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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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I land mostly on the latter.

I applied to WashU, as well, and haven't heard anything. They made my application list after I did my research, but then when I went to write my SoP later I had a really hard time finding faculty whose work fit well. I had zero confidence in fit there and was puzzled by my previous conclusion that I should apply, so I'm totally not surprised to get dinged.

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Sorry, but I have to ask: your name seems awfully similar to mine, especially since we're in the same subfield...

Anyway, I have to say that the waiting is driving me bonkers. I don't know about you guys, but I keep swinging back and forth between "I'm going to get accepted lots of places" to "God I hope just get in somewhere."

This week has taken a monster toll. Work is pretty slow too, which means that I'm trying to keep myself from hitting refresh on the results page all day-was actually pretty optimistic about my chances until the first Stanford acceptances began rolling in last week. Playing tons of online Axis and Allies has been a great distraction though-I highly recommend it to everyone here.

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This week has taken a monster toll. Work is pretty slow too, which means that I'm trying to keep myself from hitting refresh on the results page all day-was actually pretty optimistic about my chances until the first Stanford acceptances began rolling in last week. Playing tons of online Axis and Allies has been a great distraction though-I highly recommend it to everyone here.

I thought I was all by myself with the refresh button thing. I have spent all day today in a cycle: I hit refresh. I explain to myself that my own results are not posted on GradCafe. I hit refresh on my e-mail tab. I forget everything I taught myself. I hit refresh again. Pause to work on Egypt stuff and read (I am an analyst.) Pause to consider what working forever with no PhD would be like. Hit refresh again. Restart cycle.

I think the only way to break this stupid cycle is to not work. I think I'm calling in sick tomorrow.

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I've been cooking like crazy. The freezer is almost empty of bones, though, and full of stock and glace, so I'm going to have to come up with something else to do or start eating six times a day.

I guess I could start on all the dishes...

Yeah, and here's the worst part: My masters is interdisciplinary, so right now I'm working on some really inane stuff for a class that isn't my favorite. Basically, its 2000 words on econometric data. Yuck.

I've started watching a lot of movies/TV even though I literally never do during term time. The Daily Show is keeping me sane (even though I have to use my old university's VPN client to view it from abroad), and documentaries are becoming a solid part of my life now.

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This week has taken a monster toll. Work is pretty slow too, which means that I'm trying to keep myself from hitting refresh on the results page all day-was actually pretty optimistic about my chances until the first Stanford acceptances began rolling in last week. Playing tons of online Axis and Allies has been a great distraction though-I highly recommend it to everyone here.

Minecraft is a godsend for me.

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Reading your posts was a total relief. These days havebeen terrible. I had surgery last week and I can’t move a lot, so I’m prettymuch stuck on my bed. I’ve tried almost everything but I can’t stop the refreshbutton thing… it’s driving me insane.

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Sorry, but I have to ask: your name seems awfully similar to mine, especially since we're in the same subfield...

It is weird how that turned out. Anyway I took it from Jabberwocky in Through the Looking Glass...as I've attempted to read as much unrelated material as possible to deal with the waiting.

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Sorry, but I have to ask: your name seems awfully similar to mine, especially since we're in the same subfield...

Anyway, I have to say that the waiting is driving me bonkers. I don't know about you guys, but I keep swinging back and forth between "I'm going to get accepted lots of places" to "God I hope just get in somewhere."

Since I've been accepted at one place, I'm fairly hopeful that I'll be accepted to more--I don't think that 2 out of 3 remaining is unrealistic. This is in part because the school that accepted me was very enthusiastic, and the school (Pitt) that didn't accept me wasn't, in hindsight, that good of a fit.

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Anyone want to claim the 'toolish' Stanford rejection?

No, I kept it classy in my rejection. My list of nine has two competitive schools, five schools that are a reach, and two that were outright "hail mary" passes. Duke and Stanford were my Hail Mary's, so no bitterness here, although I do plan to root rather aggressively against Duke in the NCAA Tournament next month.

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I just found this forum last night after being rejected by Stanford. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one worried/concerned. So far I've heard back from Davis/Duke/Stanford, and all three have been rejections. I wasn't expecting that many rejections, since I have a pretty great background and good letters. It's been hard making the mental transition from expecting lots of acceptances to hoping and praying for just one.

I keep checking my e-mail at least 10,000 times per day, but it would seem that most schools call you if they want to admit you, eh?

Edited by explodedstressball
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