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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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I cannot agree more..i applied to only six and already two rejects. I'm seriously preparing for my "plan B".

Same here boss; I applied to 8. 0 of which were back up schools, thinking if I'm going overseas for half a decade it may as well be up there. However, uhm, I'm starting to feel like this was a bit silly. What to do for a year...

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Also, just as a question/concern, I'm wondering why acceptances don't come the way that the FAQ on the websites say they'll come. For instance, MIT said that acceptances will only come via mail. Why, then, would they call people? Same with Washington. I guess I'm just confused and wondering if I should give up hope if some people get phone calls, when it says wait for mail.

From my very limited experience, it has been the case that the actual graduate school does follow its stated protocol, but the department to which I've applied may call or email - either an adcom member, the head of grad admissions, or POIs. The department and the grad school are technically different bodies responsible for different parts of the process, and the department and committee may have their own reasons for reaching out via phone or email (i.e. sounding out a candidate's enthusiasm or competing offers).

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Same here boss; I applied to 8. 0 of which were back up schools, thinking if I'm going overseas for half a decade it may as well be up there. However, uhm, I'm starting to feel like this was a bit silly. What to do for a year...

Me three. Applied to 9. Already 2 rejections. Don't really want to start thinking about looking for jobs or all the money wasted on applications/transcripts/scores...

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Just got a postal rejection from Harvard. I'm in the UK so they must have sent it out some time ago (maybe a sign that I was thrown out the window fairly early on?) Sad times, but la la la la la la.

Peachy, now I get check my mailbox and post office box (on the other side of town) obsessively, in addition to the constant e-mail refreshes!

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hi everyone! i'm wondering how many of you have applied for external scholarships at this point? i applied to six schools. i havent heard from any, but there have been acceptances released for three of them, so i am assuming they will end up in the rejection pile. for the final three, if i do get accepted into a program, i will probably not get fully funded (by a long shot). however, these three could end up as rejections as well. is it worth it to start pursuing external funding, or should i just wait to see what my actual options are? i'm not in a situation where i have much free time at all, so this isn't a question of laziness. it's a question of investing much of my free time in scholarship apps, which could all be for naught. of course, if i do get accepted without funding i will kick myself for not starting sooner. but if thattime comes the acceptance alone will provide the motivation and necessity to work throughthe scholarship process. will it be too late to get external funding if i wait? any thoughts? anyone in the same boat? thanks! and congrats to all recent acceptances!! and to everyone still waiting -- i feel ya!

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Ah, you'll have a terrible time picking between Stanford and Harvard. laugh.gif

I suppose. It's a nice place to be in, to be sure, but I think I'm pretty much set on Stanford. From all the checking in I've done, it seems like you're lucky if the Harvard profs give you the time of day, whereas the Stanford senior faculty are inviting you to wine tastings in Napa Valley. Pretty stark difference.

edit: With that said, anyone who is also trying to decide between Stanford and Harvard, PM me! We should compare notes -- there are some issues to think through.

Edited by tarrou
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Congratulations to everyone who got into Harvard! That's quite an accomplishment! Not to change the subject, but I'm still confused about MIT. Does anyone know if there will be any more acceptances? Normally they send out letters a couple days after making some initial calls. It's the last school I'm waiting to hear from, and I really want to move on with my life...

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