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Reporting Scores


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I took the GRE yesterday and did not designate any universities to receive my scores. I'll be taking the test one more time and will list universities to report my scores to. Will the schools receive my scores from taking it both times? How long does it take schools to receive the official scores?

I was satisfied with my math score; it matched my Kaplan CAT exams. However, my verbal score was 110 points lower! I saw a lot of vocabulary not covered in any of the Kaplan materials and I had been studying A LOT of vocab. I did pretty well on PowerPrep Test 1 verbal section. I don't know what happened to me on the actual test day regarding the verbal section!

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I took the GRE yesterday and did not designate any universities to receive my scores. I'll be taking the test one more time and will list universities to report my scores to. Will the schools receive my scores from taking it both times? How long does it take schools to receive the official scores?

The schools that you will choose will see all your scores. They won't receive scores only if they are more than 5 years old. It can take the scores from 4 to 6 weeks to reach the designated schools.

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The schools that you will choose will see all your scores. They won't receive scores only if they are more than 5 years old. It can take the scores from 4 to 6 weeks to reach the designated schools.

4 to 6 weeks?!? The ETS website said 15 days

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4 to 6 weeks?!? The ETS website said 15 days

They need 15 days just to grade the writing part of the test. That is already two weeks. And then they need at least two weeks more to send the scores to the schools. So it is 4 weeks in the best case scenario. And if some problems arise - that will be more than two weeks.

One of the schools I am applying to says: "Applicants should allow at least six weeks for the GRE scores to be processed and received."

At least! So may be I was optimistic when I wrote "4 to 6 weeks"...

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They need 15 days just to grade the writing part of the test. That is already two weeks. And then they need at least two weeks more to send the scores to the schools. So it is 4 weeks in the best case scenario. And if some problems arise - that will be more than two weeks.

One of the schools I am applying to says: "Applicants should allow at least six weeks for the GRE scores to be processed and received."

At least! So may be I was optimistic when I wrote "4 to 6 weeks"...

Wait, so if I take the GRE on the 16th of November, I'm pretty much screwed for any school that has an application deadline in December??!?!

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Wait, so if I take the GRE on the 16th of November, I'm pretty much screwed for any school that has an application deadline in December??!?!

Well, you can contact your schools, explain the situation and ask very politely wether it will be fine if you self-report your scores and the official scores will arrive a little :unsure: later. I believe some schools will be fine with that. You can also let them enter your account on the GRE official website and see your scores themselves.

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I took the GRE general on the 16th of July and some of my schools have STILL not received the scores (or have just not updated my applications to reflect that they've received them)!

Hey, hey, don't scare the people! :lol: I am sure your schools just have not updated your application status. They can be lazy that way :)

Edited by Strangefox
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Well, you can contact your schools, explain the situation and ask very politely wether it will be fine if you self-report your scores and the official scores will arrive a little :unsure: later. I believe some schools will be fine with that. You can also let them enter your account on the GRE official website and see your scores themselves.

Well I know a couple schools said it was okay if the scores were a few days late. But if they don't receive them for a month after the application deadline it seems like they would be quick to throw my application away rather than bother with looking up my scores..

Has anyone been in a similar situation? I feel like I shouldn't bother applying to half of the schools on my list now :(

ps did you mean for paper based tests? I took the computer based test and everywhere online says 15 days for computer and 5 days if i send them online. For paper based it says 4-6 weeks...

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The scores aren't official until the the aw is done. The ers sends the scores out to schools once a month through flash drives. So that's why it can take 6 weeks. I would allow 3-6 weeks for a school to get my results. Can't expect sooner or later than that.

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The scores aren't official until the the aw is done. The ers sends the scores out to schools once a month through flash drives. So that's why it can take 6 weeks. I would allow 3-6 weeks for a school to get my results. Can't expect sooner or later than that.

Is it any faster for the schools you put down right after you complete the test?

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Let's say you take it Nov.10th. Two weeks for aw score. That's the 24th. Let's day they sent out that schools scores on the 15th of the month it wouldn't be there till Dec 15. It just depends in the cycle and when they send out the scores for that school. When I was applying everyone role me Oct.31 was the last day to make sure I made my mid Dec. Deadlines.

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Awesome, well excuse me while I go jump off a ledge! I only have 2 schools with Dec. 1 deadlines, the rest are Dec.8th, 15th and January 1).

I opted not to send my scores to any school during the test. I know I'll have to pay for it, but can I pay for that now online somehow? Every time I log on to see my scores online it tells my my test registration # was invalid. Maybe it is just too early?

Cool to know I lost out on 80 bucks.

I figure if I add up taking this test twice (320) plus sending my scores to 9 schools (180), plus missing this week in work (300) - I've dropped a pretty significant portion of my annual income on this.

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Awesome, well excuse me while I go jump off a ledge! I only have 2 schools with Dec. 1 deadlines, the rest are Dec.8th, 15th and January 1).

I opted not to send my scores to any school during the test. I know I'll have to pay for it, but can I pay for that now online somehow? Every time I log on to see my scores online it tells my my test registration # was invalid. Maybe it is just too early?

It isn't possible to send the scores online or by phone until everything is official. For me, that took exactly a week.

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Just to clear this up. I spoke with a rep at ETS today. She assured me that if I wanted to send my scores to schools for the test I took this Sunday, I opted not to, that they would arrive by December 1st deadlines. Once the scores are in it takes about 5 days to send the report. In most cases it doesn't take 15 days to get you official scores or 5 days to send the scores, but you should expect that at the most. I'm retaking November 1st, and she said it would be cutting it close, but would likely work.

I contacted grad programs to see how lenient they would be. For instance, are they going to make me pay to send 2 score reports just to process the application or can they wait for the second report.

Queries are all over the place on this site. I asked this question months ago and received a pretty straight answer of 15 days if you send them from the test center. Tack on 5 more days if you didn't send them from the test center but want to at a different date. The range seems to be from 15 days-6 weeks. Most people have been saying 15 days.

We'll see.

Their system has also been kind of screwy the past few days. Maybe that will buy you some excuses. They had 2 different files for me in their computer and were telling me my test confirmation # was invalid on the website. I guess the system has done this to other people too. Their phone system regarding score reports has also been down. I see some people were having issues with the website here last week too.

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Hey, hey, don't scare the people! :lol: I am sure your schools just have not updated your application status. They can be lazy that way :)

Not only that. Things can get lost.

When I applied for my first MA (back in the late 1970's) I had to have my recommendations sent THREE times. I received a phone call advising me that I was admitted. Then a few days LATER I received a letter saying my recommendations had not been received yet. I called the person who had called me, telling me I was admitted. He said, "Don't worry about it. Nobody will stop you from registering for courses [ even though I had no paper confirmation of my acceptance ]." And remember, that was BEFORE the days of computerized record keeping. There was no record of my admission anywhere. I just told the registrar's office that "Dr. XYZ told me I was admitted." They accepted my money and enrolled me without even calling Dr. XYZ to confirm my story (though it's possible they did so after I left the registrar's office).

Dr. XYZ was right. I enrolled without difficulty, and I finally received a written acceptance letter in November, while I was preparing for final exams in my first semester!

Absolutely true.

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