process and she was really helpful.

I've been pretty good about not thinking about those fellowships which will be in March/April, but next Monday is like the beginning of a decision that will impact my foreseeable future and I'm not too good at making decisions like that. I just want things to just ... be?



(I got my notification last week. Accepted at this stage and moving to the in-country reviews. Is anyone making a worksheet for this year's final decision notifications?)

Matilda, best of luck! Can you tell us more about the process for you applying to come to the US?

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Hey TravelExpress,

Congratulations! The person I know who got an Ecuador ETA last year had a pretty bad time with release dates. It sounded like some notifications came late. However, they are there now and having a great time. I don't know about Ecuador-specific information, but I contacted our Western Hemisphere rep during the application process and she was really helpful.


(I got my notification last week. Accepted at this stage and moving to the in-country reviews. Is anyone making a worksheet for this year's final decision notifications?)

Matilda, best of luck! Can you tell us more about the process for you applying to come to the US?

Here, that last message was from me! So now you know! Haha.

Anyways, I'm planning on doing something similar to what last year's thread did with an open Google docs page so people can start filling it in once they get their final decisions, probably starting March. So I think I'll start looking at that February. The spreadsheet is linked at the beginning of this thread and I think I mentioned it a few posts ago. It's a very good spreadsheet that is very descriptive. If anything, I would try to have more people describe their project/field more so people can get a better idea of who is making it through (for full grants) on which topics ... maybe we can try to see what the commissions REALLY want.


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First time poster here. Wondering how many transcripts we should send to New York? The e-mail just talks about transcriptS but doesn't specify how many...

Also, here's a question to possible future ETAers to Germany: Does your location preference make a difference on acceptance rate?

Finally, is this scholarship binding in some way? I mean, I get the impression that if Germany (the PAD) says yes, so must the applicant... any thoughts?

Edited by Becks
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First time poster here. Wondering how many transcripts we should send to New York? The e-mail just talks about transcriptS but doesn't specify how many...

Also, here's a question to possible future ETAers to Germany: Does your location preference make a difference on acceptance rate?

Finally, is this scholarship binding in some way? I mean, I get the impression that if Germany (the PAD) says yes, so must the applicant... any thoughts?

I feel they would have specified a number if they required more than one copy of each transcript. I read the plural "transcripts" in reference to applicants with more than one degree, i.e. a bachelor's, a master's, etc. Do others agree?

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I feel they would have specified a number if they required more than one copy of each transcript. I read the plural "transcripts" in reference to applicants with more than one degree, i.e. a bachelor's, a master's, etc. Do others agree?

You are completely correct I think. I believe they want a copy of your current transcript as well as one from any institution that you received a prior degree from?

I quote from the e-mail I received:

"Pleasearrange to have official transcripts from your currentacademic institution (if enrolled) and allinstitutions from which you received a Bachelor’s or Master’s or doctoraldegree sent to: OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTSU.S. StudentProgramsInstitute of International Education809 United Nations PlazaNew York,NY 10017 IIE mustreceive these transcripts by March 1, 2011 at the latest in order for you tocontinue to be considered for a 2011-12 Fulbright grant." .

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So did anyone else have other transcripts in their original Fulbright application that they aren't sending to the IIE for the final round. For instance ones from study abroad etc. (so institutions they did not get a degree from). It feels weird having some transcripts in my original app., but that I don't need to get the hard copies for the next round. At least it is less paperwork to deal with...

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So did anyone else have other transcripts in their original Fulbright application that they aren't sending to the IIE for the final round. For instance ones from study abroad etc. (so institutions they did not get a degree from). It feels weird having some transcripts in my original app., but that I don't need to get the hard copies for the next round. At least it is less paperwork to deal with...

I was a transfer in undergrad and after a bit of contemplation I decided to send transcripts from both my schools. Might be a little different considering study abroad is only a semester or two, but the way I see it, it can't hurt to just send them both (as long as the registrar for your study abroad doesn't charge an exorbitant fee?) Presumably, completion of your bachelor's degree required the credits you received abroad...so better safe than sorry, I think.

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I was a transfer in undergrad and after a bit of contemplation I decided to send transcripts from both my schools. Might be a little different considering study abroad is only a semester or two, but the way I see it, it can't hurt to just send them both (as long as the registrar for your study abroad doesn't charge an exorbitant fee?) Presumably, completion of your bachelor's degree required the credits you received abroad...so better safe than sorry, I think.

Thanks. Appreciate your input! I'm still new to this forum, but I'm really glad I found it. It seems like a really useful resource.

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From what I can gather, I think it's fine to just send a hard copy of the transcripts you used for the first round, with the addition of your last semester.

I think it's mostly just a way to make sure that you finished your final semester and got decent grades.

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(I got my notification last week. Accepted at this stage and moving to the in-country reviews. Is anyone making a worksheet for this year's final decision notifications?)

Matilda, best of luck! Can you tell us more about the process for you applying to come to the US?

Edited by matilda
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Is there any way we can view the actual number of applicants forwarded to the next round for a particular program? Or do we just have to go by the 1.5-2x the spots estimate?

You have to go by that estimate I think. It is not, however, a true figure for all programs. I know that for the UK they took A LOT more finalists than that last year, but that may be because they have another round of cuts --- only some of the UK finalists are offered interviews.

