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History of Art - MA/PhD 2011??


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I was also accepted to UT Austin yesterday. The e-mail directing applicants to the website came today (Feb 22), so hopefully those who haven't been notified will be now. Good luck! Are there any other Pre-Columbian/Latin American UT admits?

Also, I was accepted at University of Colorado, Boulder yesterday as well. I was offered full tuition remission, a TAship worth ~10,000 annually, and health insurance. I've never done this before, so I'm wondering if this is as good an offer as Masters students can expect or if I should hold out for further responses.

I was accepted at UT Austin and UCB, rejected at UCLA, and am still waiting for Tulane and UNM. Thanks for any help you can offer!

Congratulations on your acceptances! Austin and Boulder are both such cool cities.

Re: the funding offer, I think it may be helpful to reframe it this way: regardless of whether that number is high or low, can you live on $10,000 + health insurance annually, or will you need to take out loans or take on a part-time job (if you even have time to, as a full time student)? The general idea is to avoid going in to debt for a humanities degree if at all possible. You may or may not be able to do this on $10,000/yr, it just depends on your outlook. I hear that it is quite an accomplishment to get any funding for an MA, so you should be very proud! Good luck with the rest of the decisions.

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TA-ship plus $10,000 stipend is awesome. This is relatively speaking from my background though. I went throughout my undergrad making roughly 6,000 or less at a part time job unrelated to my field of study. If I didn't help out financially around the house, I'd have more disposable income. Your TA-ship includes health insurance and I suggest looking @ the GSAS's website about what's covered under it. Generally speaking, college insurance is good. You're in the borderline poverty bracket, however . . so this can be a good thing come tax refund, or a bad thing depending on your spending tendencies (living situation too: ie, perhaps your SO if you have one has a full time job?)

If you have better funding at different colleges that fit you more than this school, I wouldn't take the offer. But if this school is a good fit, and you're funded with a tuition waiver . . hell yeah. And congratulations!

Edit* I would like to mention to not make any hasty decisions. Unless they're constantly prodding you for an answer, you have until April 15th!

Edited by Chulianne
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Has anyone else heard from the IFA/NYU? I noticed a post on the results board about an interview. I met the professor I want to work with a while ago (I stopped by his office hours, since I live in New York), so I'm wondering if it's bad that I haven't heard anything.


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Greetings everyone! I'm applying for my Ph.D with a specialization in Native American Art (which instantly narrows my pool of schools, hah)

I received a rejection letter from UW-Madison two weeks ago, so I'm assuming they've notified everyone of their acceptance/rejection status by now. I was pretty bummed about Wisconsin because I thought I was a good candidate with a decent GPA, GRE, and published articles.

I've also applied to OU, Rochester, and UNM but have yet to hear from any of those schools.

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I have been checking the UT application status obsessively too, and haven't heard anything yet either. Hopefully not a sign of rejection!

I am fearing the worst. It says the info is correct as of today, which I can only take as a not great sign. Also, looks like someone perhaps already got in with similar interests, so it doesn't bode well.

Nevertheless, I persevere! Good luck raksasa!

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To anyone accepted into the UIUC program and seriously considering their offer, are you visiting the campus? I'm asking because I feel like it'd be better to find places with someone else, but we can definitely go our separate ways when entering the department building (:

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<br />To the CU Boulder admit- How did you receive notification of your admission?<br />
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I was contacted by my POI. I don't know if this is standard practice or if he called me because he knows me from my undergrad days at Pomona College. Which professor/specialty did you apply to work with? Good luck!

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<br /><br /><br />

I was contacted by my POI. I don't know if this is standard practice or if he called me because he knows me from my undergrad days at Pomona College. Which professor/specialty did you apply to work with? Good luck!

Deborah Haynes, contemporary with a focus on Gender & Womens' Studies. I mentioned Kira van Lil in my SOP as well. Thank you! Seeing all of these admits is making me nervous. Confidence level is low. I will be thrilled if I get 1 out of 8 acceptances!

Edited by TheDixie
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Greetings everyone! I'm applying for my Ph.D with a specialization in Native American Art (which instantly narrows my pool of schools, hah)

I received a rejection letter from UW-Madison two weeks ago, so I'm assuming they've notified everyone of their acceptance/rejection status by now. I was pretty bummed about Wisconsin because I thought I was a good candidate with a decent GPA, GRE, and published articles.

