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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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0 for 3 now after Michigan. Getting my ass kicked and thinking I may have vastly overestimated my own abilities.

I feel you on that - definitely regretting taking advisor's advice to "only apply to top schools." Oh well.

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also just got dinged by UMich. Not at all surprised since it wasn't really a good fit for my interests and was probably out of my league, but it still sucks. and am in the same boat wondering if I'm going to strike out this year :(

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sorry didn't mean to seem uptight, i was just kidding around. tone on anonymous internet postings etc etc

um how about a little levity: http://www.flickr.co...ace/3812964280/

my personal favorite protest sign

Not at all. I was just covering my ass in case I had offended you. smile.gif

Solid work, that sign.

By the way, I was looking at some of the big name decisions from last year, and it looks like Chicago will be sending out admits next week. Anyone else waiting on them?

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Yes! impatiently waiting on Chicago, but super-scared of rejections after getting one from Michigan today.

Who are you interested in working with at Chicago?

Well, Chicago is funny because from my PS, it doesn't look like a good fit. However, since submitting my app I've really moved toward IR theory, so Chicago actually has quite a few people that could supervise me effectively. Who knows, though. I wouldn't be surprised if I don't get an offer for the "fit" reason.

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I hope that's not true for either of us. I wrote in one of my essays about the Dunning-Krueger effect, which basically says that people always underestimate how incompetent they are. I used that example to explain the really long, winding path that I am taking to a PhD. Now I am hoping they didn't just read that and go "Oh! You definitely suffer from this! Good to know there's a name for your problem!".

Any way, good luck with the rest of your applications. I don't know you, but I want to say that I am sure you will get in somewhere you like.

Many thanks for the support secretly_yes. If I remember correctly, you're currently working as an area analyst? I'm also at a desk job (researcher at a political committee) and the fact that we've slowed down significantly since November has made the waiting so much worse. No substantive workload to keep my mind off of decisions during the workday-only browser strategy games and blogs to stay occupied at my desk! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us though.

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Interesting about the D-K effect; a lot of grad students suffer the opposite sense that they squeaked in without the right qualifications (sometimes called "imposter syndrome", unscientifically).

I'm waiting on Chicago. I was interested in Pape and Simpser, primarily. This one doesn't hold a lot of promise for me; fit is about the middle of the pack for my applications and competition really high. I'd say it's a lot like Duke that way.

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Interesting about the D-K effect; a lot of grad students suffer the opposite sense that they squeaked in without the right qualifications (sometimes called "imposter syndrome", unscientifically).

I'm waiting on Chicago. I was interested in Pape and Simpser, primarily. This one doesn't hold a lot of promise for me; fit is about the middle of the pack for my applications and competition really high. I'd say it's a lot like Duke that way.

I used the D-K effect to say that if I had gone from middle of nowhere school in unrelated program to PhD that would have been crazy, but that I worked really hard to go from middle of nowhere school in unrelated program to what I hope is a good application. We'll see how that strategy worked.

I am waiting on Chicago too, but after Michigan's decision today, I am not excited about Chicago. :(

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ARGGHH! I have heard nothing from anywhere. I'm guessing that's a bad sign, but I'd rather just have a reject in hand than endure any more of this waiting. The inconsistent and seemingly arbitrary admit process is frustrating as hell; I really wish they would just send out things at the same time at a specified date and time. Would that really be so hard to do? E.g., "Dear Applicant, [XYZ] University will notify all applicants of their status (accept, reject, waitlist) by e-mail on February 4, 2011 at 12:00PM EST. Do not inquire about your status until that time." ARGHHH!

Edited by wtncffts
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Just FYI Simpser is no longer at Chicago as of the end of this academic year. So when you get in, you should take that into consideration.

Consarnit! Thanks for the hint. Where is he headed?

If I don't get in, his move will be my excuse. "Yes," I will imagine the adcomm saying, "this GopherGrad fellow is quite talented, but without Simpser where will put him!?"

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Currently a visiting fellow at the Hoover institute at Stanford and I don't know where he will be after that. Chicago denied him at the 3rd year review stage. The consensus is that he has lots of interesting research, but none of it was published yet.

Consarnit! Thanks for the hint. Where is he headed?

If I don't get in, his move will be my excuse. "Yes," I will imagine the adcomm saying, "this GopherGrad fellow is quite talented, but without Simpser where will put him!?"

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That's too bad. I used his syllabi to help flesh out my reading list before starting applications.

As an applicant, the transient nature of faculty is a little frustrating sometimes, especially when the people you want to work with are younger. I'm hoping that older faculty don't move as much, although if someone next tells me that William Reno is moving to Yale I'm going to move to Ohio and try to become a plumber.

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I think one should be allowed to say I really want to work with Professor Lowenthal or whoever replaces him while he is away on sabatical/at a fellowship/rejecting applicants at other universities.

Unfortunately, I think admissions committees don't reward honesty. Oh well...

That's too bad. I used his syllabi to help flesh out my reading list before starting applications.

As an applicant, the transient nature of faculty is a little frustrating sometimes, especially when the people you want to work with are younger. I'm hoping that older faculty don't move as much, although if someone next tells me that William Reno is moving to Yale I'm going to move to Ohio and try to become a plumber.

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As I've watched people celebrate and lament Ann Arbor decisions today, I'm left confused because I haven't received anything from them.

Good sign or bad?


Same here. Anyone else not hear back from Michigan?

3 Acceptances and 20 or more rejections posted on the results page, and still no word. :(

Edited by gariddong
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That's too bad. I used his syllabi to help flesh out my reading list before starting applications.

As an applicant, the transient nature of faculty is a little frustrating sometimes, especially when the people you want to work with are younger. I'm hoping that older faculty don't move as much, although if someone next tells me that William Reno is moving to Yale I'm going to move to Ohio and try to become a plumber.

It's especially bad when the faculty member does something that no one else does. Pitt had Wenfang Tang, who does some very good work in Chinese politics and public opinion. He had a few grad students working with him, but then Iowa offered him a plum spot. So for now Pitt has no one that does Chinese politics (or East Asian politics in general). Plus, two years ago they lost their sole Africanist, and haven't replaced him.

I made sure that I was applying to schools where some senior level faculty did what I was interested in, in part because of worries about faculty movement.

It looks like UNC is contacting people by email now. I have not been contacted, nor has the website revealed anything about my status. Which probably doesn't bode well for me--I'm thinking wait list or rejection.

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Many thanks for the support secretly_yes. If I remember correctly, you're currently working as an area analyst? I'm also at a desk job (researcher at a political committee) and the fact that we've slowed down significantly since November has made the waiting so much worse. No substantive workload to keep my mind off of decisions during the workday-only browser strategy games and blogs to stay occupied at my desk! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us though.

If you're looking for a good browser game for work and like RPGs, this is it: http://www.dragonagejourneys.com/

It's pretty much Dragon Age Lite. Definitely the most in-depth flash game ever created.

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I got rejected from Michigan today. I was one of the many who were massacred lol. I know Ohio state, Wisconsin, and UCLA have been sending out decisions. Have not heard from any of those schools yet. I take that as a good sign.

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