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Fulbright 2011-2012


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It doesn't make sense for all the extra recommended candidates to be alternates....however, when it comes to being in an alternate position, less seems to make sense. There are supposed to be approximately 10 grants for Norway as well; meaning 15-20 recommended candidates. So far based on this forum, we've found 5 alternates for Norway and who knows how many more are alternates that are not on this forum....

I'm really proud of myself for making it to an alternate position and everyone else who is a finalist should feel just as proud. At the same time, it's really tough being an alternate and wondering when and if you will be moved up. But, it feels even worse when you focus on it. Sometimes you have to move on and maybe while you're busy with other things this spring/summer you will get the best email/phone call ever :)

So, Indonesia's information on the website says there are 35 grants, which means 70 people were recommended. Is it likely that a large number like 15 or 20 were alternates? I just cannot imagine that they would think that that many people would decline an award or that they would receive extra money for that many spaces. Is the government even going to give extra money this year? I read some post on here a long ways back about a petition to save Fulbright from being cut.

Edited by readtowin
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I just got an email from J Jones about MENA/Syria. Apparently the budget battles here in US are the biggest holdup at the moment:

His Email:

"...And the budget battles are definitely slowing things down on the notification front this year. I’m really not sure when I’ll have the information needed to issue the notification letters to you and the other recommended candidates for Syria, but really hope that it will be by the end of this month or early next at the latest."

Just a heads-up.

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No, nothing yet. I emailed Oksana, since placements are done in Moscow but no word yet. Anyone want to email Rachel? I feel bad because I have been bombarding her with emails!

Rachel responded that we should be hearing in the next few weeks about ETA placements and the next steps in the process. Anyone know where people are usually sent? I know that we will probably not be in Petersburg or Moscow, but that leaves a lot of Russia...

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I just got an email from J Jones about MENA/Syria. Apparently the budget battles here in US are the biggest holdup at the moment:

His Email:

"...And the budget battles are definitely slowing things down on the notification front this year. I’m really not sure when I’ll have the information needed to issue the notification letters to you and the other recommended candidates for Syria, but really hope that it will be by the end of this month or early next at the latest."

Just a heads-up.

That's strange to me--why would budgetary issues be delaying MENA notifications so significantly, whereas a large number of other countries have been able to notify?

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That's strange to me--why would budgetary issues be delaying MENA notifications so significantly, whereas a large number of other countries have been able to notify?

Have any other Bangladeshers heard back? I'm assuming, if people are rejected or alternated, that they stop using this forum and put their information up on the spreadsheet?


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Noooo!!!!! Why, Taiwan, why?!?

Okay so I'm being a little melodramatic but I was really hoping we would hear back this week. Another week or more of waiting? They're killing me here. But thanks for the update.

Akeley told me that Taiwan's "best case scenario would be that the letters would be sent out late next week." I received this email last week so Taiwan should be sent out late this week or early next week.

-Special K

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Rachel responded that we should be hearing in the next few weeks about ETA placements and the next steps in the process. Anyone know where people are usually sent? I know that we will probably not be in Petersburg or Moscow, but that leaves a lot of Russia...

Do you know if we'll be finding that out via email or mail? Ahh, why is everything so SLOW?

I googled blogs for the current ETAs in Russia, and some of them were in:







As long as they don't send me to the Magadan area, I'll be perfectly happy.

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Any other Poland ETA applicants still waiting? I spoke with Rachel during the week of April 7th and she said they were waiting on word from Poland and hoping to send out the rest of the letters during the week of the 14th.

Re: Remaining Poland notifications

I received this in an email from Rachel this afternoon:

We’re hoping to mail the letters this week.

All the best,



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Congrats to everyone who has received a scholarship so far! Alternates: hang in there! I just heard from my old landlady that my letter is in my mailbox, but I won't have time to go get it until 7pm tonight. Can anyone say "suspense and frustration?"

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Did she tell you how big the envelope is? I probably would have made her open it and read it to me if I were you. haha. Good luck!

Congrats to everyone who has received a scholarship so far! Alternates: hang in there! I just heard from my old landlady that my letter is in my mailbox, but I won't have time to go get it until 7pm tonight. Can anyone say "suspense and frustration?"

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Any other Iceland applicants receive notice today? I'm ecstatic to say I got the big manilla envelope!

This might be taboo to reveal, but for what it's worth to anyone out there: I applied last year for a Fulbright and didn't even make it to the finalist round. I completely reworked my application, started from absolute scratch even choosing a different (but closely related) country in which to work. So if things didn't work out for you this year, they mean it when they say that you can apply again. Good luck to all still waiting.

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This might be taboo to reveal, but for what it's worth to anyone out there: I applied last year for a Fulbright and didn't even make it to the finalist round. I completely reworked my application, started from absolute scratch even choosing a different (but closely related) country in which to work. So if things didn't work out for you this year, they mean it when they say that you can apply again.

Absolutely. I have it on good authority (my FPA, several Fulbright alums, and even someone at IIE's New York office) that Fulbright looks very favorably on reapplication, and that those who try again (esp if they get past the first round the first time) get a thorough look. So those of you who were cursed with "Alternate" status, do reapply if this year doesn't pan out. :)

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