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I/O Applicants 2011


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Hey guys, I'm new to these boards but I just wanted to share my decisions or lack thereof with all of you. I applied for MA programs at George Mason, Clemson, Oklahoma, and University of Tulsa. I also applied for a PhD at Kansas State which was promptly rejected two weeks ago by postal mail.

George Mason - nothing yet

Clemson - contacted professor by e-mail and was told that the first round of acceptance letters have been sent but I have received nothing.

Oklahoma - nothing yet

University of Tulsa - recommended for acceptance via e-mail 2/18/11

Kansas State (PhD) - rejected via postal mail 2/20/11

I am eager to see if anyone else has applied for these programs and what they have heard, if anything. I am more than happy to go to the University of Tulsa but I wanted to at least hold off until I heard from George Mason. Also, is anyone else attending the Visitation Day in Tulsa on 3/11?

Good luck to everyone. I never realized how impatient I was until I began this process!

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I also applied to mason's ma prgm and still no word but I think someone posted that a few acceptances for mason have been sent out.

I hit refresh on my email every ten min so I know how you feel. Though I'm really hoping I get into Baruch's phd prgm but I'll have to wait and see.

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I also applied to mason's ma prgm and still no word but I think someone posted that a few acceptances for mason have been sent out.

I hit refresh on my email every ten min so I know how you feel. Though I'm really hoping I get into Baruch's phd prgm but I'll have to wait and see.

I've also seen that some Mason rejections have already been sent, so I think its a good sign that we haven't heard anything yet. I'm thinking we will hear mid-March, but I have a sneaking suspicion that, if accepted, there will be minimal to no funding. =(

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[American Universities]

Claremont Graduate University Psych MA (Accepted via email on March 2nd 2011)

[Canadian Universities]

University of Guelph (Invitation to Open House via email Jan 20th, likely to be accepted)

Windsor Applied Social Psych PhD (Accepted via email on Feb 11th 2011)

University of Waterloo's I/O Psych PhD (Accepted via email on Feb 24th 2011)

University of Western Ontario's I/O Psych M.Sc. (Accepted via email on March 1st 2011)

I'm very excited for the University of Waterloo:

- Historically, one of the best psychology programs in all of Canada

- Potentially 4 years for a PhD; skip the Master's.

- 7k per year tuition, 6k per year living expenses

- Financial Support = 20k for the first year, 23k for the next 3 years.

The only thing is if I went to Western I would have a chance to work with some real superstars (Meyer, Allen?) in the I/O field and so I am very conflicted. Currently waiting back for more information from UWO

Edited by Joe22c
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[American Universities]

Claremont Graduate University Psych MA (Accepted via email on March 2nd 2011)

[Canadian Universities]

University of Guelph (Invitation to Open House via email Jan 20th, likely to be accepted)

Windsor Applied Social Psych PhD (Accepted via email on Feb 11th 2011)

University of Waterloo's I/O Psych PhD (Accepted via email on Feb 24th 2011)

University of Western Ontario's I/O Psych M.Sc. (Accepted via email on March 1st 2011)

I'm very excited for the University of Waterloo:

- Historically, one of the best psychology programs in all of Canada

- Potentially 4 years for a PhD; skip the Master's.

- 7k per year tuition, 6k per year living expenses

- Financial Support = 20k for the first year, 23k for the next 3 years.

The only thing is if I went to Western I would have a chance to work with some real superstars (Meyer, Allen?) in the I/O field and so I am very conflicted. Currently waiting back for more information from UWO

Congrats Joe, sounds like you are making a killing in Canada, and with free health care to boot!

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Congrats Joe, sounds like you are making a killing in Canada, and with free health care to boot!

Thanks mate! That's what it's all "A-Boot"

haha. I've actually never heard anyone pronounce about like that and I've lived in Canada for 20 years. :)

And yeah, totes. It's sweet deals. I think more people should apply to Canadian Universities. Tuition is much cheaper and financial support can be awesome.

I mean, Windsor and Guelph are low tier but they're good for back ups. Waterloo and Western are the real contenders for my heart.

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Hey Joe22c,

Congrats dude - that's a good turnout.

I was also accepted to both Waterloo and UWO under the supervision of Dr. Brown and Dr. Meyer, respectively.

Are you planning to attend the open house at UWO on March 11th?

Still waiting on 4 other applications here - mostly OB programs.

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Hey Joe22c,

Congrats dude - that's a good turnout.

