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2021-2022 Application Thread


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Yale rejection for me too. Really disappointed, not sure what would've improved my application. (Another poster mentioned bias against older applicants--I only have my own anecdotal experience, but I'm wondering if that's part of what's going on for me. My stats are excellent and I have solid recs from 3 tenured profs, but I've been out of school for more than a decade. Otoh, who knows, and I'm sure my statement of purpose could've been better as I didn't get edits from any poli sci profs or graduate students.) I'm happy with Duke and it's looking like that's going to be my one admit, but this whole process has felt very defeating.

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3 hours ago, Mangoman said:

Hey folks! I emailed UPenn today to ask when the decision is projected to come out. They told me “We expect to notify all applicants of our admissions decisions by end of month.” Fingers crossed y’all! 

Couldn't they have just said whether it would be tomorrow or Monday!? Smh. Also, I'm glad people are having success with phone calls, but I wish schools would consider that some applicants work or live in different time zones, and answer polite emails.

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Also claiming a rejection from Stanford (more than expected lol) I was not even considering to apply, but I had such an amazing experience in their Pathways to PhD Program that I decided to give it a try (btw, definitely would recommend the program for future applicants!)

Still waiting on Harvard (assuming rejection), USC and Upenn. Needing this to move on with my life 

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28 minutes ago, sswimky said:

Hey it's tough for us APs this cycle, I've heard of many places taking 1 maybe 2 americanists per cohort. Maybe next cycle everywhere will want a bunch of APs and we'll get our shining moment then :D

Right?! It's rough out there.

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Hello everyone!

I wish everyone good luck.

Does anyone know how likely it is to get accepted off the waitlist for MIT? How long do you think is the list? My field is comparative politics. 

I am also on the waitlist of another school and when I asked how far up I am on the list they did not give me an answer- just told me that they'll let me know as soon as they can. 

Also, if there is anyone who will not accept their MIT offer, would you please tell them that as soon as you make your final decision? It is my biggest dream, best fit and could be my only acceptance this year! 

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1 hour ago, sswimky said:

Is anybody else still waiting on Duke, NYU, or UCLA? Should I email and ask for a status update? I know they sent out a couple acceptances but I'm not sure if they're just taking forever to send rejections or if status updates are still trickling out.

I'm still waiting on NYU as well -- Just want it to be over already! 

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8 hours ago, PoliCommsGirl said:

This is indeed very frustrating! I am also waiting on Gtown (CP), I've decided to put myself out of my misery and I just went ahead and emailed them about when an update is coming. I don't want to be pessimistic, but they've really drawn it out since we saw the first acceptances (and even interviews tbh) go out this cycle. I'll update what they respond!

Sorry - I know you said you'll update when they respond, but have you heard back from them? Did you just email the general graduate admissions email? 

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31 minutes ago, Learnerlearnerlearner said:

Sorry - I know you said you'll update when they respond, but have you heard back from them? Did you just email the general graduate admissions email? 

I emailed and am still waiting on a response. But we are officially past the 10 weeks point.

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15 minutes ago, Quriosity said:

I emailed and am still waiting on a response. But we are officially past the 10 weeks point.

Thank you so much for your response. Did you email the gradmail admissions email? I emailed them and they replied. They only said that decisions are released after 8-10 weeks. I applied before the deadline, so it's been (actually) longer than that. I just don't understand what the hold up is. Best of luck to you! 

Edited by Learnerlearnerlearner
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5 minutes ago, Learnerlearnerlearner said:

Thank you so much for your response. Did you email the gradmail admissions email? I emailed them today and they replied within 3 hours. They only said that decisions are generally released after 8-10 weeks. I applied way before the deadline, so it's been (actually) longer than 13 weeks. I just don't understand what the hold up is. Best of luck to you! 

I wrote to them, and I also wrote to the specific email for gov. admissions. They gave me the same response from the general email, still waiting on the response from the gov. admissions team. Will post here if they give an update! I'd imagine we'll hear by Monday because end of the month, but that's just a guess.

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36 minutes ago, modesteffect said:

I emailed NYU last week, and they replied decisions are still being made. and we have seen very few nyu admits this year.

I didn't see that coming. I checked back and it looks like they have staggered their results in the past, although not always. I hope that brings good news for us.

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2 hours ago, Hazel C said:

Claiming UMD rejection, my first choice. Only Cornell, GT and Pittsburgh are pending.. losing hope. 

I'm really sorry! Really really hope you get an offer. But please remember, not getting an offer isn't the end of the road. Hope you're taking care of yourself. 

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