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Just found this topic and have been interested in skimming through - a form of masochism, I suppose, since I already got my rejection letter. Nice to have the waiting over with, though. Still, there's nothing worse than seeing that email and suddenly getting completely nervous and excited, thinking, "This is it!" Plus, I couldn't stop myself from having that gut-reaction of imagining myself moving to the next round. Ah well. I'd applied for master's funding w/ the joint Fulbright York or Leeds scholarships for Medieval Studies. Anyone else heard back positively from the UK? I think I remember that being one of the countries w/ the highest number of applicants...or am I mistaken?

I am a UK finalist, but I'm not getting my hopes up since I was a finalist last year but did not get an interview with the UK Fulbright commission. You are right. It is one of the most competitive, if not THE most competitive Fulbright. Good luck with whatever you choose to do!

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I am a finalist for an ETA to Bahrain. I found the forum for last year's Fulbright and have been reading that for about a month. I am so happy I found the current one today! :)

I have a weird question--does anyone know what impact getting married prior to departure has on the whole process? I'll (hopefully) be getting married this summer and (hopefully) be going to Bahrain with my SO for the Fulbright in the fall. Has anyone been through this process or know someone who has had the same situation?

Congratulations to everyone who has made it this far!

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Any other China finalists lurking in this thread? I received an email today from IIE about confirming affiliation and submitting a research plan. In one of the attached documents, it says that all China people will be required to pay tuition at their universities. Fulbright will either give you a tuition waiver or reimburse you for costs. If there are any other China people in this thread, send me a PM to discuss this (I'm concerned about paying out of pocket, wonder if I can get a loan to do so) or if you want to talk about the email from IIE.

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You have to go by that estimate I think. It is not, however, a true figure for all programs. I know that for the UK they took A LOT more finalists than that last year, but that may be because they have another round of cuts --- only some of the UK finalists are offered interviews.

Congrats on advancing to the next round, Crumpets. I am also a UK finalist and this new info is a bit disappointing, although I suppose it does me good to rein in my high hopes..a good reality check. When you say "a lot," do you have a ballpark number? Wondering if the ratio of finalists to grants was more like 3:1 or even more?

Also, do you happen to remember last year around what time people selected for phone interviews were contacted, and when the interviews were conducted?

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I have a weird question--does anyone know what impact getting married prior to departure has on the whole process? I'll (hopefully) be getting married this summer and (hopefully) be going to Bahrain with my SO for the Fulbright in the fall.

Alf Mabrook! I have not been in this situation but I know that with the Research Grant, spouses are eligible for a small (but very handy) dependency allotment if they come along with you. Not sure if this is the same for ETAs, though. It definitely will not have a negative impact on your application (as long as you are not getting married the same week as the Mandatory Orientation in DC), but you might want to email Jermain Jones (the MENA Coordinator) to see what sorts of additional paperwork you might need to get this extra money.

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Congrats on advancing to the next round, Crumpets. I am also a UK finalist and this new info is a bit disappointing, although I suppose it does me good to rein in my high hopes..a good reality check. When you say "a lot," do you have a ballpark number? Wondering if the ratio of finalists to grants was more like 3:1 or even more?

Also, do you happen to remember last year around what time people selected for phone interviews were contacted, and when the interviews were conducted?

Hi! Congrats to you too. The UK Fulbright site is helpful in answering a bunch of questions (though unfortunately not the number of finalists question). http://www.fulbright.co.uk/fulbright-awards/for-us-citizens

According to the site, you will be contacted for an interview in early Feb. and the interviews take place over the phone in mid Feb. My experience last year, is I just was not contacted, so I knew I didn't get it long before I got teh rejection letter. I've been racking my brains trying to remember what my adviser said last year about numbers. I think he might have said 100 finalists, and since there are 34 grants total -- including all the special ones-- that is about 3:1. Also, keep in mind that even though 100 seems high, there were 409 applicants in 2009, even more last year , and I suspect even more this year. So getting into this round is still a big accomplishment. Keep me updated!

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Alf Mabrook! I have not been in this situation but I know that with the Research Grant, spouses are eligible for a small (but very handy) dependency allotment if they come along with you. Not sure if this is the same for ETAs, though. It definitely will not have a negative impact on your application (as long as you are not getting married the same week as the Mandatory Orientation in DC), but you might want to email Jermain Jones (the MENA Coordinator) to see what sorts of additional paperwork you might need to get this extra money.

Allah yubarak feek! I put "engaged" on the application and applied for the dependent support, but I'm just thinking of the nightmare it's going to be to try to change my name, my passport, credit cards, etc. before I go if I'm selected. I mean, if they put "engaged" as an option on the form, then surely someone has gone through the process before?

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Allah yubarak feek! I put "engaged" on the application and applied for the dependent support, but I'm just thinking of the nightmare it's going to be to try to change my name, my passport, credit cards, etc. before I go if I'm selected. I mean, if they put "engaged" as an option on the form, then surely someone has gone through the process before?

Well you're not alone in this... I put engaged too, and my wedding is planned for June. I'm tempted to just not change my name until after the fulbright period is over rather then deal with all of that. I'm also worried about it hurting my chances. I've had issues in the past with my family being the reason I didn't get into certain programs or positions. most of them were foreign based though, so I'm hoping that since the Fulbrigth program is US based that those discriminations won't apply. But how can anyone anywhere ever be certain that we're not being discriminated because of that? I mean as long as they are asking the questions about your family/marital status, there's always room for wondering.

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