I was also accepted to both Waterloo and UWO under the supervision of Dr. Brown and Dr. Meyer, respectively.

Are you planning to attend the open house at UWO on March 11th?

Still waiting on 4 other applications here - mostly OB programs.

Friggin awesome! Do you wanna chat more on msn or something? If so, PM me your msn address and I'll add you :-)

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I'm sorryto hear that turtler.

I hope you get in somewhere else of your choice. Best of luck!!!

Thanks. Actually it's a funny story and I think I know why I didn't get one. Logged in to check my application status today and noticed that I never sent the departmental application. It was filled out in its entirety sans my digital signature -_-. I contacted the coordinator and she pushed it through for me today, despite it being a month overdue! My fingers are crossed!

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Hey guys! Thank you all for the information. I should've posted earlier but hopefully it's not too late to share my results.

Auburn U - accepted

Wayne State - accepted

Florida Tech - accepted

Florida International U - invited to interview weekend but didn't go

USF - waitlisted

DePaul - waitlisted

UIUC - rejected :(

Still waiting: Bowling Green (guess I'm rejected), George Washington, Saint Louis U, UMSL

Has anybody heard anything from those schools???

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Hey guys! Thank you all for the information. I should've posted earlier but hopefully it's not too late to share my results.

Auburn U - accepted

Wayne State - accepted

Florida Tech - accepted

Florida International U - invited to interview weekend but didn't go

USF - waitlisted

DePaul - waitlisted

UIUC - rejected :(

Still waiting: Bowling Green (guess I'm rejected), George Washington, Saint Louis U, UMSL

Has anybody heard anything from those schools???

BGSU is having interview this weekend.

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got my financial aid package from TC for their MA program today and got an unexpected 14k scholarship for year 1 of the program!! there is promise for funding within Teachers -- who knew? i think that i'll be going to TC unless something better comes my way from Baruch if I make it off the waitlist for their PhD program.

is there anyone else who was accepted and 90+% likely of attending Baruch? --> did you get decent funding?

I applied mainly for PhD programs but also to a few MA programs as backup.. based off my acceptances (many are consolation MA acceptances when I applied for the PhD) it seems that schools think i'm a better fit for a masters program but if i get into a PhD -- I'm going.

other notes:

PhD Programs

Penn State, FIU, and GW PhD programs - still no word -- although since it's so late in the game i feel like i've likely been rejected?

GTech PhD -- still waitlisted (likely not going to get in)

USF, UCF, UMN, UMD - straight up rejected. - kind of expected that much

Masters programs

NYU I/O - still no word but likely wouldn't go cuz i did my undergrad there

GMU MA - still no word -- not really sure what i'd do if i got in

SFSU I/O MA - still no word -- wouldn't go to over TC

Hofstra I/O MA, IIT I/O MS-PHRD, FTech I/O MA, Claremont OrgBeh&Eval MA -- turning down the offer

I hope everyone else is getting in to a few different places to have some options at least. more people should post their good news on the forum

is there anyone else who's seriously considering going to Teachers??

Edited by ynos23
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Hey ynos,

quick question. if you don't mind telling, when did you turn in your scholarship application for TC? and congratulations!!!


got my financial aid package from TC for their MA program today and got an unexpected 14k scholarship for year 1 of the program!! there is promise for funding within Teachers -- who knew? i think that i'll be going to TC unless something better comes my way from Baruch if I make it off the waitlist for their PhD program.

is there anyone else who was accepted and 90+% likely of attending Baruch? --> did you get decent funding?

I applied mainly for PhD programs but also to a few MA programs as backup.. based off my acceptances (many are consolation MA acceptances when I applied for the PhD) it seems that schools think i'm a better fit for a masters program but if i get into a PhD -- I'm going.

other notes:

PhD Programs

Penn State, FIU, and GW PhD programs - still no word -- although since it's so late in the game i feel like i've likely been rejected?

GTech PhD -- still waitlisted (likely not going to get in)

USF, UCF, UMN, UMD - straight up rejected. - kind of expected that much

Masters programs

NYU I/O - still no word but likely wouldn't go cuz i did my undergrad there

GMU MA - still no word -- not really sure what i'd do if i got in

SFSU I/O MA - still no word -- wouldn't go to over TC

Hofstra I/O MA, IIT I/O MS-PHRD, FTech I/O MA, Claremont OrgBeh&Eval MA -- turning down the offer

I hope everyone else is getting in to a few different places to have some options at least. more people should post their good news on the forum

is there anyone else who's seriously considering going to Teachers??

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