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2023 Canada Admissions SLP thread

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8 hours ago, speechiegal said:

I wanted to hop on here and say congratulations to everyone who received an offer! You should be very proud of yourselves:)❤️ I was put on Western’s waitlist and wanted to know if you all thought it would be okay to email Janet about what quadrant I was in? In the email, it says information related to my exact position on the waitlist was not available. Let me know:)

Hi! I was also waitlisted (as it seems a lot of people were!!) I think they gave that info out in previous years, so I think that would be okay and the worst they can say is no. They specifically said the "exact spot" in the email, so that leads me to believe we can maybe get the quadrant info...hopefully 😅 

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2 hours ago, SarahSLP23 said:

Hi everyone! Long-time lurker of this forum HAHA. I just wanted to say congrats to everyone who has been accepted!!! This is so exciting and seeing everyone's hard work pay off is so gratifying :) 

This is my first year applying... I applied to Dal, McGill, Western, UofT, and Mac. I'm from Nova Scotia so Dal is my first choice, however I haven't heard anything from them yet. BUT I am ecstatic this morning as I was accepted to UofT and Western!!! (I was waitlisted for Mac but I did not interview well LOL).

Congrats again everyone!!

Congratulations!! I'm also from Nova Scotia, and Dal is my first choice! I'm hoping that we will hear this week, one of my friends in the program said this is around the time most people heard back, so fingers crossed!! 

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Congrats to those of you who got accepted! I've been waitlisted for Western and noticed in the email it says they don't release info on our exact position on the waiting list. This is my first time applying and I'm seeing some people talking about being in a quadrant and this being information that they released in the past, could someone explain that to me please? Thanks!

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11 hours ago, quruxSLP said:

Congratulations to you all! Unfortunately, I was rejected by Western and waitlisted by McMaster. And I did not hear back from UofT yet, so I am sadly expecting some sad news. As this is my first time applying to SLP grad schools, I do not feel too dejected. But maybe the sad feeling will kick in later. It will be a long and hard journey to reapply again next year (if I don’t make it off the waitlist) but hopefully my experience this year will make the reapplication journey easier! 

Coming from someone who applied for my first time last year and got rejected everywhere, it really does make the difference of gaining experience over the next year! I got really down on myself but I found a job in the field and gained more volunteer experience and this year I got acceptances! Also as a side, an SLP I work with told me the waitlist doesn't always mean the worst - she told me she had been on the top of the waitlist for a school back in her day so anything is possible! :) 

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Just jumping on to say I got accepted into Western SLP and Audiology and waitlisted for McMaster!! :) Just wondering if anyone knows what the provisional acceptance really is - I'm assuming if I provisionally accept Western SLP it still holds my place with Western's program while I wait for the potential to come off of the waitlist at McMaster?

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59 minutes ago, slpgirl0613 said:

Congrats to those of you who got accepted! I've been waitlisted for Western and noticed in the email it says they don't release info on our exact position on the waiting list. This is my first time applying and I'm seeing some people talking about being in a quadrant and this being information that they released in the past, could someone explain that to me please? Thanks!

I also was waitlisted at Western. I emailed Janet this morning and she emailed me back to let me know I was in the 2nd quadrant. I believe they just meant they won't tell you the exact number you are, but will let you know which quadrant! 

This is also my first time applying so I am a little bummed but hopeful that a spot will open up! 

Edited by BSLP22
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3 hours ago, speechbean said:

First of all congrats to everyone who got acceptances! 
I was waitlisted at UofT and Western. 
I found it odd that Western stated there would be zero information about where we sit on the waitlist as historically they have shared quadrant information.

Is anyone else super suspicious of why none of these schools share waitlist information? 
My theory (and please tell me if you think I’m insane) is that they have “quotas” and essentially there isn’t much of an order to the waitlist. If their (for example) bisexual applicant accepts somewhere else, they contact their “next in line” bisexual applicant, etc.

It just makes zero sense to me why they can’t share our position on the waitlist, how many people they waitlist, or really anything in regards to waitlist.  