I've also applied to OU, Rochester, and UNM but have yet to hear from any of those schools.

Hey! I know that Oklahoma has a great program. I have a friend who lives there and frequently talks about it. Did you have a chance to visit? I just heard from UW-Madison today, but I'm going into a different field (architecture). I applied a few yrs ago and was rejected. The difference is that I completed my MA and had a few yrs of teaching experience. I also changed my focus.

Good luck!

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Hello MinorGirl,

My speciality is also Native American Art. It depends on what area you want to study. For example, if you want to study the Southwest you need to go to UNM. If you want to specialize in the Plains or Contemporary University of Oklahoma is good and for the Northwest UW and UBC are good. Good luck!!

P.S. I met Joyce Sbazo from UNM and she would great to work with.

Edited by arthistgrad
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I think their results typically come later in the season - late March and even early April.

Thanks! I'm not quite sure what to do, because I have a great offer from a different school (with full funding), and I think they want me to tell them sooner than later. Decisions, decisions...

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It looks like we're starting to hear back from more and more schools at the moment - congratulations to those who've received offers!

I was looking at the results page and saw that someone posted a rejection from Harvard on February 15 (via email). I was wondering if this was a unsolicited notice, or a response to an email that someone sent to their POI or the graduate chair. I'd appreciate any information/insight on the decision making process at Harvard.

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It looks like we're starting to hear back from more and more schools at the moment - congratulations to those who've received offers!

I was looking at the results page and saw that someone posted a rejection from Harvard on February 15 (via email). I was wondering if this was a unsolicited notice, or a response to an email that someone sent to their POI or the graduate chair. I'd appreciate any information/insight on the decision making process at Harvard.

Woah results page? Where might I find that? :)

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Thank you revivalarch and arthistgrad for your replies! I'm finishing my master's at UNL. I did apply to UNM in hopes of working with Szabo and Rochester in hopes of working with Berlo. I have visited the OU campus and I met the faculty. The campus was beautiful!

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Thank you revivalarch and arthistgrad for your replies! I'm finishing my master's at UNL. I did apply to UNM in hopes of working with Szabo and Rochester in hopes of working with Berlo. I have visited the OU campus and I met the faculty. The campus was beautiful!

UNL...as in Nebraska? I am also in Nebraska (near Lincoln). I teach as an adjunct at various places in the area and online. How funny!

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I have to admit it, I'm starting to freak out a bit.

Almost all of the schools I've applied to have made some sort of contact with people and I haven't heard a word. I know there's still plenty of time but I'm starting to have that sinking feeling that this just isn't my year. At least I know i've learned so much from this application season and if I do have to apply again next year it will be as a stronger and smarter candidate.

Sorry to be so negative, I think i just need to vent a bit to get through this. Congratulations to all the admits this week!

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Almost all of the schools I've applied to have made some sort of contact with people and I haven't heard a word.

Ditto in art history for me. There are so many stories on Waiting It Out and the blogs about people who were just absolutely sunk...and then they got a fully funded acceptance!! Or three!!! I'm hoping that you and I both have that dramatic turnaround, but every day makes it seem more certain that we have been sunk.... Hang in there, ok?

Edited by RecycledViking
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I have to admit it, I'm starting to freak out a bit.

Almost all of the schools I've applied to have made some sort of contact with people and I haven't heard a word. I know there's still plenty of time but I'm starting to have that sinking feeling that this just isn't my year. At least I know i've learned so much from this application season and if I do have to apply again next year it will be as a stronger and smarter candidate.

Sorry to be so negative, I think i just need to vent a bit to get through this. Congratulations to all the admits this week!

Thanks for posting this, and to recycledviking for sharing in the sentiment. I also have yet to get a decision and I applied to 7 schools. It can be discouraging to read this board, where it seems like everyone has heard at least something. It's good to know that there are others out there still in the dark!

Also, what does "you'll hear from us shortly" mean to you guys? A week? Two? I'm kinda losing it. I would prefer "you'll hear from us on Thursday, Februrary 24 at 3:47pm" next time, thank you very much.

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