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Fulbright 2011-2012


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I've been following this thread for a few days and I haven't seen anything about Africa. I'm a finalist for Malawi -- has anyone heard back from any sub-Saharan African countries (besides South Africa)? Or does anyone know when we can expect to get the notification?

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Yup. They told me medios de abril, asi q, pues, segun lo q Judy respondio, dijeron la vdd. :-( No saben si nos van a mandar un correo electronico ademas del correo normal? Todo lo q veo aqui indica q no avisan por correo electronico. No aplicaste para una ETA?

Really, Comexus told you mid-April??? Ughh. They told me fines de marzo, maybe they will notify for different programs separately; I am Binational Business and had my interview Feb. 11. I don't think I can wait until mid-April!

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Are you in Brooklyn? There has to be a clinic somewhere in NYC where they can give you a physical for $60 or less. Lab work for the blood and urine test though could be a problem though. Not sure if you have transportation, but my doctor referred me to this place: http://www.passporth...com/new-jersey/ for my vaccines. She said they work with you financial situation. Haven't had time to really research this place yet though, but it's worth a try.

Thanks! I was thinking maybe an urgent care type place... I'm in Queens now (need to update that, oops) but I figure there's got to be *somewhere* in NYC....

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I've been following this thread for a few days and I haven't seen anything about Africa. I'm a finalist for Malawi -- has anyone heard back from any sub-Saharan African countries (besides South Africa)? Or does anyone know when we can expect to get the notification?

Hey! I'm a South Africa person, but I think all of the sub-saharan africa notifications go out at the same time, since they allocate regionally as opposed to by country. So when any of us hear, it should be a good indication that the rest will hear soon as well. But alas, nothing so far...

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Still no German ETA's with letters? I don't understand why we are running so much later than last year. . . . I am seriously going insane with the wait. I think I read this forum more than I read any of my German work that I should be doing for classes. . . wait, wait, wait. . . .

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Still no German ETA's with letters? I don't understand why we are running so much later than last year. . . . I am seriously going insane with the wait. I think I read this forum more than I read any of my German work that I should be doing for classes. . . wait, wait, wait. . . .

hahaha that is so funny. I am having the same problem, I am SO distracted from school this semester by this waiting it is not even funny. I cannot think of anything but when I am going to find out.. its soooo bad :( ugh. I am not the kind of person who deals well with uncertainly to say the least! And I am just not liking the longer than usual wait..

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I found the 2009-2010 spreadsheet, but does anyone have a link to the 2011-2012 sheet? I can't seem to find it :(

Here it is https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AriON5PQlVdtdHlKMUhJYlo0bEVXREcxdlJVYUFibnc&hl=en&authkey=CNHpkd4P#gid=8 Can you post the link to the 2009/2010 one?? I thought there was only a 2010/2011 one out there...

Edited by Norway2011
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I've been reading posts here for the past few days, but decided to finally join the discussion. Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the extreme tension I am feeling. I am a teacher on spring break but the stress of waiting has put a serious dent in my relaxation time.

I cannot believe Norway is taking such a long time! I can't help but interpret the delay as a harbinger of doom. I need to go pour myself a giant glass of wine...

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I've been reading posts here for the past few days, but decided to finally join the discussion. Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the extreme tension I am feeling. I am a teacher on spring break but the stress of waiting has put a serious dent in my relaxation time.

I cannot believe Norway is taking such a long time! I can't help but interpret the delay as a harbinger of doom. I need to go pour myself a giant glass of wine...

AHH another Norway-er! Welcome :) Did you apply for a Full grant or as an ETA? I know, I kind of feel the same way, but at the same time, would rejections take so long? WHO KNOWS! haha all I can do is drive myself nuts guessing 24/7 huh.gif

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AHH another Norway-er! Welcome :) Did you apply for a Full grant or as an ETA? I know, I kind of feel the same way, but at the same time, would rejections take so long? WHO KNOWS! haha all I can do is drive myself nuts guessing 24/7 huh.gif

Full grant. You?

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I've been following this thread for a few days and I haven't seen anything about Africa. I'm a finalist for Malawi -- has anyone heard back from any sub-Saharan African countries (besides South Africa)? Or does anyone know when we can expect to get the notification?

I'm also sub-Saharan Africa (Botswana)! Sadly, I have no information to report!

Is anyone else a finalist for the Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowship in Public Heatlh for sub-Saharan Africa? We get the same benefits as a full grant so I think that I'm with that pool but I'm not sure....

Please, please, please post if you hear anything!! I'll do the same!

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Same :) Did you apply to study or just to research? I applied to study/do research for my masters thesis in Oslo. How about you? Maybe we will both be in Norway next year, fingers crossed!

I applied to research in Tromso. My family will be coming with me so I am eager to make some plans. Looks like everyone who applied to Norway on this site has pretty different areas of research. My focus is on multicultural education.

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I applied to research in Tromso. My family will be coming with me so I am eager to make some plans. Looks like everyone who applied to Norway on this site has pretty different areas of research. My focus is on multicultural education.

Oh wow, well sounds great. Yea we are quite a diverse bunch. I hope we all hear soon "they will be sent out within the week" I am not sure if she meant within the next 7 days or like by the end of this week as in tomorrow. Doubtful but who knows.

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So how much spread do you guys think there generally is between when the first and last people get their acceptances for a given country? Do you think everyone tends to hear on basically the same day? Just wondering because I applied to Sweden and apparently someone already got accepted (on 3/28) and I haven't heard yet :/

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I'm very disappointed to report that Jody e-mailed me back that they won't be sending Mexico notifications for another 2-3 weeks!

2-3 WEEKS?? Oy. Thanks for breaking down and emailing, though...if you hadn't, I would have. My poor roommates are already used to me hovering over the mailbox as if the fabled manilla envelope might magically appear in it.

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ETA - so anywhere! If I were to receive the scholarship my hunch is that I would not be Johannesburg or Pretoria... I remember reading somewhere that they do not like to place ETAs in the capital(s) but I could be wrong. You?

Hey fellow South Africa people--

I'm applying ideally to spend most of my time in Durban, since I work with specific Zulu and English language archives.... <fingers crossed>

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I'm glad you posted this. I am applying for a Macedonia ETA and have been sitting on my hands to avoid pestering the certainly very busy staff.

What have you applied for? I am assuming they send both Grad and Undergrad results at the same time--does this seem to be the case?

Best of luck!

If you need any help with Macedonia, write me, I' ve lived there for 10 yrs.

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Hey fellow South Africa people--

I'm applying ideally to spend most of my time in Durban, since I work with specific Zulu and English language archives.... <fingers crossed>

Teej, that's terrific! Let's hope we find out soon (again, I sound like a broken record). I have a hunch or maybe it's just hope that we would find out by next Friday (April 8th). Last year, per the spreadsheet, they found out on April 11th, which is puzzling because it is a Sunday. So, odds are they found out the 10th and just waited to update the tracker? Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

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No Ukraine love out there? At long last, I am getting anxious -- perhaps it is because I keep checking the board so often, though there does not seem to be a particular reason for my country -- I'll be the only one on the spreadsheet.

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Teej, that's terrific! Let's hope we find out soon (again, I sound like a broken record). I have a hunch or maybe it's just hope that we would find out by next Friday (April 8th). Last year, per the spreadsheet, they found out on April 11th, which is puzzling because it is a Sunday. So, odds are they found out the 10th and just waited to update the tracker? Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

(broken records of encouragement are the best kind!)

My fulbright coordinator at the University of Illinois just answered my anxious email and said that they were informed last year on April 12th, which might make more sense :)

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