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CIHR CGS-D 2022-2023


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Hi all,

First time starting a post on here. Figured I'd make one for us CIHR CGS-D applicants this year as the nominations are starting to get processed and sent to CIHR, so we can all share our time in suspense!

Just had my application "Approved by Research Institution" yesterday, so I imagine the actual sending of the application package to CIHR will take place tomorrow or Monday (deadline for nominations is Monday Nov 22 @ 8PM EST). This is my first time applying, I selected the biomedical research scientific area ("Doctoral Research Awards - A").

Looking at numbers from previous years, seems to be about a 1-in-3 to 1-in-4 chance that the application is selected for funding after making it to the national competition, with at least 250 applications being funded this year. Pretty reasonable odds if you ask me!

Best of luck everyone!

Edited by EnergeticBacteria
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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, kupffercellgirl17 said:

What day are we notified of results?

supposedly April 15 (see link below), though I think it was last year or the year before that results were delayed to end of April due to COVID



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  • 2 months later...

Just curious . . . anyone know if SSHRC, CIHR, and NSERC release all of the results on the same day or do they get released on different days depending on which funding agency you applied to?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know past numbers but there are a few reasons why an applicant might decline their offer. E.g. being offered the Vanier or other scholarships of higher monetary value that can't be held concurrently with the CGS-D, applicants choosing to go to another university, applicants who were not registered in a degree program at the time of submission and then didn't get accepted to a graduate program (probably rare).

Since there are only a few Vanier spots and results are already out, I would expect those who won both the Vanier and CGS-D to decline their CGS-D offer pretty quickly. In past threads, a few people mentioned being waitlisted and then getting an offer so don't lose hope!!

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2 hours ago, milktoast said:

I don't know past numbers but there are a few reasons why an applicant might decline their offer. E.g. being offered the Vanier or other scholarships of higher monetary value that can't be held concurrently with the CGS-D, applicants choosing to go to another university, applicants who were not registered in a degree program at the time of submission and then didn't get accepted to a graduate program (probably rare).

Since there are only a few Vanier spots and results are already out, I would expect those who won both the Vanier and CGS-D to decline their CGS-D offer pretty quickly. In past threads, a few people mentioned being waitlisted and then getting an offer so don't lose hope!!

omg, thank you so much milktoast (love the name btw ? ) for this. I am a wee bit hopeful now. :)


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  • 2 months later...

FYI to all those who are close to the cutoff, I emailed CIHR about the possibility of getting off the "waitlist" and this is what they said:

"Thank you for your email. Following a certain number of initial offers of award declined by applicants, new documents will be released tomorrow, June 30th, for the next-in-line applicants. We encourage you to verify your account and the “Respond to Offer of Award” section as of tomorrow. "


Looks like we might get some good news tomorrow! 

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22 hours ago, Wholesome Biochemist said:

FYI to all those who are close to the cutoff, I emailed CIHR about the possibility of getting off the "waitlist" and this is what they said:

"Thank you for your email. Following a certain number of initial offers of award declined by applicants, new documents will be released tomorrow, June 30th, for the next-in-line applicants. We encourage you to verify your account and the “Respond to Offer of Award” section as of tomorrow. "


Looks like we might get some good news tomorrow! 

Thank you so much for this update, Wholesome Biochemist! Fingers crossed for everyone.

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  • 2 months later...

I am applying for CIHR CGS-D this year - and the process is very different from the CGS-M CIHR it appears! Quick question because maybe I am misinterpreting things - where are your including your research proposal with references? I see that there is an abstract that is limited to 2000 characters (including spaces) as well as an attachment for a summary that is max 1 page - which is a new way to propose things (summary?! What does this mean?!) - but where do you attach references for your proposal, or are you just not referencing anything? 

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