Plus all that information they had us input about gender, sexual identity, nationality, etc doesn’t make me any less suspicious. 😅

I honestly think western stopped sharing wait list information because they've gotten severely inundated with applications in the recent years. I think the people who get accepted, do so because they have every right to be there, irrespective of a certain quota. I know our current first year cohort at UofT is probably the most diverse one yet but that could be down to quite literally anything besides just EDI. While they may take this into account, I don't believe it would be an overriding factor into whether someone receives an acceptance or offer to the program. And quite frankly, if this is something they are considering when looking at apps, I don't think it's a terrible thing when you consider how diverse the populations SLPs work with are and continue to be.  I hesitate to bring this up because I'd probably be crucified but if you look back at previous cohorts, they've consisted mainly of white women and one man thrown in the mix. I think the lack of transparency and information about the waitlist is because they've become so inundated with applications and so that their selection process can remain private for whatever reason. 

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First time applying- I was waitlisted at U of A and Western, and accepted to U of T. Unfortunately I'm in a bit of a pickle as I'm not sure I can finish BIO 235 (Athabasca) in 3.5 months and was really just hoping I would be accepted to U of A 😅

Congrats to everyone!!!

Edited by egall
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26 minutes ago, SoaringSLP said:

I don't believe it would be an overriding factor into whether someone receives an acceptance or offer to the program

I agree! Also, many organizations beyond grad school collect this information as a way to collect stats on who is applying. I cant imagine a grad school would have a specific quota for bisexual people, especially when there can be much improvement in equity and inclusion in the programs (This is a common perspective among my classmates, as a second year audio student).

To the OP SoaringSLP is replying to, I am sure that you are feeling frustrated and looking for reasons that may justify what you perceive to be unfair, but it is not appropriate to direct that frustration to a marginalized community. 


26 minutes ago, SoaringSLP said:

don't think it's a terrible thing when you consider how diverse the populations SLPs work with are and continue to be.

This is also a good point. Non-diverse classes can negatively impact the entire profession and diversity helps us best support our patients. For example, during the newcomer sceenings, my SLP middle eastern classmate was able to speak Arabic to the Syrian refugee children, which helped them feel more comfortable and open up. My queer classmates are passionate about gender-affirming health care and are interested in voice therapy for transgender clients. My friend who is of Pakistani descent automatically knew how to pronounce a patient of similar descent's name, and I could see how the patient smiled with familiarity and relief. It's cheesy but its true, although programs have a long way to go in terms of equity and equal representation, I've seen myself the positive impact of how diversity improves the quality of our care

Edited by 2nd year Dal Student
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51 minutes ago, flyforyourlife said:

Coming from someone who applied for my first time last year and got rejected everywhere, it really does make the difference of gaining experience over the next year! I got really down on myself but I found a job in the field and gained more volunteer experience and this year I got acceptances! Also as a side, an SLP I work with told me the waitlist doesn't always mean the worst - she told me she had been on the top of the waitlist for a school back in her day so anything is possible! :) 

Can I ask what kind of job it was you worked over the last year? I’m hoping to strengthen my application over the coming year and am trying to find options for relevant experience.

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3 minutes ago, BSLP22 said:

Does anyone who was on this forum last year recall where they got to quadrant wise at Western last year? I've been waitlisted (2nd quadrant) and just trying to roughly figure out the chances I have of getting in. 

How did you find out the quadrant?

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Just now, ahopelessendeavour said:

I haven't heard anything yet - is it ridiculous that I'm still holding out hope? 

No, I’m also still hoping that they still haven’t sent out all the admissions. I know for certain that there’s at least 13 people who have received admissions and accepted though.. ( based on the Fb group)

but I saw a post that someone said they still were deciding on admissions and haven’t sent them all out yet??? so idkkkk I’m dying to find out! 


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11 minutes ago, Slpmanna said:

No, I’m also still hoping that they still haven’t sent out all the admissions. I know for certain that there’s at least 13 people who have received admissions and accepted though.. ( based on the Fb group)

but I saw a post that someone said they still were deciding on admissions and haven’t sent them all out yet??? so idkkkk I’m dying to find out! 


Omg thank you for sharing! I just got 3 rejections in a row and need a glimmer of hope :wacko:

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3 hours ago, speechenthusiast said:

I've officially accepted McMaster! Is there a group-chat or anything? :) 

Not that I know of but we should make one!


Discord or Facebook or something?

Edited by MacSLP1
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